Jerri Manthey of Survivor Challenge |
Jerri Manthey, pictured here, was a contestant on both "Survivor: The Australian Outback" and the "All-Star Survivor" series and is an avid supporter of Santa Clarita's favorite new physical training program, The Survivor Challenge. The program offers a game-like exercise format that feels more like fun than a workout, and also incorporates nutrition support plus weekend nature hikes. Manthey says, "The Survivor Challenge promises results and that's exactly what you get!" Read more about her experience at www.insidescv.com/thesurvivorchallenge.
SCVBank Offers Easy Switch Kit
Many business owners have found themselves caught in the middle of the banking industry melee as more and more big-name banks fail, amend terms, or simply change hands. In response, local community bank, SCVBank, has developed the Easy Switch Kit for customers interested in changing banks. The kit includes forms and information necessary to make an easy transition, including a new account questionnaire, direct deposit and automatic payment change notifications. The kit is available online at www.scvbank.com or at an SCVBank location; 255-9250.
 Visiting Angels |
Visiting Angels of Santa Clarita has received the prestigious Home Care Aide Organization Certification from the California Association for Health Services at Home (CAHSAH). Visiting Angels is proud to be recognized as an exemplary agency in California and is confident in their ability to provide vital services throughout the community; 263-2273 www.visitingangels.com
Henry Mayo is Prepared for Disaster
Henry Mayo's Disaster Resource Center staff hosted an open house last month for local emergency responders, city officials and hospital staff and physicians that showcased the hospital's capabilities to quickly implement plans that provide critical health services following a disaster and meet the community's healthcare needs. "The hospital has invested considerable time and resources in emergency preparedness. We have systems and equipment in place, including surge tents, decontamination team and gear, medical and pharmaceutical supplies, and much more for when a crisis occurs," said Terry Stone, Henry Mayo's safety officer and emergency preparedness manager; 253-8000 www.henrymayo.com
 Mission Valley Bank |
Mission Valley Bank presented Paige Vasseur, 13, with a $250 savings bond in recognition of her outstanding performance at the Scripp's National Spelling Bee held in Washington D.C. in June. Vasseur is an eighth-grade student at Rio Norte Junior High School who made it all the way to Round Five of this prestigious competition.
Domestic Violence Center elects new President of the Board
Long-time community leader and local realtor Mary Ree was recently elected to serve as the President of the Board of Directors for the Domestic Violence Center of the Santa Clarita Valley. Founded in 1983 in response to a pressing area need for domestic violence services, the Domestic Violence Center of the Santa Clarita Valley continues to serve families in need, and is committed to "promoting and preserving non-abusive, non-violent family systems."
 Burning Bush Church |
Pastors Les and Brenda Robinson, founders and senior pastors of the Burning Bush Church, recently celebrated 10 years of serving Santa Clarita with a special weekend celebration, including guest speaker Bishop Donald R. Black from New Life Christian Fellowship in Alexandria, Virginia; 297-2874 www.burningbushchurch.org
August Business Calendar
Thursday, August 6
Mehta & Mann Law Firm Celebrates Anniversary and Book Launch
The Law offices of Mehta & Mann is celebrating 10 years of providing quality legal services to the Los Angeles and Santa Clarita Valley areas. Their lawyers have over 30 years combined experience dedicated to providing individuals, families and businesses trusts and trust litigation, probate, business representation, wills and estate planning. One of the partners, Steven Mehta, is launching his new book, 112 Ways to Succeed in Any Negotiation or Mediation. In this book, you will learn powerful techniques that have been successfully used in real-world negotiations to get the maximum results in any negotiation. Businesspeople can use it to increase their bottom line; salespeople can strike better deals; and any person can learn to communicate and negotiate every aspect of life better. The book launch party will be held at 6 p.m. at the Egg Plantation, by reservation only; 284-1818 www.rsvpit.com (enter event code AUGUST6)
Thursday, August 20
Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center at College of the Canyons Hosts Open House
The Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center is located on the College of the Canyons Valencia campus where one can earn a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees. Currently, 28 programs are offered from partner universities such as CSU Bakersfield, CSU Northridge, University of La Verne, Chapman University, UCLA Extension and National University. By bringing bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees from four-year colleges and universities to the College of the Canyons campus, the University Center removes barriers for students wishing to pursue their higher education goals, especially for working adults and single parents.
At the Open House, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the new permanent facility, talk to university representatives, learn about financial aid programs, meet with academic counselors and fill out admissions applications.
The University Center is best accessed via University Center Drive, the southernmost campus entrance on Rockwell Canyon road. Parking in the campus parking lots 13, 14, and 15 is free for this event; 362-5474 www.canyons.edu/universitycenter