BEAUTY Inside & Out
The Beauty of a Pain-Free Back
December, 2007 - Issue #38
A strong and flexible back is a precious asset. If you doubt that to be true, just ask someone with back pain how much value they place on a healthy, pain-free spine.

These days, back pain is rampant in our society. Obesity, inadequate exercise, poor posture, improper lifting and injuries are among the numerous causes of this complaint.

The second-leading reason for doctor visits (the first is the common cold), some 80 million people in America now suffer from back pain.

"Most back pains are problems of the spinal joints, either moving too little (fixation dysfunction), or too much (instability)," stated licensed chiropractor Dr. Thomas Polucki of Beyond Relief Chiropractic in Santa Clarita. "These small problems grow bigger when you consider the spine is the lifeline of good posture."

You cannot do much with a bad back - it affects your entire life and daily activities, said Polucki, who received his Doctorate of Chiropractic from Southern California University of Health Sciences.
Polucki notes that osteoarthritis, disc and nerve disorders comprise three-fifths of the overall conditions he treats, while muscle spasm/paralysis and abnormal posture make up the other portion.

"All five are present to some degree if any one is present. If all five are not addressed, long term results are not good," Polucki said, adding, "When these problems are ignored or improperly treated, it's only a matter of time before the minor sprain turns into a disc protrusion, and eventual degeneration or arthritis. With arthritis there will be substantial limits on the function of the low back. With lack of function comes reduced quality of life."
While many back pain sufferers turn to physicians, costly diagnostic procedures, potent analgesics and even surgery, many others are now seeking safe, holistic pain relief through chiropractic.

According to chiropractic experts, subluxations (which occur when one or more of the bones of the spine move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate, spinal nerves), are directly and indirectly related to common and chronic health conditions. By gently manipulating (referred to as "adjusting") the spine through chiropractic, these subluxations can be put back into balance with the nervous system, pain is relieved and further damage averted.
"Many now seek safe, holistic pain relief through CHIROPRACTIC."

"Chiropractic serves to remove nerve interference in our bodies," said Dr. Kelly Herta, a doctor of chiropractic with Aligned Health Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Valencia. "All parts of our bodies, our muscles, joints and organs all are controlled by our nerves. If there is any interference of the normal nerve firing pattern, this does not allow the nerves to fire optimally. Chiropractors use chiropractic adjustments to remove any nerve interference and thus allow us to function at our optimum."

With more than 200 different types of chiropractic and the complete spectrum of beliefs within the profession, it is hard to define chiropractic in a neat sound bite, Polucki said.

"The lowest common denominator is a focus on neuro (nerve related) - musculo (muscle related) - skeletal (bone related) complaints. When, how and why these problems are addressed varies from doctor to doctor, as do the results," said Polucki, whose style of chiropractic does not utilize "twisting or cracking."

Chiropractic focuses on reducing stress/misalignments in the top part of your neck; mobilizing and gently rehabilitating fixations in the lower spine, and correcting/reprogramming posture.

"This helps the body unwind and re-establish its natural state of homeostasis, balance and healing. Once the pressure is off the control centers, the joints are moving freely and the muscles are responsive," Polucki said.

Can everyone be helped significantly with chiropractic? Most can, but not all. "Unfortunately, some people wait too long for a conservative approach to be effective," Polucki said. "No type of health care, orthodox, complimentary or alternative can guarantee a cure. Chiropractic is far safer than any over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, not to mention prescription medication or surgery. All of the above have varying degrees of success, depending on the specific circumstances, so whenever possible, people should try the safest option first."

Nearly everyone will suffer from back pain in their lifetime, Dr. Herta said.
"Americans spend $50 billion a year on back related problems. Common causes are work-related injuries, sports-related injuries and repetitive strain injuries that catch up to you over time," said Herta, a Los Angeles Chiropractic College graduate whose family practice includes treatment of pregnant women and children (past toddler age), and sports.

Chiropractic is based on the idea that our bodies have an innate ability to heal itself without altering it chemically with medications, Herta said. "Just as we heal from a cut and breathe on our own our body can heal itself," she stated, adding, "I love to see a patient transition from a chiropractic skeptic, like I once was, to a lifetime chiropractic advocate."

Herta believes that healthy backs must begin in childhood and continue with education.

Her advice: "Start with kids. Decrease the weight of backpacks, teach our kids to stretch properly, sit correctly and get outside and exercise. Educate ourselves and our kids on the importance of flexibility. Visit your local chiropractor and get a consultation. Go to lectures put on by chiropractors, physical therapists, yoga and Pilates instructors, etc. Listen to the advice of health professionals that specialize in back injuries."

