To Mom, with Love...
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Save her Time
by outsourcing the wash, fluff and fold.
Newhall Coin Laundry 479-5966
Remind her of what's Important
with the Brighton "Trust your Journey" collection.
Refined Vintage Boutique 505-7175
Make Every Trip Luxurious
It's the most advanced sedan Mercedes-Benz has ever produced - and, considering the brand's history, that's really saying something. For more than a century, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class has stood as the ultimate expression of what the automobile can be. Now, updated with innovations throughout that Mom will love, the S-Class has never been more focused on the comfort and well-being of its passengers.
Mercedes-Benz of Valencia 753-5555
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Kick Up her Heels
with professional dance lessons.
Arthur Murray Valencia 888-1358
Invite her to #FeelHealth
Because all moms sweat for free on Mother's Day when accompanied by a paying guest.
The Sweat Shack 678-0880
Lift her Spirits
with the Michel Design Works Lemon Basil Collection.
Green Thumb Nursery 259-1071
Gift her with the Ride of her Life
Acura's redesigned and radically-refined 2022 MDX premium performance SUV is the perfect mix of high performance, commanding style, luxurious comfort, at-your-command connectivity and safety technology. The MDX features high-end craftmanship and intelligent versatility with its cargo capacity - including hidden cargo storage - and seating for up to seven.
Valencia Acura 255-3000