Mind Your Own Business
February, 2019 - Issue #173
The Anatomy of A Personal Injury Claim
Here is a framework of a typical personal injury case:
An accident occurs. This may be a car accident, bicycle accident, pedestrian accident, bus accident, trip and fall, slip and fall, dangerous condition, dog bite, or any one of hundreds of other scenarios where someone gets hurt.
An injury is suffered. This may be anything from a soft-tissue sprain and strain to the muscles in your neck and back to fractures, laceration, surgery, treatment, brain damage, knee injuries, hip injuries, shoulder injuries or even death.
The victim calls a personal injury attorney, who offers a free consultation. The injured individual usually wants to know what their rights are and whether or not they have a case.
The injured individual is immediately interviewed. The goal is to find out the details of what happened and what their injuries are. If the person was not hurt and just wants advice, it is provided with sound wisdom about how to handle their claim and what to expect. If the person was hurt, regardless as to what extent, an analysis of the three main component parts to a personal injury case are reviewed.
Liability | Collectability | Damages Issues almost always arise or develop in at least one of the three areas. The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus offer skilled legal guidance and analysis based on 30 years of continuous experience as personal injury attorneys. They work exclusively on a contingency fee basis: no recovery, no fee.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992

Pre-taxtime Tips
While you're waiting for your tax appointment, now's the time to gather all your paperwork for max returns. Kept less-than-stellar accounts? Here's where deductibles often hide.
Amazon orders - scroll through to make sure that you didn't buy anything for your business, rental home or other deductible application
PayPal - if you paid freelancers, made an online donation or bought goods and services for your business, there's a good chance you have record of it here
Lyft/Uber accounts - did you use a rideshare app for business? Here's proof!
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