Lose Inches, not Time
November, 2017 - Issue #158
courtesy of Shutterstock (far above)
courtesy of Shutterstock (far above)
What would you do if, tomorrow, you woke up with 24 percent less fat thickness on the parts of your body that frustrate you the most? Would you slide on those skinny jeans with ease? Sport a sexy bathing suit again for the first time in... forever? Sit down without crossing your arms over your muffin top?

"I wanted to do all of that - and more!" says Shelby S., 39, of Santa Clarita. "I was pretty cocky in my early 30s; even after I had kids, I stayed pretty trim. But something happened when I hit 35; it was like everything I ate just... stuck, especially around my stomach, hips and thighs. My arms got thick, too. My weight didn't change remarkably, maybe only by 10 or 15 pounds, but it was fat I simply could not get rid of. I'd diet and lose a little, but it would always come back."

"This kind of fat accumulation is very normal in women and men, and we begin hearing more and more of these complaints as patients enter their 30s and beyond. As our metabolisms slow and genetics start playing a bigger role in how we carry our excess weight, losing stubborn fat with diet and exercise alone becomes nearly impossible for many," says Dr. Justin Heller, board-certified plastic surgeon and owner of Heller Plastic Surgery in Valencia.

"I have always been active," says Shelby, "but that wasn't enough anymore to keep my waist narrow and stomach flat - a quality I used to be so proud of when I was younger. When I found out that Dr. Heller's office began offering truSculpt 3D, I was immediately intrigued because, first, Dr. Heller has a fantastic reputation and is known for jaw-dropping results. I knew he wouldn't offer a service he didn't believe in - so that got my attention immediately. But in my research I also found that with truSculpt, you can have a totally-non-invasive, pain-free treatment on up to four parts of the body in only an hour... and that you will see results after your first treatment over the course of weeks, as your body's immune system releases the treated fat from your body. I can't take the time off work for surgery, so the no-down-time really appealed to me. After I saw the 'befores' and 'afters,' I was sold!"

"Before truSculpt 3D, I wasn't confident in any of the non-invasive treatments for fat-thickness reduction on the market. The results and efficacy just weren't where I wanted them to be for my patients," explains Dr. Heller. "That's why I continued to rely on my minimally-invasive liposuction techniques, which do provide exquisite results - but there's some down time, and the expense is higher. Now, I can offer my patients slimming results without a single incision with truSculpt 3D. It doesn't take the place of all liposuction procedures, but in many cases, the results provided are exactly what many patients are looking for."
Heller Plastic Surgery is located in the Atrium Building next to City Hall in Valencia. The comfortable,
well-appointed office is now accepting patients and scheduling complimentary consultations.

What You Need to Know about truSculpt 3D
It's true: truSculpt 3D diminishes unwanted pockets of fat found just under the skin - the ones that resist diet and exercise. Using safe, effective radio-frequency energy, truSculpt 3D delivers dramatic results fast, without surgery and without downtime.

There's no post-treatment discomfort or downtime with truSculpt 3D; you can slip right back into your busy lifestyle immediately after your appointment.
Unlike other fat-thickness-reducing methods, truSculpt 3D results are uniform, consistent and designed to reveal your ideal figure. The entire process is customized to your body, easily targeting problem areas large and small.
You'll get results quicker - truSculpt 3D can be used to treat up to four trouble areas of the body during the same one-hour session.

Most patients see the majority of their results six to eight weeks after treatment, which allows your body time to naturally remove the spent fat cells, but results continue to improve up to three months after treatment. Many patients also see results much earlier than six weeks, making this non-invasive treatment an ideal choice prior to special events or the holiday season.
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