What A Lift!
In-office Procedure & CO2 Laser Take 10 Years Away
March, 2020 - Issue #186
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courtesy of shutterstock
"I've always had small eyes," says Kerry, 62, of Santa Clarita. "So when my eyelids started drooping, it was dramatic. I looked tired all the time. My mom would say, 'You look exhausted!' - but I wasn't! It was pointless to wear eyeshadow - it would just disappear under the hooded part of my upper eye. The sides of my eyes even started slanting down, changing the look of my face."

Sometimes, big problems have small solutions. "I went to Dr. Heller and found out that I could get a real bang for my buck with an in-office eyelid lift. It was quick, simple and painless. He removed the excess skin on my upper lid with just local anesthesia. It was so easy, I actually fell asleep during the procedure!" says the grandmother.

"I love wearing eyeshadow again - even though I now feel comfortable leaving the house without any makeup at all! I look about 10 YEARS YOUNGER. My skin tone is evened out, my brown spots are gone, my face is tighter and the crepe skin on my neck has disappeared - and I'm still seeing improvements three months later. I look rested and confident! I love my results - and the Heller Plastic Surgery team!"
"Shortly after Kerry's eyelid lift, our aesthetic team utilized our CO2 Laser to lighten her minor eyelid scarring and revitalize her face and neck," says Dr. Justin Heller, board-certified plastic surgeon and owner of Heller Plastic Surgery.

Kerry's results are a hit with her family and friends. "I have granddaughters, ages 10 and 12, and they say to me now, 'You look so good, Grandma,' 'You don't look like an old grandma!'"
Another benefit of Kerry's CO2 Laser treatment went well beneath the surface - literally. "I have a history of skin cancer on my limbs; I grew up before we knew we needed to wear sunblock," says the Southern California native. "I learned that the CO2 laser could actually remove some pre-cancerous lesions - and I definitely had spots that looked different after my procedure. They eventually peeled off and healed. I feel much better about the health of my skin and my dermatologist was impressed. I've told my girlfriends and my sisters that this is how they justify an aesthetic procedure - it's also great for your health, especially if you're like us and had a lot of sunburns as a child."

"The CO2 Laser resurfacing procedure uses fractionated CO2 with short pulsed-light energy or continuous light beams that will eliminate the thin layers of skin," explains Dr. Heller. "Our patients use it with incredible results, addressing scars, wrinkles, large oil glands on the nose, pigment and more."
Justin B. Heller, MD is a board-certified, Yale-educated plastic surgeon. He has been named Santa Clarita's Best Plastic Surgeon four years in a row. Heller Plastic Surgery is located at 23838 Valencia Boulevard, Suite 260 in Valencia. 661-233-4949
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