Summer Remedies for your Body & Soul
June, 2011 - Issue #80
How is your summer going? Hopefully, you are finding time to enjoy the long days, blue skies, water, family and friends. As summer reaches its busiest, warmest and driest, it's especially important to ensure you are taking care of your skin, body and mind.

Keep your Skin Healthy
Be sure you hydrate, oxygenate, exfoliate and protect. Schedule a facial with an oxygen boost or extra hydrating treatment as an add on. Try microdermabrasion or a peel to renew and stimulate your facial skin. Book a body scrub or mud treatment to open up pores and rejuvenate your body's biggest organ. And, please - don't skimp on the sunscreen.

Take Care of your Body
Eating well, drinking plenty of clean water and getting enough rest are the foundations to a healthy body. Try a lymphatic or regular massage to assist your body in clearing toxins.
Request paraffin treatments to address rough skin on your hands and feet. Summer is the time to wax away unwanted hair (Come on - why not get that bikini wax you've been wondering about?). Attack that cellulite with a series of M'Lis cellulite wraps (you lose four to 14 inches with each treatment). Give Green Tea extract a go. The taste is great, and there's no sugar or caffeine. Mix it into your water to boost antioxidants in your body and assist with increased metabolism.

Clear your Mind
Learn Transformational Breathing for improved health, reduced stress and emotional clearing. And remember - you don't have to wait for a vacation to recharge. Here's what we suggest to clients:

Each day, think of at least 10 things you are grateful for.

Learn stress reduction techniques you can use daily.

Each week, schedule at least one activity you enjoy.

Do something for someone else - volunteer, donate something, take out the trash...

If you are feeling stuck, ask for help. Talk to friends, see a spiritual counselor or make an appointment with a psychologist, hypnotherapist or life coach.
Karen Maleck-Whiteley, C.Ht. is the owner of Balance Point Spa; 252-0650

Bathing Beauty
Everyone knows that Naughty But Nice is the place to shop for bras that lift, define, fit and feel fab. And summer is the season that you want to find the same qualities in a swimsuit. Let Sharon and the gals help you choose a suit that boosts your confidence and your bust; 222-2359

Wax On, Wax Off
Leave the Gillette at home and never feel the pain that is "salt water on razor burn" again. "Hairy situations" have no place in summer vacations (or staycations!). Bellagio Nails & Spa is offering 15 percent off any body wax priced $15 or more (with coupon on page 55). You'll still be smooth and silky well after the return-flight jetlag has worn off; 260-3759
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