Saying Goodbye to Cellulite with Cellfina
September, 2016 - Issue #143
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courtesy of Shutterstock

"I had cellulite at 13 years old. It shattered my confidence. I love to work out. I have run marathons. I should be able to feel confident but cellulite took that away from me. After the procedure I SAW RESULTS in a couple days. It was like a miracle. The drastic dimples I had were completely gone! When I saw my results I was in complete shock. I have literally tried everything, laser, liposuction, wraps, scrubs... and I was always trying to find ways to cover it up. The first thing I wore after my Cellfina was a swimsuit! This is a HUGE GIFT TO WOMEN. I tell all my friends and family about it."
Brooke, Cellfina patient
"Dimples," "cottage cheese" or "cellulite." It doesn't really matter what we name those little divots in our buttocks and thighs; what we'd like to call them is "gone."

"One of the number-one complaints we hear about is cellulite," says Dr. Craig Ingber, owner of DermaCure Valencia. "Topical treatments are useless. That's why we're thrilled to offer our patients a cellulite-free physique with Cellfina," says the board-certified aesthetic doctor.

Performed at DermaCure in less than an hour, the Cellfina system treats the primary structural cause of cellulite - the connective bands from the fat to the skin. These tight bands pull the skin down, creating the puckering you see on the surface of your buttocks and thighs. Similar to a rubber band under tension, once released, the treated skin bounces back to smooth itself out in as little as three days.

"What's so exciting about Cellfina goes beyond the incredible results; this treatment also has remarkable staying power. Two years after one Cellfina session, 100 percent of patients still had noticeable improvement on the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS). You rarely see results like that in my profession. It's incredibly impressive!" says the celebrated physician. If that's not enough, a whopping 96 percent of patients are satisfied with their treatment at the two-year mark.

"For women who've struggled with cellulite their whole lives, and that's over 80 percent of them over the age of 20, this is a game changer," says Dr. Ingber. "Our patients are experiencing smoother buttocks and thighs for the first time in their adult lives, usually three days after their first treatment."
Cellfina is available at DermaCure Valencia. 257-8400

How Cellfina Works
The FDA-cleared Cellfina cellulite treatment typically takes less than an hour. Performed by Dr. Ingber and his medical staff in the comfortable DermaCure Valencia office, Cellfina combines a proven approach with innovative, proprietary technology to treat the primary structural cause of cellulite. First, cellulite dimples are marked. Then they deliver a local numbing agent, followed by the treatment itself. Afterward, patients are able to go about their day, but may want to take it easy for up to 24 hours. Results are visible in as little as three days and those results are still evident two years after treatment.

Cellfina is Safe
Cellfina does not involve an operating room or general anesthesia - just a minimally-invasive, small needle-sized device to treat the cellulite-causing bands just beneath the surface of the skin. No serious adverse events were associated with Cellfina in the pivotal study, either. The most common side effects reported by patients were soreness, tenderness and bruising. Just three days after treatment, patients rated their pain as minimal (2.7 on a scale of 0 to 10) and most (82 percent) felt pain only with touch or pressure to the area treated. This minimal pain improved quickly with time.
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