photography by Tara Rochelle
LEFT hair by Crosby Finn & Sara Perez
makeup by Crosby Finn
RIGHT hair by Deanna Dehoya
makeup by Theresa LaRue, assisted by Brianna Koenkamp
hair by Samantha Jeannette & makeup by Bryttani Mcatee
Blo-Out Lounge 255-2569
Today's Top Costumes
Halloween is the perfect opportunity to make a statement, show off our wild side, put our inner super-hero (Or super-villain!) on display and have fun being someone else for a change. This year, top costume curators have identified the most-popular trends in costuming. A Chorus Line, Santa Clarita's favorite costumer's top six are: Wonder Woman, Game of Thrones, Vikings, Super Villains, Super Heroes and Pirates. Not eager to grab your shield and fight for good (Or evil!?)? That's ok. A Chorus Line also offers full customized costume-styling services, so think outside the box and then give them a call!
A Chorus Line 253-0300
Have Fun - Safely!
Teaching and modeling healthy Halloween behaviors sets the tone for safe and sane celebrations! Here are some things to incorporate into your family's traditions.
Wear reflective wristbands to help night drivers see you after dark.
Be "car" safe and "pedestrian" safe!
When driving on Halloween, be extraordinarily cautious. When walking the neighborhood, cross at stop signs and in cross walks, when available. Avoid crossing mid street, where parked cars can block a driver's view of you. If crossing mid street is the only option, make sure to look both ways for cars and proceed with caution.
 courtesy of Shutterstock |
Enjoy your candy - in moderation.
It is recommended that parents sort through their child's candy. Ensure that all pieces are in their original sealed wrappers. If not, toss it. Then let your kids select a limited amount of pieces to keep. Be sure to set clear boundaries - dispense a certain amount allowed to be eaten per day, for example. Discuss with your children the importance of balancing their treats with healthier options; explain how water, instead of soda or juice, can be their lunch or dinner beverage to balance the extra sugar they enjoyed in their candy. Take the remaining sweets to a local dentist's office or schools who donate the candy to non-profit organizations and military efforts.
Catherine Manuel, MD, FAAP 253-1500
"The Addams Family"
Visits the Canyon Theatre Guild
Join your favorite family in the devilishly-delightful Halloween musical-comedy spectacular! The Addams Family and all of their ancestors are coming to haunt the Canyon Theatre Guild in Old Town Newhall starting September 23 through October 28. "The Addams Family" features an original story but it is based on the iconic comic and television series. The same quintessential characters who you know and love are back with a new wonderfully-whacky family uproar. The story begins with Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, who has grown up and fallen in love with Lucas Beineke, a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family - a man her parents have never met. And if that wasn't upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he's never done before - keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday's "normal" boyfriend and his parents. This Broadway smash features all-original songs like, "When You're an Addams," "Full Disclosure" and "Crazier than You" - music so riveting, it is guaranteed to have you and the whole family jumping in with the ancestors and dancing along right with them!
Canyon Theatre Guild 799-2702
 Spooky Treat bundt available at Nothing Bundt Cakes 291-2424 |
Saturday | October 7 to Sunday | October 29, 2017
Limoneira Hosts Pumpkin Patch
Enjoy fall fun on the farm with the Pumpkin Patch at Limoneira Ranch Saturdays and Sundays in October from 10am to 5pm. Guests will enjoy a five-acre corn maze, pony rides, face painting, the country store, pumpkin chucker, food booths, a petting zoo, hay pyramid and maze, wagon rides, music and entertainment.
Saturday | October 28, 2017
Valencia United Methodist Church Hosts Trunk or Treat
This free event features safe family fun for kids through sixth grade including crafts, music, candy and a maze! Non-scary costumes only, please.