Making Dads More Stylish
One Father at a Time
June, 2005 - Issue #8
Mark Gould, proud dad of Malaney (5) and Maxton (2), is a freelance director with a master's degree from Cal Arts. While there's no doubt that Mark is a great dad/husband/director, his sense of fashion has been called into question on more than one occasion. Between work and family, Mark finds little time to get (and stay) groomed, so Inside SCV thought we'd help him out a bit. With assistance from Citron Spa and Spa Villa Salon, we turned a scruffy dad into a father a kid wouldn't mind taking to a bake sale.

The Skin

What's the first thing any woman sees? Your handsome face! Citron facialist Jenifer Owens explained to Mark that regular skincare treatments were a must. Jenifer's facial, which Mark called "wonderful and relaxing" combined mild extractions, exfoliation and a custom treatment created to preserve the health of his skin. While most men won't brag about an awesome facial, many men do recognize that regular treatments help keep their skin looking youthful and vibrant. Spas like Citron have special guy-only packages to help men like Mark put their best face forward.

Mind, Body and Spirit

When negative factors like stress, work, traffic, poor diet, and trauma are present, an imbalance occurs and our body, immunity and mental health are weakened. Mark's relaxing, therapeutic massage, from Citron masseuse Shelley Patterson, helped remove toxins from his body, put his mind at rest, and relieved back, neck and body pains. By stimulating the circulation, a Citron massage leaves clients simultaneously relaxed and refreshed.

The Hair

Say it with us, ladies: Ugh. Mark's hair started out drab and without style, but with a little love from Allison Mason at Spa Villa Salon, he left with an easy to manage, up-to-date look.

Mark was nervous of cutting his hair too short, but Allison informed him that the slightly long and undone look is in style. She texturized and cleaned up the ends of his hair, then applied Crew texturizing spray to give the hair volume and separation.

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