Beauty and the Bride
"Proposals" for the Soon-to-Be Mrs.
February, 2008 - Issue #40
Attention brides-to-be (or anyone who wants to look great for their own "big day"): Do you want to look your radiant best when you walk down the aisle? Would you like your skin to glow, your hair to be full and luxurious, and your makeup to be perfectly applied? Would you also like to feel relaxed and photographer-ready?

If you answered yes to these questions, then read on! Beauty Inside & Out has compiled a list of suggestions on how to become the loveliest and most confident bride you can be.

"A woman's wedding day is one of the most important and memorable days of her life," says Rosemary Murphy, a licensed esthetician and owner of Beyond Harmony Med Spa in Canyon Country. "She should feel like a queen and nothing helps her to feel better than a sense of confidence."

Murphy, who relishes helping brides-to-be feel gorgeous and self-assured, described a series of treatments designed for that goal.

Starting six months (or more) before the wedding day, these treatments include microdermabrasion, designer facial peels and body treatments, each done for specific problems and eliminating them in time to look flawless when the big day arrives, Murphy said.

"Many of our brides have also been known to come in for Botox and Dermal Fillers, Lipotherapy and IPL Photofacials, and we suggest they consult with the medical staff well in advance of the wedding," the esthetician noted.

Dr. Chrystal Fernandez, RN, PhD of Bellissima Inc. wants her brides to look youthful and fresh. She suggests getting an IPL Photofacial before the event. "In one aggressive session, you can effectively remove 70 to 75 percent of sun damage, smoothing the skin's texture and eliminating most brown spots," she says. A session like that should be booked about two weeks before the event. "I also suggest Botox to soften smile lines and look perfect in those expensive pictures," advises Fernandez. She also informs that as women age, the upper portion of our lips elongates and turns in, resulting in thinner-appearing, older-looking lips. "Juvederm can be used at least one week ahead of the wedding and will last up to 12 months. I achieve a natural, soft look that gets rave results," she says.

These treatments are often used in conjunction with each other. Regardless of what you choose, the goal should be to look refreshed. The added bonus will be seen on the honeymoon, as you'll feel more comfortable going without, or with less, makeup because your skin looks so good!

Kathy Jung, owner of Beauty Escapade Skin Care, Beauty Supply and Hair Salon, says her shop offers a wide variety of products and services for brides-to-be.

Indeed, the Newhall Ranch Road salon carries the largest variety and supply of beauty and skin products in the entire Santa Clarita Valley. Included in its lengthily lineup of goods and services: professional hair styling, facials, waxing, a broad selection of quality make-up, body lotions, anti-acne preparations, massage, eyelash and eyebrow tinting, beautiful hair accessories, hair extensions and "lip plumping" products.

"We do whole makeovers, from head to toe," Jung said, noting that her products include many fine names such as Dermatologica, Murad, LipFusion and Kiss Me. With its extensive inventory of skin care products, Beauty Escapade can also help stress-weary brides-to-be get on a superior skin care regimen well in time of their big day. They also offer anti-aging beauty and skin products that are especially beneficial to middle-aged clients, Jung added. "We are eager to assist brides-to-be look in looking their best on their wedding day, and we welcome them to come in and see what our store has to offer," Jung stated.

For more Information
Bellissima, Inc.
Beauty Escapade Skin Care, Beauty
Supply, Hair Salon 775-9888
Beyond Harmony Med Spa 298-8008
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