Inside SCV Makeover
Spring Revival
March, 2006 - Issue #17
Canyon Country resident Cathy Scott, a respiratory therapist at Northridge Hospital, leaves for work at 4:30 in the morning and sometimes arrives home as late as 8:30 at night. This mother and wife confessed that she never made time for herself, "I never have been pampered - this was my first experience with manicures, facials, everything!" And did she enjoy the experience? Now five pounds lighter, with a new image facing the world, the answer is, "You bet!" Read on to find out how this dramatic transformation took place.

The Color

Jessica Wilson, a stylist at Della Stella Salon & Spa (259-9115) darkened Cathy's too-bright locks.

Says Wilson, "We darkened her and warmed her color with caramel highlights around the frame of her face. It softened her skin and made her glow. It also accented her brown eyes. Her old color was hiding her best features and the new color brings out her natural beauty."

"At first it was a shock, but now that I'm used to it, I really like it," says our makeover candidate. "Jessica used really good judgment. I wouldn't have picked this color at first, but it ended up being just right."

The Skin

When everyone at work asks you if you've done something different with your skin, you know your new regimen is working. That's what Cathy experienced after her treatments at Illumina Medical Spa (513-9082).

"We treated her for redness," says Jessica Berrios. "With the Photo Skin Rejuvenation, her skin was also encouraged to produce more collagen, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. We minimized her discolorations and reduced pore size." At Illumina, the rejuvenation treatment doesn't begin without a pass of microdermabrasion first. "We want our treatment to go as deep as possible, so we remove the dead skin beforehand," says Berrios.

Cathy also received a customized facial. "We did a vitamin-intensive facial with her which included vitamin C, as it's excellent for pigmentation issues. These intense antioxidants reduce redness, signs of aging, and prep the skin for extreme hydration. The facial encourages collagen production and allows her skin to hold hydration longer. With regular facials, every four to six weeks, these results improve and are more lasting," continues Berrios.

"The difference for me was gradual, but that wasn't the case for everyone that saw me. People thought that I had changed my makeup, or my creams, my skin looked so good, and it was such a pampering experience," says Cathy.

The Makeup

Cathy's a minimalist, so the skilled hands at Studio Diva (799-2804) made sure to enhance her natural beauty without overdoing it. "They highlighted my features, and the whole process was very educational," says Cathy. "I learned that I was treating my very dry lips with products that only masked the problem," she continues. "They treated my lips with a mask, and it really improved their texture. I have to go back and get that product!"

The Cut

Kathy Sweigart, a stylist at Della Stella Salon & Spa (755-4135), provided Cathy with a shorter, more updated cut.

"I framed her face," says Sweigart. "She has a long neck, so I didn't want it too short. It's workable for her, and it's a fun style. She was used to having a lot of height, so we modernized her quite a bit. She had one length hair, and now her whole head is layered. Layers are great as we grow older because it softens our face and gives a lift. She now has dimension. It moves with her," she concludes. Says Cathy, "I wanted something to bring me up to date, and Kathy read me really well. I didn't get a 20 year old's hair cut, and I can still pull it back."

The Weight Loss System

The Kalyn Center team (252-3219) worked with Cathy to develop healthy weight and lifestyle solutions. Office Manager Amber Ebert describes some of the services Cathy enjoyed: "We started with a complete physical, a cholesterol test, body fat measurement, resting metabolic rate, literature, and then the doctor worked with her to develop an individual menu plan, including a grocery list."

"The Kalyn Center experience has gotten me back into running, and it's transforming the whole family by giving us the tools to get healthy. Dr. Suarez taught me how to buy ahead, make ahead, and make it work for the long-haul. I've already lost five pounds!," says Cathy.

Our makeover candidate also enjoyed VelaSmooth treatments courtesy of the Kalyn Center. Cathy had three treatments of the medical cellulite solution. "My husband said that he noticed a difference after the first treatment," she says.

The Clothes

Debbie Anderson, a sales associate with Dress'r Drawers (250-1121), realized that she had a total makeover on her hands. "Cathy's a nurse, so she's always in scrubs, or maybe jeans. We wanted to give her something for the spring season that was pretty, feminine, and unlike anything she normally would choose for her self."

The final result was flattering to Cathy's shape and accentuated her small waist. "Debbie took a look at me, got an idea and went with it. I love what she selected and I'll wear it all season. She did a great job mixing and matching, and I feel good in what she chose for me," says Cathy.

The Nails

Jamie Getskow of Della Stella Salon & Spa (259-9115) provided Cathy with a spa manicure, which includes an exfoliating hand scrub, special anti-aging hand treatment cream, a hand massage, cuticle treatment and more. Because Cathy is a nurse, she especially enjoyed the easy-to-maintain French manicure that also complemented her new spring look. "This was my first manicure, and Jamie was amazing. It's so nice to be the one taken care of now and then," says Cathy.


Photography by Gary Choppe

Hair by Kathy Sweigart and Jessica Wilson for Della Stella Salon & Spa; skin by Illumina Medical Spa; makeup by Studio Diva; clothing by Dress'r Drawers; nails by Jamie Getskow for Della Stella Salon & Spa; weight loss by the Kalyn Center.
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