Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
August, 2019 - Issue #179

Q. Even though the weather is still hot, it is already time for kids to head back to school! What do you look forward to most about the new school year?
I know my kids are excited to head back to class and see friends they missed over the summer - and I am looking forward to hearing about the new things they are learning. It's fun seeing what different subjects and topics get them interested, thinking and excited! From the city side, I am looking forward to a new year of our Drug-Free Youth in Santa Clarita Valley (DFY in SCV) program reaching even more students. The goal of this program is to educate and empower students to make good choices, leading to positive, healthy behaviors. The curriculum teaches lifelong skills - tailored to each grade level - to give students the tools they need to combat negative peer pressure. They also learn easy-to-remember strategies to say no to drugs and alcohol. As kids get older, they have the opportunity to join drug-free clubs and develop a positive peer network in junior high and high school while also giving back to the community through service projects. Your kids will no doubt be learning more about DFY in SCV at their school - and you can find out more by visiting

Q. People keep talking about the Pace Bike Share program. It looks like the perfect way to explore the trails or run errands around town. What do residents need to know, and do, before they can rent a bike?
You truly experience a whole new take on our city when you leave the roads and set off on the nearly 100 miles of trails. Our Pace Bike Share program is an easy, convenient way to do just that. For starters, download the Pace app, which is available for both iOS and Android devices. You can then set up a credit card or use your PayPal to activate your account. Make sure to enter "RIDESC" to get a two-dollar credit for your first ride. The Pace app will direct you to the nearest designated Pace Station. There you will be able to unlock a bike (Remember to bring your own helmet!) and then set off on a ride. The bikes have on-board locks to ensure they are returned to stations properly. When you finish with your ride, return the bike to a station, lock it up and your account will be billed $1 per half hour of riding time. I encourage everyone to get out and explore our city in a way that is both healthy and environmentally friendly! You can learn more at

Q. As we head into the second half of 2019, the city is moving into the homestretch of your Santa Clarita 2020 strategic plan. Can you share some updates on recent progress?
It is really exciting to see how many of the action items in SC 2020 have been checked off the list. I would encourage you to visit, where you can see all the green check marks showing which items are now complete. Two of the major projects within the plan are also reaching milestones. In June, the city council awarded the construction contract for the new sheriff's station. This means that right now work is happening on the site off Golden Valley Road - and the physical building is beginning to take shape. This is thrilling for our community - but also for the hard-working men and women of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station. They have been in the same location since the 1970s and are in dire need of more space and amenities. We look forward to welcoming them to the new station in early 2021. Another project on track to open around that same time is the much-anticipated Canyon Country Community Center. I know everyone in that area of town, and across the city, is looking forward to this new hub. Once complete, the center will offer cultural enrichment in the form of classes, activities, programs and more for both youth and adults, as well as special community events and workshops that will provide opportunities for personal and professional development. Both of these projects will have a lasting positive impact on our city - and we are looking forward to the grand openings!
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