Mind Your Own Business
September, 2016 - Issue #143
courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock
Soft-tissue Damage and Litigation
"Soft tissue" organs include muscles, tendons and ligaments - all of which are vital to your ability to move your body correctly - and damage to one may permanently impact your life. Soft-tissue damage could include sprains, strains, contusions, burns, micro-tears and bruises. Soft-tissue injuries can be very painful, possibly permanent, and can severely limit your ability to perform essential functions of your job or everyday life, including moving your arms or legs in certain ways, or the ability to lift or move objects.

When you sustain an injury to a soft tissue organ, it is important to review your legal options with the assistance of a personal injury attorney who can help you develop a plan for pursuing and obtaining compensation.

It is easy to become stressed and frustrated after sustaining a soft-tissue injury. That is why you need to partner with a law firm that takes an understanding approach to each case to learn how clients have had their lives impacted by their injuries so that they can fight for fair, deserved compensation for their losses using an aggressive, thorough litigation style.

If you think you may have a case, speak with a legal professional to help you determine the best course of action in order to pursue financial relief. Don't live with the pain and other possibly permanent consequences of someone else's negligent actions.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992

Thank You Sand Fire Emergency Responders!
A Special Note from a Rescued Tortoise

"Thank you to all the firefighters, law enforcement, Red Cross personnel, EMTs, paramedics, animal care professionals and thousands of residents whom all stepped up and saved our community from total destruction during the Sand Fire!

I'm Pebbles (aka "Tank"). My mom is Wendy Collins of State Farm - you should reach out to her if you have questions about your Sand Fire insurance claims! - and she's loaning me this space so I can say a special thank you to our community's emergency responders. The awesome people who helped evacuate me are my heroes.
Here's the true, unabridged story:

Shawn Rose relayed my story to Bonnie Shierts with Hazards Warnings & Emergencies SCV, who immediately contacted Shirley Miller at Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff Station. Shirley Miller sent LASD Deputy Garcia to get me out of my backyard and also coordinated with Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control Lieutenant Cirar to send officers to assist with my transport. Thank you to Shirley Miller and Deputy Garcia from Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff Department, Lieutenant Cirar and Officer Minchaia from LA County Animal Care and Control for their coordinated efforts to keep me safe! It's fun to have my heroes become my new best friends!
Love, Pebbles"
Wendy Collins of State Farm 296-2068

Charmaine Wojciechowski of Charmaine
Charmaine Wojciechowski of Charmaine's Bouquet Canyon Florist
Charmaine's Bouquet Canyon Florist Celebrates 36 Years in Business
Charmaine's Bouquet Canyon Florist has been a Santa Clarita mainstay for 36 years, providing three-dozen years of service and excellence to the SCV community and beyond. Known for top-shelf customer service, creative design and quality blooms, Charmaine's Bouquet Canyon Florist is a must-call for weddings, anniversaries, prom and other special life events, including "just because."
Inside SCV Magazine publishers and staff would like to congratulate this exceptional local business and thank Charmaine's Bouquet Canyon Florist for over a decade of loyalty; the florist was an advertiser in our very first issue and has run in every issue since! Says Publisher Jeanna Crawford, "Charmaine Wojciechowski is a constant reminder of what hard work will earn us. We are endlessly proud of our partnership - and friendship - with Charmaine and her remarkable team."
Charmaine's Bouquet Canyon Florist 297-3100
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