Dr. Jeff David Bowne of Bowne Chiropractic & Valencia Medical Group went into practice to educate and offer people wellness and preventative concepts to life - and to give them more options than drugs and surgery.

"I enjoy this profession more each day because more and more people are getting well and staying well with chiropractic; they did it with a natural approach," stated Bowne, whose Doctorate in Chiropractic is from Southern California University of Health Sciences.

He stresses that like any health care profession, chiropractic does have limitations - but generally it's a good conservative approach without major side effects.

Chiropractic works because a skilled chiropractor can identify physical and structural limitations and help correct them through manual medicine and rehabilitation, Bowne noted. Expounding on that concept, he added: "Often, a patient's neck pain, back pain, headaches, etc., are caused from dysfunction in the spine. This dysfunction can lead to a myriad of symptoms such as muscle spasm, numbness, tingling, achiness and sharp shooting pain. As chiropractors we perform complete comprehensive evaluations to identify the problem; if the problem can be helped through chiropractic we'll tell you and if it can't we'll refer you to the appropriate health care provider."

Candidly, Bowne stated that in cases of severe disc injuries and nerve compression most chiropractic treatments will yield little long term results, but hope is not lost there.
"Many people with disc injuries have been seeking alternatives to surgery and injections and have been utilizing cutting-edge technology like the DRX 9000 spinal decompression system. We have seen phenomenal results with this treatment," he said.

Chiropractors often work "hand in hand with medical doctors," he added.
"This seems to be the best approach. If there is a condition that I have identified as being systemic or organic (kidney, liver, heart, etc.) I will refer the patient to the appropriate medical doctor," Bowne said.

A great way to promote healthy backs is to get them checked, but to do that, one must be proactive - and many people fall short in that area.

"We take better care of our cars than we take care of ourselves. We get oil changes and regular service on our vehicles but fail to service or bodies," Bowne cautions.

A good chiropractor can evaluate your back, examine x-rays, assess function and determine what treatment you need if any, teach you postural exercises and inform you on proper lifting techniques, Bowne said, adding, "The sooner you identify a problem the easier it is to correct!"

Chiropractor Dr. Linda Bedessian, who shares her wellness-focused "ALIVE" practice with her chiropractor husband, Dr. Brian Ghessi, sees patients at their Santa Clarita and Pasadena locations. The couple's specialty: Network Spinal Analysis.

Bedessian, who received her (chiropractic) doctor's degree from Life Chiropractic College for Chiropractic, said Network Spinal Analysis is a "cutting-edge technique that delves deep into neurology, the body-mind connection and the amazing science behind it."

"Network Spinal Analysis is based on changing the way that your body stores tension by influencing the nervous system, not just fixing a spinal misalignment or relieving pain," Bedessian stated. "The care that we offer is gentle, effective and changes the individual from within. There is no popping or forceful manipulation of the spine. We often have success treating individuals who other chiropractors or medical doctors cannot get results with, because our approach is unique. Everyone can benefit from a nervous system that is relaxed."

A huge plus of Network Spinal Analysis care is that as the nervous system relaxes, other changes predictably take place as well, Bedessian said, noting that research performed at the University of California, Irvine Medical School shows that as individuals get this care, their bodies and lives change for the better.

According to Bedessian, with these treatments patients handle stress more productively, have greater emotional/mental stability, make healthier lifestyle changes, and enjoy an overall improved quality of life.
Like other chiropractors interviewed for this story, Bedessian first learned about chiropractic's benefits through her own (or a loved one's) personal experience with a health crisis - and then witnessed the (previously unanticipated) advantages of this form of treatment.

Years back when on her way to med school, Bedessian was so stressed she started having frequently-occurring urinary tract infections, and her chronic low back pain was getting worse.

"I was on the crew team and I injured myself where I could not walk anymore," she recalled. "I went to the medical doctor and they said I was going to need back surgery at the age of 21. My mom took me to a Network Spinal Analysis specialist in Beverly Hills and not only did it change my life, I could walk with ease, no longer had back pain or infections, but the most important thing was that I had a different understanding and connection with myself and my body that I had never had."

This event changed her health, as well as her career path.

"I had never felt so comfortable, stress free and good in my body before. So instead of going to med school when I graduated from UCLA, I went on to become what had helped me so much," she said.

For More Information

Dr. Jeff Bowne of Bowne Chiropractic
& Valencia Medical 288-2321

Dr. Kelly Herta of Aligned Health Chiropractic & Wellness Center 295-5200

Dr. Linda Bedessian of ALIVE 877-5051

Dr. Thomas Polucki of Beyond Relief Chiropractic 753-9340
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