Mind Your Own Business
March, 2015 - Issue #125
FASTFRAME Wins Title of Small Business of the Year
The SCV Chamber of Commerce named FASTFRAME "Small Business of the Year" at the organization's annual installation event. The company, which specializes in custom framing and offers innovative products like Mirror Mate, is located in Valencia. 291-1325

The Settlement: What to Expect
One of the most common questions we hear from injured parties is this: "What kind of settlement can I expect?" The answer varies case by case, but it's helpful to look at recent examples to get a sense of the kind of compensation you deserve for your pain, suffering and loss. Here's an actual car accident case that can illuminate both the process and the result.

Our client was involved in a car accident when the other party pulled out of a driveway directly into her path, resulting in a moderate impact collision. As a result, our client's car was damaged and she suffered back and neck injuries requiring neck surgery. Even though the police report placed the other party at fault, the other party's insurance company disputed the claim based on liability/fault and injuries.

We demanded settlement prior to filing a lawsuit and the other party's insurance company offered $15,000 to settle the case. We were forced to file a lawsuit and aggressively litigate the case. After extensive litigation and discovery we convinced the insurance company to do the right thing and settle our client's case for its full value in the amount of $486,000. Mediation, arbitration and trial were not necessary. This saved our client thousands of dollars in costs as well as the delay and uncertainty associated with trial.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992
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