Plastic Surgery Transformations Available to Locals
New Docu-series to Track Effect Treatments have on Quality of Life
May, 2015 - Issue #127

Have you ever wondered how your life would be different if your plastic-surgery dreams became a reality?

That's the premise of a new docu-series just launched by a major cable network.

"I love the idea of providing PLASTIC SURGERY to participants who are willing to share their unique story with the world. I have the honor of seeing how exceptional procedures can directly and quickly improve the quality of my patients' lives and I'm excited for everyone else to get a glimpse of this reality as well."
Dr. Justin Heller of Heller Plastic Surgery in Valencia
The production giant is currently seeking both men and women who are eager to radically alter their physical appearance. Applicants should not only want to boost their confidence but also alter their lives - and destinies - via plastic surgery.

Valencia board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Justin Heller of Heller Plastic Surgery, is an aesthetic surgery expert and is eager to help local residents who are seeking a drastic physical change and are interested in participating in the docu-series that should begin filming in 2015.

"This concept is truly exciting and inspirational. The intention is to focus on the process in a way that really communicates the stories behind plastic surgery. In my own practice, I see every day just how profound and positive an affect a plastic surgery procedure can have on a patient," says Dr. Heller. "I'm thrilled that this new platform will not only connect deserving individuals with treatments but that it will also lift the veil on the plastic-surgery process."

The series will follow a variety of individuals of varying ages, genders and ethnicities as they receive treatment for physical ailments, "problem spots," self-esteem boosts and more. Treatments provided are not limited to plastic surgery but may also include acne treatments, dental procedures and more. The only restrictions are that you must be 21 or older and a legal US resident, as you'll be compensated for your appearance.

"So many people struggle their whole life with their appearance," says Dr. Heller. "I often ask my patients about regrets. The most common answer post-op is, 'I only wish I had done this sooner.' More and more people are realizing that, especially with our minimally-invasive procedures, plastic surgery can fit into their life - and dramatically improve it. This docu-series will capture those stories and I would be honored to be part of it."

Interested in Getting Plastic Surgery & Sharing Your Story?
If you or someone you know has considered an extreme plastic surgery transformation and is willing to share the journey with viewers at home please contact Dr. Heller's office at 661-233-4949 and e-mail the following information to
• Name, age and home address
• Brief paragraph introducing yourself and explaining why you'd like to alter your appearance
• A list of the procedures you'd like
• Two or three photos of yourself
• Your best contact phone number
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