Meet your Match
Find the Fitness Studio that's Right for You
October, 2015 - Issue #132
Your "best body" is possible when you partner with a fitness program that engages your mind and challenges your muscles in a way that makes you sweat - and smile! Here are three SCV favorites that have cultivated a huge collection of more-fit followers. Call for new-member promotions and free intro classes.

High Energy Workout with Integrity of Pilates Biomechanics
This gym/studio is categorized as... The place where you get killer results with an unparalleled machine! A WundaBody earns long, lean muscles and toned abs, arms and behind. And that's not all - a WundaBody also burns fat and calories with the most efficient use of an exercise minute, delivering individual attention and results beyond compare!

After working out here, you will... Stand taller, feel great and have a better experience in your own skin.

The best way to describe this workout is... Intense! They combine the Reformer, Wunda Chair, Ballet Bar and Jump Board into one unbelievable machine. You'll never take the same class twice and the 45-minute classes fly by, challenging you at every turn.

This workout is based on principles like... Wunda's team of educators lead focused, high-energy core-shredding workouts taught at a cardio-intense pace with the integrity of Pilates biomechanics. 255-5411

Boutique Barre Fitness Studio

This studio is categorized as... A boutique barre fitness studio specializing in creating a long, lean dancer-like physique.

In a nutshell, Bella Barre helps clients...Rebuild core strength and regain confidence! Bella Barre allows women to feel empowered and renewed as they make positive physical changes within a supportive community.

After working out here, your body will be...Toned, lifted and sculpted to look like a dancer's. Bella Barre allows women to strengthen their core, tone specific muscle groups and sculpt their unique shapes for the best, fittest version of themselves.

The best way to describe this workout is...Dance-inspired but certainly not a dance class. Specific muscle groups are targeted through repetition until fatigue (Commonly known as shaking!), followed immediately by a reparative stretch. The class is designed to be low impact while burning fat and sculpting muscle definition. You get an intense full body workout with fun music and charismatic instructors.

This workout is based on principles like... At Bella Barre, the body is engaged through precise low impact motion to fatigue targeted areas, creating malleable muscles prime for toning and strengthening. Postures and movements are based on yoga, Pilates and ballet. The technique also utilizes isometric strength training (holding contractions) and small range-of-motion repetition. 299-7767

Premier Indoor Cycling

This studio is categorized as... The only premier indoor cycling studio in the Santa Clarita Valley.

Cycleup helps clients... Stay motivated! Their indoor cycling instructors are simply the best in Santa Clarita and will have you motivated to take your fitness to a higher level. Knowledgeable, experienced instructors put together the most energetic playlists out there, pairing rhythmic coaching cues with powerful tunes that transport riders to an inspirational place and push you to achieve your personal best.

After working out here, your body will be... Stronger, more powerful, and more athletic than you ever thought it could be. With PIQ performance technology, riders can track their progress and break records every week. Your body will truly perform for you in any challenge or day-to-day stresses. Plus, you will have envied, sexy cycling legs to go with it.

The best way to describe this workout is... Performance oriented, calorie crushing, inspirational rides that change you from the inside out.

This workout is based on principles like... With the ability to track performance with each ride, these cycling classes truly apply the Principle of Progressive Overload. As you watch your performance improve, each ride inspires you to reach for higher goals, progressively overloading your body's systems and muscles to adapt and change to a new level of fitness. 645-3060
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