Mind Your Own Business
November, 2018 - Issue #170

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29 Lessons for Business & Life
by Kathy Watterson

A lot of people have been asking me what my "road" to success looked like, or what my "key" is to making it in real estate/business/life. It's hard to summarize it in a sentence - so I thought I'd share the 29 most important lessons I've learned in honor of my 29 years in business.

1. Be nice - to everyone. Not because they can help you, but because it feels good and right to help them.

2. Listening is different than hearing. You do the first with your heart and the second with your ears. Listen more.

3. Take a chance on good people. Some of my best employees started with zero experience.

4. Be active in your community. If you want change, make it.

5. Laugh loudest at your own mistakes - never take yourself too seriously.

6. Don't buy that Lotto ticket - spend that money on developing you. Become your own big win!

7. Never stop learning.

8. Don't be threatened by the competition - that's wasted energy you could be using to build your own business and not worry about the competition.

9. Say "thank you." Always. To everyone.

10. The higher your horse, the harder the fall. Be humble.

11. Be open to new ideas - even if they make you feel nervous or out of touch.

12. Know that you don't have all the answers. Hire respected experts and listen to them.

13. Keep your priorities straight. People you want to know respect that "family is first," because it's the same for them, too.

14. Tell people what you do. You never know who needs your service or product!

15. Be honest. Always.

16. Never speak ill of others; it's mean, and there's a good chance it'll bite you in the butt.

17. Find a way to disagree without being disagreeable. You won't change any minds with a bad attitude.

18. Get up early, go to bed early. You'll get more done, and faster.

19. Write. It. Down. Stop forgetting your best on-the-whim ideas or to-do's.

20. Invest in your friendships. They'll keep you going.

21. Don't do "everything." Do a few things incredibly, fabulously well.

22. Give others the chance to be amazing, too - you'll both grow along with their responsibility.

23. Get involved in leadership - politics, PTA, school board, non-profits. You'll learn a ton and meet motivated people.

24. Jealously is pointless. Turn envy into inspiration.

25. Set goals - write them down! Tell others. Check in. Make sure they are measurable and be accountable. You can do this!

26. Know that some days, nothing's going to go right. Just survive it, rest and start again.

27. Never miss a chance to tell someone that they did a great job. Be specific. Tell their boss. Tell everyone!

28. Everything changes. Don't fight it - see it as a chance to learn, improve and grow.

29. Relationships matter! Build them, nourish them, appreciate them! Send the thank you cards, remember the birthdays, make the extra call.
Kathy Watterson - RE/MAX Santa Clarita knows that experience matters. Put her 29 years of SCV expertise to work for you. 284-5066

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You should be Compensated for Emotional Scarring, Too
If you've ever been injured or in an accident, you know that the subsequent nightmares, anxiety and depression can be harder to heal than broken bones. That's why PTSD and the psychological damages caused by an injury or accident can be pursued for compensation in the court of law. In order to do this, though, the victim must prove that the accident or incident was the direct cause of the emotional damages. Insurance companies will oftentimes try to decline these types of cases because they treat them as less severe - which is why most successful settlements are negotiated by the injured party's legal team. If your emotional health is causing you to take off work or skip activities in your life, keep all related documents and contact an experienced personal injury attorney. These could help prove your case for emotional damages and win you the compensation you deserve.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992

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courtesy of Shutterstock

Why You Need to Review your Homeowner's Coverage... Now
Fires, earthquakes, flooding - oh my! Living in Southern California brings its fair share of homeowner concerns to the table, which is why - if you haven't already done so in the last year - you should be reviewing your homeowner's insurance policy... now. The truth is, companies cancel coverages frequently. Sure, you'll get a notice in the mail, but if you miss it or don't speak "legal-ise," you may be left without vital coverage when the worst happens. Here's what to ask your friendly neighborhood insurance agent.

Am I covered in case of an earthquake? Unless you have additional earthquake insurance, the answer is, "probably not." With the recent news that "the big one" is on its way, most So Cal homeowners won't want to roll the dice. As we've seen with recent disasters, FEMA and other governmental emergency responses are late, or absent entirely. Earthquake insurance will help you secure temporary housing and put your life back together if the Big One hits.

Am I covered if there's a wildfire and my home/property is affected? If you have insurance, you're good - but you may have heard that many insurance companies have cancelled homeowner properties in the SCV. If you're concerned or have already been affected, check with the major carriers in our area. Most are financially sound and still writing polices.
Flooding because Mother Nature is a force not to be underestimated is very different than a pipe bursting. Especially after a fire, there's a dramatic increase in flooding, because a burnt landscape can't absorb water fast enough. With our recent fires, it's a good idea to make sure that you have a flood policy that covers water damage caused by rains and floods, since it's not covered by a traditional homeowner's policy. That being said, it's not unusual for major insurance companies that are financially sound work to approve claims, instead of find ways to decline them. Recently, victims of flood damage correlated with a previous fire did have claims approved - but it's best not to roll the dice. Most flood policies cost less than your average monthly cable bill.

Why You should Work with a Local Lender
Do you get sales calls from people across the country who couldn't even find Santa Clarita on a map? Their tempting offers can be replicated by a local lender - and you'd get to work with someonew who knows the SCV market. "Everyone in our office has lived in the area for many years," says Mike Ross, branch manager of Finance of America - Santa Clarita. "We know the SCV market! Plus our loan operations team is located right inside our offices, giving us more control over the loan processing, underwriting and funding, letting us close more smoothly and on time." Communication also improves when you're not calling an 800 number. "We are always available for you via text, phone or e-mail and can set up a meeting in person whenever you need to," says Ross. "We have long-term relationships with local appraisers, home inspectors and other pros and we know who to contact when you need something. Relationships matter - and we invest in ours."
Finance of America Mortgage - Santa Clarita 866-710-7622
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