By the Numbers
David Fender, EA Celebrates 30 Years of Service in the SCV
February, 2015 - Issue #124
photography by Eric Killingsworth
photography by Eric Killingsworth
In 1984, David Fender was a newly-minted EA working in his stepfather William Slattery's office. It was a perfect fit. "I was always good with numbers. I was that guy on the little league baseball team who could quickly calculate your batting averages and percentages," he recalls. Now, 30 years later, he's the owner of the practice, managing, with the help of his associates, over 800 returns annually, along with investments* for nearly 600 clients. Ask around and you'll find that his reputation is as stellar as the service he provides, too.

Finding a professional with three decades of success under their proverbial belt isn't easy to do, but Fender is more than happy to share the tenants that built his business into the well-respected SCV tax and investment powerhouse it is today.

You're Only as Good as the People Around You
"I have been blessed with committed clients who are dedicated to sharing my name and my business card with their friends, family and associates," says Fender, "but there's no way I could provide the level of service I insist upon to this many people and businesses." Fender works with two associates, both with decades of experience: David Raymond, EA, a registered representative with HD Vest Investment ServicesSM (Raymond also holds an insurance license and can assist in offering comprehensive investment advice.*) and Raul Carrega, CPA. Together, they provide tax, financial, payroll and bookkeeping services. "This depth and breadth of knowledge available in this office is remarkable," says Fender. "I'm proud of that." Also essential are office staff members Janice Graeber, Fender's devoted assistant, and Jenny Mejia. "Every person you meet here, everyone you talk to on the phone, they make sure you know that they value you, that they're capable and eager to help you."

Deliver the Services You Promise
David J. Fender & Associates Inc. is known throughout Santa Clarita and beyond for getting you every dollar you deserve. In fact, Fender is so well known for having such a fluency with tax law that clients regularly refer him by saying, "This guy pays for himself." But that's not the only reason referrals make up the majority of his business.

"When the service is as you promised - you build your business. That's what clients need to see in order to feel confident and eager to refer you," advises Fender, who now counts clients' children on his business roster. "I remember adding them to their parents' tax returns the year they were born, and now I'm adding their children to their tax returns, helping set up their businesses and providing them with financial advisement. It's an awesome honor to see things come so full circle."

Cultivate a Positive Environment
"Few people are excited about getting their taxes done or reviewing investments,*" says Fender. "For a lot of people, it's a high-anxiety situation, like getting a root canal. That's why we put a lot of effort into making sure that our office environment has a calming affect, both with the decor and the people you meet within it." The biggest contributor to a positive environment, though, can't be seen - only felt. "Trust," says Fender, "is what puts people at ease. When you earn someone's trust, they relax. Trust is the most important thing, especially in the world of investments. People want to know that what's important to them - their family's future and comfort - is in good hands. I became a registered investment advisor representative in 1993 with HD Vest Advisory ServicesSM located in Texas. I realized that this was a seamless way to help my clients year-round, especially since I would review their investments* come tax season, anyway. My background as a EA does make me a very skilled financial advisor*, but so too does my positive relationships with my clients. They become friends."

Enjoy what You Do
"Lots of people do what I do," states Fender. "In some cases, the difference might be that I really enjoy it. This is work I was meant to do and even after 30 years, I still get excited when I find a new way to legally save my clients money or help them develop a sound fundamental investment strategy.*"
David J. Fender & Associates Inc. is currently accepting tax and financial appointments for 2015. 753-9402
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