Dr. Heller Helps Patient Thrive at 65
August, 2017 - Issue #155
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Over and over again, we're learning that you can rock any age - if you want to.

"You can really feel great about being 65. I do!" says Alexandra, a SCV resident. "After my two procedures with Dr. Heller, when I look in the mirror, my first thought is: 'I look good!'"

Alexandra, who two months ago had a breast reduction and, prior to that, a neck lift with the board-certified surgeon, continues: "I am one of those people who sees something they don't like on their body and thinks: 'That just needs some more diet and exercise!' But with my neck, I had hanging skin and lines. That was age, pure and simple. No amount of dieting was going to fix it. One night I looked in the mirror and yelled to my husband, 'I need help here! This isn't going to go away on its own!' and he said, 'Well then just go get it fixed!' I made an appointment for a consultation the next week and that was that!"

"Everyone knew my name, everyone was warm and kind - and no one made me feel like an OLD LADY. I am proud to recommend Dr. Heller and his staff to anyone!"
~ Alexandra, Santa Clarita
Alexandra's complaints - extra skin that's especially visible from the side, as well as lines and wrinkles on the neck - are similar to many others in the "over 60" set. "Genetics, gravity, and lifestyle choices can all affect how we physically age," says Dr. Justin Heller, owner of Heller Plastic Surgery. "The good news is, a great deal can be addressed with minimally-invasive procedures. In Alexandra's case, I was able to do what I call an 'internal lift,' engaging not just the surface tissue and skin but the delicate muscles and fat compartments below. The result is an incredibly-natural look that never appears 'pulled.'"

"People tell me all the time, 'You look so young for your age, you look so good!' I don't tell many people what I had done, and they'd never guess by looking at me. I love my results!" says Alexandra. "That's why, not long after my neck procedure, I decided to go back to Dr. Heller for a breast reduction. I had chosen him the first time because of his amazing credentials - he was on the team that did the world's first full face transplant - but also because I felt instantly comfortable with him. And his staff is just so kind and amazing! They are simply wonderful - all of them - so it was very easy to make the decision to have Dr. Heller perform my next surgery, too."

"Alexandra wanted her chest to be more proportionate with the rest of her body," says Dr. Heller. "She has a very fit aesthetic and wanted to reduce her size-D breasts to a B cup. She has long arms, a toned back and a narrow waist, so I understood how her breasts could feel cumbersome with her build. Again, I performed an internal lift so that the breast tissue now has a perkier, more-feminine and youthful shape."

"I love my new breasts!" says Alexandra. "They fit my body and my lifestyle so much better. I can find clothes that fit now and in the winter, I'll be able to find a jacket that I can button that's flattering! I am just so thrilled with these two procedures - and I'm even talking to strangers about my experience, because friends see my results and say, 'I have someone I need you to talk to about this! She's been wanting the same for ages!'
Heller Plastic Surgery is located in the Atrium Building next to City Hall in Valencia. The comfortable, well-appointed office is now accepting patients and scheduling complimentary consultations. 661-233-4949

Dr. Heller's Education and Experiences
American Board of Plastic Surgery Board Certification
MOHS Fellowship
University of California Irvine Orthopaedic Hand & Microsurgery Fellowship
University of Texas Southwestern Plastic Surgery Residency with specialization in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
UCLA Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Craniofacial Research Fellowship
Yale University School of Medicine
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