Make Networking Associations Work for You
To make the most of your networking meeting, here are a few guidelines the Small Business Association (SBA) recommends you follow.
October, 2006 - Issue #24
General Networking Guidelines

Arrive early. If you are there before the mass of the group, you are assured the maximum opportunity to meet everyone.

Arrive with a goal in mind. Before the meeting, set a goal for yourself for that day, and then achieve it. Don't arrive at the meeting feeling lackadaisical or unfocused. Take some time to get yourself focused before the meeting.

Make sure you have writing materials and plenty of business cards and/or brochures.

Make sure you have a purse or briefcase to deposit the materials and business cards that you will accumulate.

Make sure to shake hands when introduced, or when you introduce yourself.

Don't huddle up with co-workers or friends. It is easier to be approached by others if you don't appear to be busy with idle conversation.

Local Networking Organizations

Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce

Valley Industrial Association

Santa Clarita Valley Jaycees

Business Group Membership Info
Don't be afraid to approach people you don't know and introduce yourself.

Wear a name tag.

Don't hard sell yourself or your company. Networking meetings are meant to be social and semi-informal/relaxed.

Do your best to remember names of individuals you have met.

A Note on Personal Appearance

While it is important to prepare for your meeting by following the preceding criteria, it is also very important to make sure that your personal appearance is appropriate for the gathering. Your appearance is the first thing people notice. Unfortunately, lasting impressions can be formed about you or your company before you even open your mouth based solely on your appearance. Because of this, it is important to pay attention to this detail. Here are some things to consider.

Have a good haircut.

Wear clothes that are setting appropriate.

Wear clothes that fit properly.

Pay attention to detail. Make sure you don't have a snag in your stockings or a stain on your blouse, for example.

Most importantly: be yourself. If you are comfortable with your appearance, your confidence will surely benefit.

What to Do After a Networking Experience

After the meeting, it is important that you follow up with the people you have met in a timely manner. If someone was interested in your company, don't wait two or three weeks to drop them a line; they may have forgotten you by then. Also, it is very important to follow through on any promises you may have made. If you told someone you would call them with some information, make sure you do it! It is very important to be credible and reliable in order for your networking efforts to be truly fruitful.

Networking can be costly in fees, dues, luncheons, etc., but if done effectively, it can prove to be an invaluable investment in your business's success.

Source: Small Business Administration
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