A New Dimension in Body Sculpting
October, 2017 - Issue #157
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Your muffin top. That pocket of "chunk" on the inside of your knee. The saddlebags that make clothes cling in all the wrong ways. What stubborn fat have you grabbed, pinched or cursed at, knowing that diet and exercise wouldn't do much - if anything - to send it packing?

"I called it the 'bulge that wouldn't budge,'" shares Samantha D. of Valencia. "After having two kids, I felt like I had a ring of fat around my stomach that was just going to be there forever. The skin was lax and it felt like jelly. If I rolled over on my side, it rolled with me. I literally had to tuck it into leggings and jeans. When I sat down, it made a fat roll that was really embarrassing to me, so I used to sit with my arms across my stomach. I'm ashamed to admit how much those three inches of fat bothered me, but it did - no matter how much I tried to be body positive and accept it. I just wanted it gone."

"We treat a lot of patients who share Samantha's complaints," says Dr. Justin Heller, board-certified plastic surgeon and owner of Heller Plastic Surgery. "Depending on your body type, age and metabolism, you can have very, very stubborn pockets of fat that seem immune to a healthy diet and exercise.

Traditionally, the aesthetic solution for these trouble spots was liposuction. I still perform many minimally-invasive lipo treatments - the results can be spectacular. But too many patients can't accommodate the downtime and cost of liposuction; we needed an alternative. I wasn't thrilled by the science and results of non-invasive methods of inch reduction - until now. With truSculpt 3D, I can provide my patients with an FDA-approved, safe and incredibly effective fat-reduction treatment I trust."

Decreasing circumference and diminishing unwanted pockets of fat is the "truSculpt 3D" way, with a significant number of clinical trials showing remarkable efficacy at "melting that muffin top." In fact, while many patients experience over 30 percent reduction of fat/inches after one treatment, the incredible average reduction of 24 percent has patients talking.

"When I saw the before and afters of real patients, the thermal image scans showing truSculpt 3D working and the ultrasound pictures proving amazing percentages of inch loss, I was sold," says Samantha. "And now that I've had the treatment done, I can say that I'm thrilled with the results. It didn't hurt at all; I was very comfortable the entire time. I started noticing that my stomach was flatter about six weeks after my one-hour appointment and I was down two mommy-jean sizes by three months out. I went from being able to pinch a lot of fat to only a little bit. The bonus for me was that my loose tummy skin also really tightened up and looks much smoother, too. My friend was so impressed, she demanded that I lift up my top and show her sister - when we were out to lunch! I did it, too, because for the first time in forever, I'm proud of my figure!"
Heller Plastic Surgery is located in the Atrium Building next to City Hall in Valencia. The comfortable, well-appointed office is now accepting patients and scheduling complimentary consultations. 661-233-4949

The "Tru" to You Plan for Remarkable Inch Loss
1. Call Heller Plastic Surgery & Schedule your Appointment
This body-makeover treatment doesn't require downtime, so don't worry about squeezing it into your already-tight (Like those jeans you'll fit into after truSculpt 3D!) schedule. You can even do it on your lunch break; a full abdomen and "flanks" (love handles) treatment only takes about an hour.

2. Lie Back & Relax
Because truSculpt 3D treatments uniquely regulate temperature to both assure your comfort and provide consistently-beautiful results, the process is pain free. The safe radio-frequency energy feels like a pleasant hot-stone massage. Some of Dr. Heller's patients have even fallen asleep during their truSculpt 3D treatment!

3. Expect Results
After your relaxing treatment, your body's immune system will begin breaking down and flushing out the millions of affected fat cells. You'll notice results around six to eight weeks after treatment, with inch loss continuing for up to three months.

4. Enjoy Life
Keep your existing healthy eating and exercise practices to maintain your new uniform figure. Ready to treat another area of your body? Dr. Heller customizes your truSculpt 3D treatment to your body, quickly and easily covering both large and small areas that, with other methods, would be considered out of reach.
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