Hello, Bright Eyes
New Eyelid Surgery Techniques are Worth Another Look
April, 2015 - Issue #126
Have you ever heard someone complain that they "just can't keep their eyes open?" What you may have perceived as an exaggeration could be all too true, says Dr. Justin Heller of Heller Plastic Surgery.

"As people age, the extra skin on the upper and lower eyelids becomes droopy. Between the weight of that tissue and the reduced muscle tone, a person's vision can become noticeably blocked on the sides and they quite literally have to work to 'keep their eyes open.' The effort can be fatiguing," says the board-certified plastic surgeon.

It is possible to "reset the clock," however. "You can look 10 to 15 years younger around the eyes with a very simple eyelid procedure," says the doctor. Typically, sutures are removed in three to four days and makeup can be applied 48 hours later.

Dr. Heller's methods not only mean ultra-fast recoveries but also more flattering results. "Outdated eyelid surgery methods included a removal of extra skin and fat below and above the eye. This lead to the area looking more open, but also more hollow. I utilize the fat to the patient's advantage by repositioning it to where it was in youth; coupled with excess skin excision and the end result in a naturally looking eyelid with a smooth contour. Botox® Cosmetic can also be paired with this procedure to create a slightly lifted brow, thus completing the rejuvenation of the eyelid area.
Heller Plastic Surgery is located in the Atrium Building next to City Hall in Valencia. The comfortable, well-appointed office is now accepting patients and scheduling complimentary consultations. This month, call for special reduced pricing on products like Botox® Cosmetic, Latisse®, dermal fillers and surgical procedures. 661-233-4949

Ask Dr. Heller

I've wanted a nose job since I was 15 (I'm now 27.). I have a bump at the bridge and my nose is, in my opinion, too long for my face. I have a little hook at the tip, too. I've collected dozens of pictures of noses that I like. I really want to get this done - especially since I've heard it will help with my breathing, too.

A rhinoplasty, or a nose job, in my office, is a procedure with meticulous attention to detail. You and I will meet several times to take pictures of your nose from every angle and I'll draw up a plan for your approval that addresses what you want to achieve. In this procedure, we can adjust the tip shape, dorsal hump, width of nose and even nasal length.

Also, it is important to know that the external appearance of a nose is a reflection of the internal anatomy. When I examine a nose for aesthetic correction, the function of the nose may also be improved. In fact, correction of a nasal airway obstruction can have a profound impact on sleep patterns, snoring, daytime tiredness and even allergies.

Most important, though: The end result will be a nose that fits your desires, matches well with your features, and functions better, too.

Dr. Heller's Education and Experiences
Justin Heller, MD is more than just a board-certified plastic surgeon. He is also the author of over 35 medical papers, a renowned international speaker and an innovator in his field. Here's a brief summary of this Yale Medical School graduate's education and experience. Impressed? So were we!

2013 American Board of Plastic Surgery Board Certification
2012 MOHS Fellowship
2011 University of California Irvine Orthopaedic Hand & Microsurgery Fellowship
2006-2011 University of Texas Southwestern Plastic Surgery Residency with specialization in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
2004-2005 UCLA Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Craniofacial Research Fellowship
2001-2006 Yale University School of Medicine
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