35 Years & Counting
March, 2012 - Issue #89
My husband and I are getting ready to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary. In terms of big events, it's not on the radar (not silver or gold anyway), but in this day and age, 35 years of marriage is kind of a big deal.

It got me to think about the number 35. Anything significant about that number?

Thirty-five backwards is the year I was born (yup, I'm admitting to my age). When I was 35, I was rocking my fourth son to sleep (he was a month old). I had a 10, 9 and 6 year old to watch over along with that newborn and I remember being quite busy.

Wikipedia tells me 35 is the highest number one can count to on one's finger using base 6 (since I'm not a math person, I have no idea what that means). Thirty-five is also the atomic number of bromine (Science. Again, kind of like math to me).

Retired Major League Baseball jerseys of the number 35 belong to Randy Jones of the Padres, Phil Niekro of the Braves and Frank Thomas from the White Sox (Sorry, four boys and I have no idea who these guys are). Here's something I do know: 35 mm film is the basic film gauge most commonly used for both analog photography and motion pictures. Not a significant fact, but interesting nonetheless.

And in the psychic world, the number 35 is an Angel number that means positive life changes are ahead of you.

But in my personal life, how does one make it 35 years with the same person?

Everyone says a sense of humor is important and that's true. My husband can always make me laugh even at my lowest moments, but above that I'd say two people living under the same roof need a huge dose of respect for each other. You need to let your significant other have their space, their moments of triumph and you need to support those times even when it's not something you would have chosen.

There's a great line from a movie I keep in my head: "People need other people to be a witness to their lives." It says a lot about our need to connect with another.

Contrary to popular belief (and the insane Kardashian lifestyle), the U.S. Census Bureau reported last year that fewer Americans are getting married but more marriages are lasting longer.
"There are many
rocky moments
on this path

we call life and it's a

to have someone by your side to help you maneuver around
those stones."

Over 75 percent of the couples married since 1990 reached their 10-year anniversary. It's a nice change from the 1980s when divorce reached an all-time high.

But sometimes things just don't work out for a variety of reasons. It's sad but no one said marriage is easy. It's a partnership, it's a constant compromise, it's a work in progress and it absolutely must go both ways. There are many rocky moments on this path we call life and it's a wonderful thing to have someone by your side to help you maneuver around those stones.

Love is grand, but there is so much more to this commitment. Never forget yourself in this relationship but always consider your partner. As you begin your journey as a married couple, try to remember that the everyday, boring moments test you as much as the tough ones. Careers, children, health and the economy will weave in and out to place enough demands on your relationship.
My husband can't stand the fact that I leave toothpaste in the sink (I'm an aggressive tooth brusher.). It makes me crazy when he reads the morning paper to me (especially since I was up way earlier than him and already read it). But I love how he rinses out his dishes and places them in the dishwasher. I think he likes that I make coffee for him every morning. Cherish these calm and boring moments.

I'm not under any illusion that things can't change on a dime, but if all the pieces fall together, it could just be the beginning of a long and rewarding marriage.

I think I like the number 35. And, if those Angel numbers are true, I am looking forward to the nice, positive changes those cherub's are promising me.
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