Bye Bye Belly!
August, 2017 - Issue #155
Is your "muffin top" giving you a rise? Hoping to break up with your love handles? Take a note from NSYNC and sing "Bye Bye Bye" while making a plan to ban that belly for good!
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courtesy of Shutterstock

Bye, Bye, Bye with Coolsculpting
The ugly truth is, we all have stubborn fat. And as we age, gravity and genetics only make things worse. Proper diet and exercise are not enough to keep these unwanted bulges at bay. Coolsculpting is the solution for getting the body you want - without surgery or downtime. The Coolsculpting procedure safely delivers precisely-controlled cooling to gently and effectively target unwanted fat cells in the selected area to induce a noticeable, natural-looking reduction in fat bulges. You can lose up to 25 percent of your fat cells each time you are treated. (You need to wait six weeks in between treatments if you need to treat the same area twice.).

The area being treated is connected to a vacuum attachment, then fat cells are crystallized (Frozen, in fact!) and die over a three-month period. Your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving a more sculpted you. There is no pain and treatment time starts at 35 minutes depending on areas being treated. Full results can be seen as quickly as three weeks and results are permanent. The cost is an affordable $1,300 per treatment area. Address excess fat in your lower or upper abdomen, flanks, bra bulge, inner or outer thighs, men's breast and arms. And it's only $650 to treat the chin! Deeper discounts are available with larger packages and consultations are free.
Advanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Care 254-3686

Bye, Bye, Bye with Liposculpture
Liposuction or liposculpture is a procedure designed to permanently remove excessive fat that is resistant to exercise and diet. There are several different techniques when it comes to performing liposuction, such as power-assisted liposuction or tumescent. They are all effective in achieving the results.

However, selecting an experienced surgeon and being a good candidate for the procedure are the most crucial aspects for optimal results. The procedure is performed in an operating room, under sterile conditions, under local or general anesthesia - and up to five liters of fat can be removed! The hips, thighs, buttocks, stomach, flanks (Your love handles!) and back can be treated. The recovery takes about three to five days. The main difference between liposuction and fat freezing is, with the former, multiple areas can be aggressively treated. When fat is frozen, only one or two areas can be treated simultaneously, and with less fat affected in comparison to what is removed by liposuction.
Beverly Hills Physicians 249-4040

Bye, Bye, Bye with SmartLipo & Liposuction
Liposuction, a popular treatment for slimming and smoothing, removes fat cells from the body via a small stainless steel tube called a cannula, along with a powerful vacuum. The removal is key, as taking fat cells out of the body is the only way to ensure that the fat is gone. Dieting merely shrinks fat cells, leaving them to balloon up again if given the opportunity. Cells removed via liposuction can't impact the body anymore, as they are no longer in the system. In other words, the fat cells suctioned out during a liposuction procedure will not be coming back. While many popular and effective nonsurgical fat reduction treatments have developed in recent years, nothing can duplicate the aesthetic effects of surgical liposuction.

SmartLipo works by using laser energy that's produced by a laser fiber less than 1mm in diameter. It is inserted into the skin through a tiny incision. The laser sends out energy at two different frequencies that melt the fat cells and also promote rejuvenation of collagen in the skin, giving you an ideal end result with minimal discomfort. Since the laser point is so small, it makes it easier for the doctor to shape smaller areas such as the breasts, neck or chin. In cases where there is more area, such as your stomach or thighs, Dr. Youssef will use SmartLipo in addition to traditional liposuction - hence the phrase, "laser-assisted liposuction." Younique Cosmetic Surgery 388-0040

Tummy Waxing
Whether it's bikini season, getting back to water aerobics or sitting at poolside in your new swimsuit, giving your tummy a waxing will make you feel good and leave you with a body you'll want to show off all summer long. It's even something that expectant mommies are doing that makes them feel pampered and smooth before their big day. Men have "tummy trails" and so do most women, which can be eliminated during a waxing session. Remember, there are no areas that are out of the question during a waxing, whether it's a bikini or a brazilian! Waxing - especially at the hands of an expert like Heather Nelson - is the preferred method of hair removal and an affordable luxury for an all-over good feeling. Treat yourself to pampering from tip to toe and know that you're the one heads are turning to watch this summer!
WAX by Heather Nelson 644-4346
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