EXPO 2010: October 9 and 10, TASTE OF EXPO: October 8 |
SCV Community Expo
to be Held October 9 and 10
Taste of Expo!
Scheduled for October 8
Save the date! It's time again for Santa Clarita's ultimate meet and greet for all things SCV. The SCV Chamber of Commerce, in association with the City of Santa Clarita, presents the 26th-annual SCV Community Expo (also known as the Home and Business Expo) and Taste of Expo! celebration on October 8, 9 and 10 at the Santa Clarita Sports Complex. New this year: easy access via the new Cross-Valley Connector.
Only at Expo will residents and businesses alike discover the products and services available right here in the Santa Clarita Valley. This year, Expo expands to two exhibit halls showcasing more than 100 exhibitors. Taste of Expo!, Santa Clarita's largest mixer and networking event, features up to 30 restaurants and caterers. Complimentary shuttle service, a community entertainment stage, a job fair hosted by College of the Canyons, free flu shots courtesy of Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, food vendors throughout the weekend and the Rotary Club Pancake Breakfast on Sunday are just some of the features that provide for a non-stop weekend of fun and excitement. Exhibitor spaces and sponsorship opportunities fill quickly; 702-6977 www.scvchamber.com
Q&A with Arleen Orland of Santa Clarita Technology & Career Center
What is the most applicable class you offer?
Microsoft® Office is most popular, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Once you learn one the Microsoft Office programs the others are easy. Whether you are a beginner or looking to advance in your job, there is a class suited to your needs.
Do you offer any classes for certification?
We will be offering classes for preparation to become a Certified Microsoft® Office User Specialist (MOUS). After the class, you will need to take a test and pass to attain the certification.
Do you offer classes for seniors?
Yes, beginning, intermediate and advanced classes. I taught seniors at College of the Canyons for almost two years. Some of my students had never used a computer yet after they finished the class, they were confident users.
What are the benefits of technology training?
Better skills to help you move ahead in your job - or get a job! Communicating with family and friends near and far. Learning new technology for your home business is a plus, too.
For more information, contact the Santa Clarita Technology & Career Center; 287-3599