Kybella Banishes your Double Chin without Surgery
Breakthrough Injection that Destroys Fat Cells Permanently Now Available Exclusively at DermaCure of Valencia
August, 2015 - Issue #130

"I was SHOCKED to see how much tightening occurs after the injections destroy the fat cells. The redraping of the skin leaves a beautiful tightening of the area. Jaw lines become more prominent and profiles are more attractive and youthful. The Kybella injection is a total game changer for men and women who want to get rid of their double chin,"
Dr. Craig Ingber, Kybella physician trainer, SCV exclusive Kybella injector & owner of DermaCure of Valencia
If you're like nearly 70 percent of adult Americans, you're bothered by the appearance of your "double chin." Called "submental fullness" in the medical community, this excess fat can make you look older and heavier, ruin your profile and make you cringe when it's time for photos.

Until very recently, the only truly effective ways to get rid of a double chin was expensive, invasive and required significant healing time: liposuction or surgery.

But now there's Kybella - a simple injection of a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of fat with pinpoint accuracy. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, Kybella (deoxcholic acid) causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat.

This permanent solution to your double chin is a game changer, says Dr. Craig Ingber, owner of DermaCure of Valencia, and current exclusive local provider of Kybella. "This is the most exciting thing to happen since Voluma - but even bigger," says the board-certified plastic surgeon.
Dr. Ingber, a Kybella "core physician," is the brand's only current injector in the SCV.

"People are beyond excited," says the physician, who has been selected by Kybella to train other doctors on the proper utilization of the injection.
DermaCure of Valencia is now scheduling Kybella injections. Call today to make your appointment. 257-8400

The Kybella Process
You're just a Few Treatments Away from a Younger, more Contoured Profile
Dr. Ingber will work with you directly to customize your treatment plan, including how many treatments you might need based on your preferred outcome and chin profile. He'll then give you site injections at each session, which will be spaced about a month apart. Most patients will see noticeable contouring of their profile in two to four sessions, though up to six treatments may be administered.

DermaCure Doc is Kybella "Core"
Physician & Physician Trainer

Dr. Ingber is the Current Exclusive Provider of this
Groundbreaking Treatment in the SCV

Dr. Craig Ingber is a board-certified head and neck facial plastic surgeon. As a Kybella "Core" Physician, he has been entrusted to serve as a Physician Trainer for this incredible new product. "I'm proud to not only serve as the current exclusive SCV provider for Kybella, but to be entrusted to teach my fellow physicians about this new aesthetic procedure. When in skilled hands, Kybella is a life changing treatment. I'm thrilled to share this opportunity with my patients," says the clinical instructor of surgery at the UCLA School of Medicine.

Kybella Fast Facts
• Kybella injections are the first and only FDA-approved non-surgical treatments that contour and improve the appearance of submental fullness or "double chin."
• Kybella has been subject to over 20 clinical studies.
• Nearly 80 percent of patients treated with Kybella report satisfaction with the appearance of their face and chin.
• Kybella patients report improvement in self perception, including feeling happier and younger based on their chin profile.

Why Kybella Works when Diet Doesn't
Whether or not you have a double chin doesn't have to do with diet alone. Aging, genetics and skin condition all play a role, too. While a healthy diet and regular exercise are important to overall health, they alone usually won't banish the extra "gobble" under the chin. That's why Kybella is so groundbreaking - it permanently destroys the fat cells in the area, leaving patients looking younger and thinner.
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