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Effective Divorce Mediation Offers Money & Stress Saving
Solutions for your Family
Although Effective Divorce Mediation may be new to you, they are not new to helping people resolve their divorces, legal separations and modifications of current orders - all without having to step inside a courtroom. EDM's team of mediators has over 50 years experience listening to people and working with them and their families to make decisions that work best for their specific situation. They handle matters like parenting plans, financial issues like spousal and/or child support, as well as personal and real property issues. EDM offers state-of-the-art video conferencing, or if you prefer, a large conference room suitable for social distancing during a mediation.
Effective Divorce Mediation, LLC 310-5866
"I represent people - not corporations or companies. My clients have a face and a real problem; they need help. I've repped people from all walks of life - homeless people, billionaires, the incarcerated. They all get the same level of dedication and respect from me. I love being able to help people who need a voice. Without a voice, they don't stand a chance. I'm passionate about fighting for the underdog - and, against these multi-billion-dollar insurance companies, everyone's an underdog. They have the money, the resources. But I know the way they operate. I have the inside scoop on the defense attorneys, the adjustors. We fight really, really hard even on the smallest cases, and that has earned us a stellar reputation in the industry. Insurance companies know that we battle aggressively and that WE DON'T GIVE UP. I know I can help get results for my clients; it's a good feeling."
Gerald L. Marcus of The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992
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Planning for High Net Worth Individuals
Affluent families have particular needs for advanced estate planning techniques. Failure to engage in high net worth estate planning means subjecting the estate to unnecessary taxes and financial burdens.
Three tools in particular are valuable for protecting the estate of high net worth individuals: an irrevocable life insurance trust; qualified personal residence trust; and family limited partnerships.
If you're affluent and have very specific ideas on how you'd like your estate distributed after your passing, or if you become incapacitated, you'll want to ensure that each of these tools is properly utilized on your behalf. You deserve to relax, knowing that your family, your philanthropies and other beneficiaries are cared for the way you intended.
Yeager Law 471-2177
Open Enrollment is Coming It's Time to Find a Health Insurance Plan that Fits your Needs
No one plans to get sick or hurt, but most people need medical treatment at some point. Without health insurance coverage, you put yourself at a big financial disadvantage. Treatment for health conditions or serious accidents can put you in deep debt when you're uninsured. The open enrollment period for health insurance selection usually starts mid-October. Whether you are uninsured or are considering updating your medical insurance to a new provider, working with friendly professionals who have access to the best plans and prices is always a win. Schedule a time to review your options and find a plan that best suits your needs - then get enrolled!
Nick Rose Insurance 253-1131