SCV Grandma gets Big Results from a Few
November, 2018 - Issue #170
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courtesy of Shutterstock
"I've never been the kind of person to get surgery, injections or even facials," says Gloria, 61, "but those lines right between my eyebrows - the '11s,' they really were giving me a mad, mean look. I kept thinking, 'someone in the grocery line is going to be worried I'm angry at them!' So, I got a little Botox from Dr. Heller to start - and then decided on a few other small treatments and procedures. I didn't want to look like I had anything 'done."

That small first step built her confidence - both in the process and in Dr. Heller, owner of Heller Plastic Surgery, and his team at SKIN. "Dr. Heller introduced me to Kim of SKIN by Heller Plastic Surgery, who sat down with me and discussed my goals and what I wanted to do. Both she and Dr. Heller are very patient led; they don't push for you to do something you aren't ready for or want. They listen and they advise based on what you want to achieve and what you're comfortable with," says the Santa Clarita grandmother.

"Dr. Heller is so genuine and down to earth! When you are a patient, you feel like part of a little family. He gives you all the information you need patiently and answers all your questions. He's honestly brilliant; he knows so much about his field, it's incredible. His entire staff is the same. They're so well versed, sweet and very friendly. Everyone makes you feel so comfortable - and the RESULTS ARE AMAZING!"
After the consult, Gloria decided on a conservative amount of fillers, dermaplaning and micropen treatments, plus an in-office upper-and-lower eyelid surgery procedure. "I wanted to look like 'me,' everything needed to be very natural," she says. "Now, my skin looks perked up, I have a nice glow to my face, my spots are gone and my eyes look bright and awake, like they used to. I look very rested, not like I had anything done at all. My girlfriends can't wait to have the same done, too! And my daughters are very impressed."

What surprised Gloria the most was the ease of treatment. "I couldn't believe the short amount of time it took to do my eye surgery in Dr. Heller's office. It was over so fast! And I didn't even need a single painkiller afterwards. The treatments I get with Kim have no downtime. Dermaplaning is like shaving off a few layers of your skin, taking some of the bumps and unevenness with it. I leave with rosy skin and it's done with by the time I get home," says Gloria.

The only regret this mom of three has: Not wearing sunscreen when she was younger. "I was great applying it to my three kids, but as mom, I didn't do enough for myself - and I have the wrinkles to show for it! But now I have a better idea how to maintain my results. I do exactly as Dr. Heller and his team tell me to do and my results are perfect. It's been a wonderful experience."
SKIN by Heller Plastic Surgery is located in the Atrium Building in Valencia.
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