February 2005 Business Brief
News and Notes from the SCV Business World
February, 2005 - Issue #5
Local Business Spearheads Tsunami Relief Efforts

Ethan and Olivia Winner, owners of Pro Golf of Valencia, were moved to action in early January as news stations across the globe reported death totals from the tsunami in Asia approaching 150,000. The couple, recognizing that the need for funds to treat tsunami survivors and begin the reconstruction process would be immense, created a plan to assist local community members and businesses in their attempts to alleviate some of the need.

Their plan began with an immediate announcement that 5 percent of Pro Golf Valencia's January sales would go to the Red Cross's disaster relief and humanitarian efforts in tsunami-devastated countries in South and Southeast Asia. Realizing that with some effort they could make an even bigger impact, the Winners created the Santa Clarita Valley Businesses Contribute to Tsunami Relief organization.

They are hoping that the loosely coordinated group of local businesses will come together to make a difference. The Winners will work with local media and business organizations to publicize a list of participating vendors, as well as encourage residents to make their purchases at businesses in the coalition.

Businesses interested in participating can contact Ethan Winner directly at Pro Golf of Valencia at 222-7900.

If you'd like to make a private donation to the Red Cross, log on to or mail it to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington DC, 20013. Financial donations are the best way to help those affected by the disaster, as it allows for immediate deployment of relief personnel, supplies and assistance. Financial donations also allow organizations like the Red Cross to purchase relief items directly in the region, eliminating the costs of shipping and transport from the United States and stimulating the devastated local economy.

SCV School & Business Alliance Installs New Officers

On December 10, 2004, board members for the Santa Clarita Valley School & Business Alliance came together at the home of Dan and Debbie Goetz, president of Ultra Violet Devices, Inc. and past chairman of the Alliance, to install the 2005 officers and board of directors. Betty Peters, founding co-chair, conducted the installation of the new officers including: Chairman Marc Emmer, president of The SST Group; Vice Chair Tammy Messina of WildCat Technologies; Treasurer RJ Kelly, president of International Tax and Accounting Network, Inc.; and Secretary Suzan Solomon, representing the SCV PTA Council.

The new officers replace the outgoing officeholders: Chairman Tim Myers, Vice Chair Joan Lucid, Treasurer Courtney Bourdas Henn and Secretary Cheri Marchaunt. Volunteer honors were also awarded to Stephanie Weiss of Strategies for Success, Sally Taylor of Silly Goose Productions and Beth Shott of McGregor Shott for their contributions to the organization.

Chairman Marc Emmer commented that, "In talking to business leaders throughout the Santa Clarita Valley, it is clearly evident to me that there is a desperate need to support young people as they develop the skill sets required in today's fast paced business environment. Many of the life-skills promoted by the Alliance prepare students to be successful in school, at work and in life, and we are focused on aligning these skills with the needs of local businesses."

Since 1998, the SCV School & Business Alliance has been implementing school-to-career programs in K-12 schools in the SCV. School-to-Career promotes rigorous and relevant instruction and connects students and schools with the local business community.
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