Why Did You Steal Christmas?
December, 2007 - Issue #38
Let's get a few things out of the way. First, this article is not about the "true meaning" of Christmas, at least not in a religious sense. Nor is it about promoting the opposite: unchecked consumerism.

It's about Rick, Lesleen, Susan, Kathy, Bob, Ann and a whole slew of other folks who took a major gamble and decided to go into business in our community.

It's about Santa Clarita circa 1986, when I moved to the SCV. Old timers can reminisce all they want about how great the town was before "development." They're right, in a way. It was lots of fun catching lizards in the river bed, but if you actually needed to buy something besides horse tack, you usually had to get on the freeway.

This article is about stuff. Stuff your mom/son/sister/husband want to find under the tree this year. Stuff that you can get anywhere, right?


This year, you need to buy the stuff you were going to buy anyway somewhere besides the place you probably were going to buy it. Confused? Here's the translation: Instead of filling a cart full of Chinese goods at a big box store, support a local small business.


I'm not going to mince words. For many of Santa Clarita's mom and pop shops, it's make-or-break time.

What's your incentive? I could tell you about how you'll help SCV families fulfill their dreams; of how these businesses are the crux of our nonprofit organizations' support; about how it's better for our local economy; about how it's the "American" thing to do.

But you already know that. You, in the collective sense, don't much care about that. Because it's about you.

So, You. Here's why You are going to drive You to Enchanted Kids, Rooms to Roam, Island Appeal, Celebrate, Fresh, Madalian, La Via Bella, McKenna & Greene, Orchid Gift Emporium, Cobblestone Cottage, J. Serraino, Impressions, The Men's Room or any other of the literally hundreds of independently owned shops in this community.

You'll save money and time. Mom and pops are conveniently located next to your favorite supermarket, drycleaner, restaurant and dentist office. You have to go there anyway. Combine the trip, save gas money, and - even more valuable - time spent fighting for a parking space in front of Walmart.

You're not buying the money argument, huh? I know that some shops have a pricey reputation, but no one's going to force you to buy $200 jeans against your will. Every shop survives by having a variety of price points, which also means that the selection of stuff you really won't find anywhere else is great. You do want to buy great presents, don't you?

There's a reason you live here and not Palmdale or Lancaster or any other close-by town. The weather's the same, but it's the personality of the place that's different. They have Targets and Home Depots, too. But they don't have J. David's or Margo's. If things continue this way for much longer, will we?
But don't shop local for that reason. It's too guilt-ridden. No, do it to increase the value of your home instead.

Shop mom and pop because if you have a question, you ask a near-by owner instead of a bored lady on the other end of the red "courtesy" phone. Shop mom and pop because most stores wrap your presents for free. Shop mom and pop because they really do have better stuff.

Shop mom and pop because they need us to (And we need them. Really.). Shop mom and pop, and give back Christmas.
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