Fighting the Good Fight to Protect your Interests
July, 2015 - Issue #129
If you've ever gone head to head with an insurance company, you probably recall feeling like the deck was stacked against you.

That's because it is.

Insurance companies are in the business of making money, billions of it annually, and they do that by paying out as little as possible on claims. Millions are spent on legal teams to do everything in their power to keep their coffers full.

"The insurance companies have thousands of lawyers on staff - and their sole purpose of existence is to fight against claims brought by individuals who've been harmed and deserve recompense for medical bills and pain and suffering. The last thing that someone who's been injured has the time and energy for is a huge fight with a mega-corporation. They're too busy fighting to get their lives back - and that's why so many people, when an insurance rep tells them that they don't have a case, they give up and try to move forward on their own," says Gerald Marcus, lead attorney at The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus.

There is another way.

"If I could tell someone who's recently been injured just one thing, it would be this: You don't have to go it alone. For over two decades, my team and I have helped members of our community fight the good fight. We get our clients immediate medical care and get them on the road to healing while we go toe to toe with the insurance companies on their behalf. We're known for taking every sort of case - from the smallest slip and fall to multi-million-dollar injury cases; our reputation with the industry is that we're fighters. They know that they're not going to get off easy because we never give up. We've been around a long time - I have the inside scoop on the defense attorneys, the adjustors. We use every resource we have to get every dime our clients deserve and aid them on their path to restoring their health and wellbeing," says the lawyer, who's regularly been noted as one of California's most successful personal-injury attorneys.

Marcus's stats show that his bark is as big as his bite. Today, The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus has served over 10,000 clients and has recovered more than $100,000,000. And, because the firm works on a contingency basis, clients never pay anything up front. If there's no recovery, clients never pay anything at all.

"It's a lot of work and a lot of hours to do the right thing," but the effort has been worth it, says Marcus, because of his passion to serve people. "I represent people - not corporations or companies. My clients have a face and a real problem; they need help. I've repped people from all walks of life - homeless people, billionaires, the incarcerated. They all get the same level of dedication and respect from me. I know I can help get results for my clients; it's a good feeling."
"Gerry, I can't thank you enough for all the hard work that you have done for me and my family. You have represented me successfully on two car accidents... I have always been grateful for the fact that you and your staff have cared about my physical, mental and emotional health first. The specialists that you have sent me to were all competent physicians who did everything in their power to take care of my problems, rather than just taking care of the symptoms. THE FINANCIAL COMPENSATION THAT I RECEIVED FOR MY INJURIES WAS JUST AND FAIR.
As the result of your amazing work, I was comfortable with referring my now 76 year old mother to your firm after she broke her leg in a restaurant. She received excellent medical care as well as financial compensation. I know that you FOUGHT FOR HER RIGHTS
and I can't thank you enough. ...
I first retained you about 12 years ago, and since then I know that I have referred at least 10 to 20 other people to you who have all retained your services based on my recommendation. I have always BEEN THANKED by every person for that.... I want to thank you and your staff from the bottom of my heart. YOU'RE THE BEST,"
Alan A., March 20, 2014
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