Acura MDX available at Valencia Acura |
Valencia Acura the MDX and a Miracle
"In 2007, I bought an Acura MDX at Valencia Acura. It was a great car and I was always pleased with the professionalism of the service department over the years.
Early in the evening last month, my wife and I welcomed twins into the world. Being 62 years old, with my wife a dozen years behind, these babies are our miracles.
A few hours later I made a quick trip home. On my way back to the hospital, a woman ran a red left-turn light and hit me head on at 50 mph.
As I watched her car accelerating towards me, I thought I was going to die. Instantly, I thought about the tragedy of being gone and leaving my wife alone with our new babies. Within seconds, the air bags exploded all around me and left me feeling as though I was floating in the clouds of Heaven.
The next 4.5 hours were spent in the ER, just one floor below where my wife and babies were.
Miracles can take many forms. That day two angels delivered precious babies to my wife and me. At least one of them accompanied me on my trip home and back later that evening. Those angels blessed my life. My Acura MDX saved it.
The next day I called Valencia Acura and explained what had happened. I told the Sales Manager Brian Fleming what I was looking for and three minutes later he called back with a price for a 2017 MDX in the color and package I wanted. Sold!
Thank you to Brian, Don and Cheri Fleming, Paul and Gary and all the wonderfully-special folks at Valencia Acura for taking care of me like a longtime friend. At a time when I really had lots of other things to be worried about, they made buying a new car a quick and painless experience." ~ Gary McKay
Valencia Acura 255-3000
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Be Boat Safe this Summer
Boat accidents can occur in a variety of situations that include boats ranging from ocean-going commercial and cruise line vessels to small recreational crafts. When referring to a motor vehicle accident we often refer to the "Rules of the Road" in order to determine what each person's responsibilities were regarding the safe operation of their vehicle. These rules are similar to the ones established by the Coast Guard and various state agencies, and outline the rules for safe boating:
·Be weather-wise
·Follow a pre-departure checklist
·Use common sense
·Designate an assistant skipper
·Develop a float plan
·Make proper use of lifejackets
·Avoid alcohol
·Learn to swim
·Take a boating course
·Consider a free vessel safety check
By following these basic safety outlines, drivers can avoid many of the common causes of accidents. If you or someone you love has been injured in a boat accident, the boat operator is responsible for filing an accident report and submitting the report to the applicable state agency, the Coast Guard, or both. If you have suffered injury or someone has been killed, you must report the accident within 48 hours of the accident. If the accident only caused property damage, the report must be filed within 10 days.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992
Help your Business put its Best "Face" Forward
From railings to roller coasters, hospitals to hotels, ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING has the expertise and equipment to do the job right. They adapt to the unique scheduling and project needs of each client to minimize disruption and maximize results. Business owners and managers understand how important it is to keep their building looking its best. As a professional commercial and industrial painting contractor, ALLBRiGHT has the expertise and equipment to paint a variety of structures including condos, high-rises, hospitals, offices, churches and more. 846-2928
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Do I have to Move in Order to Get Away From my Adult Child?
by Arif M. Halaby
We have all seen movies about that wayward adult child who lives in the basement and plays on the computer all day. His job is to "look" for a job, and by that he means sending out resumes in his pajamas and surfing the net for the next big thing.
As you prepare for retirement, consider that many of this next generation have no idea what it takes to live a life independent of their parents. Whether it is your "fault" or not, information about success and education is available to more people than ever before. It used to be that we had to go away to find knowledge, but today it comes to us, virtually free. The internet has leveled the playing field between the rich and the poor.
So if knowledge is power, why are all these young people still making very poor financial decisions and not succeeding in business? In my 21 years as a financial professional I have come to see big changes in two key areas when it comes to finances. First: personal accountability is missing. It used to be if you did not pay your bills, there were consequences. We need financial literacy courses that outline cause and effect when it comes to buying things such as cars, electronics or other depreciating items.
Second: A lack of honor when it comes to hard, smart work. Starting a business or beginning a career at the bottom were the main way out of poverty. People use to pick a trade or field of study and begin a journey that would take years. Now, young people believe they should have the same things - or better - as their parents have today. Not after years of hard work and the development of a skill set. This creates a lack of appreciation for those that still do go out and take a risk to start a business or who dare to start from the bottom of a career ladder. This also leads to resentment of those who do succeed.
I have seen many parents want to retire and begin a new phase in life but that one child won't leave. They use guilt, blame, anger or just plain bullying to stay well beyond their welcome. Let's be clear; this is not the child who is going to school and/or working full time and staying with you just to get ahead. I am not referring to the child who is helping with an elderly or ill relative. Make sure both parents are on the same page because I have seen many marriages broken up or become damaged during this phase - especially second marriages.
So how do you ask them to leave while still maintaining a good relationship? Consider a serious, straight talk in a different environment such as a restaurant. A few clients have had this discussion and it made all the difference. You may want to give a date, like 30 to 60 days out, and make it stick. A few clients actually sold the house and moved to a one-bedroom, senior-type housing situation.
Finally, remember this: They can claim your home as their residence and actually require you to evict them through the court system. If it comes down to that, the relationship may already be beyond repair.
Arif Halaby is a certified estate planner and president/CEO of Total Financial Solutions, Inc., a financial and insurance services company. 753-9683
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An Introduction to Probate
The court process known as probate is really very simple when you break it down to its essence. Ownership of an asset, such as a house or bank account, is always shown by the owner's name on the deed or title. Whenever one person's name is on the deed or title, and they pass away, there needs to be a legal process to remove that person's name to replace it with the name of a new person - usually an adult child of the person who passed away. This gives them the authority to wrap things up and, most often, distribute those assets to the family. That process is called probate. It sounds simple, and oftentimes it is, but probate is always done through the court system - without exception. Whenever you involve the court, you can expect it to take a lot of time and cost a lot of money. The fees for probate don't vary and are actually written into the law in California Probate Code §10810. The court calculates these fees based on the gross value of the assets. So, for a house, this will be the fair market value of your house without subtracting for the mortgage - in other words, what your house would sell for in the current market.
Gross Value of Estate: Probate Fees for Attorney and Executor
$400,000 - $22,000
$500,000 - $26,000
$600,000 - $30,000
$800,000 - $40,000
$1,000,000 - $46,000
As you can see, when you factor in the house and other assets, probate fees become shocking. This doesn't need to happen. It's very easy to avoid probate completely by establishing a living trust. If you can set aside just over one hour to meet for a friendly, no-hassle appointment with an experienced attorney, you'll be well on your way to making probate ancient history for your family.
Edward O'Hare, Esq. of O'Hare Law 284-5000