Mind Your Own Business
June, 2020 - Issue #189
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SCV Water: We're Here for You
While this is a challenging time for all, SCV Water remains deeply committed to the safety of our customers, community and employees.
Are you still receiving paper bills? Now is a great time to sign up for online bill pay and paperless billing, so you can pay your water bill from the comfort of your own home. Visit to get started.
As we continue to socially distance ourselves, we've cancelled our May and June gardening classes. The next classes are tentatively scheduled for July 9 and 11. Visit for up-to-date information.
And as a friendly reminder, your water supply is safe. The COVID-19 virus has no impact on the quality or supply of your tap water. We continue to operate our water system to ensure you receive reliable water service that meets all state and federal drinking water standards.
So stock up at the tap, not the store! We're all in this together!
Well, not physically, because... #SocialDistancing.
For more information, visit

"If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident - even if it was more than a year ago - you can still be protected and get the compensation you deserve to help you make a full recovery. It costs nothing to make the call - your consultation is free. And, because we work on contingency, you only pay for your top-rated legal representation if you win or settle your case. We've always fought hard for our clients - and, now more than ever, we're battling the big insurance companies to make sure you get every penny you need and deserve. We are here to support our SCV neighbors with results-driven accident and injury representation - especially assisting with health care and medical treatment assistance."
Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992

Putting your Health in the Driver's Seat
We're all focusing more on our health as we strap in for this crazy ride, and at Mercedes-Benz of Valencia, that means continuing to put your safety first - with the same dedication since their opening in 2005. First and foremost, they value the health and safety of their customers and staff above everything else. Today, that also means taking every precaution to protect our community amid this global pandemic.
Some of these steps include: thorough daily cleanings of all dealership facilities; sanitizing gel and foam stations available on-site; educating staff on the importance of staying home if they are not feeling well; adhering to social distancing policies; adjusting schedules and operations to reduce exposure and serve their clients efficiently and more.
No matter the department you're looking for, they have staff available to answer questions and assist your needs. You can connect with a member of the Mercedes-Benz of Valencia team by phone, email or through their website.
Mercedes-Benz of Valencia 753-5555

"I thank the entire Mission Valley Bank team who have worked tirelessly to serve the community in this time of need, while dramatically altering the way we serve clients. While our priority remains the health and safety of our employees and the community, we are proud to assist businesses with access to programs like the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). As of May 4, 2020, Mission Valley has provided over 330 PPP loans totaling in excess of $65 million to local business clients." Tamara Gurney, President and CEO, Mission Valley Bank
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courtesy of shutterstock

Building Brand Confidence with Cleanliness
Professional Disinfecting Services Provide Competitive Edge

Everyone wants life to get "back to normal" as soon as possible - but few are willing to risk the health of their families, co-workers and clients to do so. "My phone rings off the hook all day with business owners asking one question: How do I open for business - and keep everyone safe?" says Joel Moss, co-owner of Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita. "Business owners know that they need to step it up if they're going to gain the confidence of a wary potential client who's just spent weeks at home."
With COVID-19 rarely far from anyone's thoughts, medical offices, retail stores, restaurants, business professionals and more are clamoring for solutions. "It's tempting to try and DIY disinfect," says Moss, but in his experience, many business owners quickly throw in the often-literal towel. "If they can even get their hands on all the supplies they need to disinfect their spaces, it quickly becomes overwhelming. You never realize how many surfaces you actually have in your space until you try to tackle it all with a pack of Clorox wipes."
Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita, with disinfecting professionals certified by OSHA, has already fielded many calls from fed up essential business owners. "Our team is in hazmat suits; we're using air scrubbers and EPA-approved professional-grade disinfectant solutions; we're treating different surfaces with different products to ensure that when we leave, every trace of COVID-19 leaves with us. Everyone feels safer and our clients are telling us that they feel more confident opening their doors to the public. A few have started promoting that we're there regularly - disinfecting is good for business," explains Moss.
Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita 310-0884

How To Navigate Changes with
the Help of your Insurance Professional

Though these uncertain times are challenging for all of us, State Farm Agent Wendy Collins helps her clients navigate crisis on a routine basis, and that experience has taught her one thing for sure: Positivity is key because this too shall pass. When things are tough and money is tight, however, it can be tough to maintain that sense of positivity in crisis. That's where your State Farm agent can help. "If you are currently facing financial burden, we are here to help make this new normal feel just a little more normal," says Wendy Collins, whose office is currently connecting with clients online, by phone or through the mobile app. "We're there when things go wrong, and here to help life go right."
State Farm Wendy Collins 296-2068

"The word 'essential' has taken on a WHOLE NEW MEANING over the past few months. Sure, the textbook definition tells us it's something absolutely necessary and extremely important. But when applied to people and professions, it delivers a punch depending on where you lie on the continuum. Some industries came to a full stop while others are still working nonstop. It has been a confusing time, but through it all communication has been the indispensable superpower used to convey information, educate and inform, and provide a framework for getting through some difficult days. There will be many KEY TAKEAWAYS for business owners in the aftermath of this pandemic. First, bank where everyone knows your name, so you get help fast. Be flexible to reinvent your business model overnight, while discovering innovative ways to deliver goods and services. And, finally, know that effective communication is essential for survival and recovery." Teresa Todd, Point of View Communications 257-4440
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courtesy of shutterstock

Protect your Children's Futures
with Estate Planning

Minor children are the most important part of a young family, yet many young families fail to seek the type of planning that protects their children most: estate planning. It's not just about assets. All parents with minor children need a child-centered estate plan to determine who will raise your children and protect your estate for their benefit. Without it, you're giving up your right to have your children taken care of according to your wishes. The Nomination of Guardianship of Minor Children is a central component of estate planning that spells out your child-rearing values and allows you to name a guardian you believe will comply with those values. Without it, the courts will appoint a guardian based on what the court believes is the best interest of the child. The court could turn your child over to Child Protective Services to be placed with a foster family, or even separate siblings from their last living family members.
Estate planning is essential to protecting your children's financial and emotional future, and it's an easy step to incorporate into your planning.
For questions about protecting your children through estate planning, contact Yeager Law at 471-2177.
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