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What You should Do After an Injury Accident
After suffering injuries in any type of accident, it is immediately important to obtain the medical help that you need to remain healthy or to be nursed back to health. Your health and survival should be your main priority. Immediately after receiving medical attention, you, or a family member, are strongly advised to consult with a Santa Clarita personal injury lawyer to find out if you are eligible to file a personal injury claim.
By working with your personal injury attorney, you can determine fault and negligence in the accident. If another party was entirely at fault for the accident, leaving you absolutely no fault for the damages, you are most likely eligible to file a claim. However, insurance companies can be sneaky, and they may try to convince you otherwise or that you are not eligible for a claim. Only speak to an insurer if you have your lawyer present.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992
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What's the Difference Between a Beneficiary and a Trustee?
Legal terms can be very confusing. Many people use the terms "trustee" and "beneficiary" interchangeably but they are not.
Simply stated, a trustee is the manager of the trust. This person will be responsible for controlling the assets and following the trust terms. This person needs to be a responsible, capable adult that you trust to carry out your wishes.
A beneficiary is the person or people the trust is supposed to benefit after your death. This person can be anyone, including a minor or disabled person. The trust might instruct the trustee to give the beneficiary their inheritance outright or it might have the trustee hold onto the inheritance and spend it on their behalf.
A trustee and beneficiary can be the same person, such as when an heir is being put in immediate control over their own inheritance. One beneficiary might be named as trustee to manage the trust until distributions can be made. Or a trustee could be a trusted family member or friend who is not a beneficiary.
Whatever your situation, it is important to understand the difference between these two roles when setting up your trust. That way you can use the proper terms in the correct way to avoid confusion about your wishes.
Law Attorney Michael Yeager 471-2177
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Your Minor Child is not your Friend
by Denise Lite
If you've ever had a good or even best friend, you've experienced the relief and comfort knowing that you can be - and share - just about anything with that person.
Keep that freeness in mind when you read this next sentence: Your minor child is not your friend.
Can you be their friend? If that coordinates with your parenting style, go for it.
But the reverse is not true, especially when you're dealing with a high-conflict divorce or custody case.
Your children are not your sounding boards - they don't need to hear your thoughts and feelings about your ex, the court's rulings or how lonely/mad/sad you are.
Your big feelings are your responsibility, not your child's, and sharing them parentifies your child and can make them feel responsible for your emotions. That's a heavy, and unnecessary, burden to place on a kid.
It can also get you in trouble with the court. No judge likes to hear that a parent has been badmouthing their co-parent to their kid and your ex may jump on the opportunity to claim parental alienation.
That doesn't mean you can't rant and rave appropriately to a real friend or, even better, a therapist. But when it comes to maintaining an appropriate parent-child relationship, censor yourself as necessary.
Denise Lite, Esq. is a certified family law specialist at DaCorsi Placencio, PC 877-317-8080
Introducing Brian Fleming
As a long-time sales manager, Brian Fleming has been behind the scenes at Valencia Acura working great deals for customers. Since the passing of beloved owner Cheri Fleming last November, Brian has worked closely with his dad, Don Fleming, to manage many of the other aspects of the dealership. Dealer/principal Don Fleming is happy to have Brian working alongside him. Brian's wife, Jennifer, is a local school teacher in the Saugus Union School District. They consider Santa Clarita the perfect place to live, work, and raise their two teenage children. Stop by to say hello to Brian or reach out to Don who is always available to chat about what's new in the auto world.
To everyone's credit, the Valencia Acura team has stepped up to the task of honoring the Fleming's legacy of excellence, customer service and community involvement. Since 1997, Valencia Acura has been known as the Friendship Dealership, which means they treat customers the way they themselves would want to be treated. The sales team is world-class in assisting customers, yet guests will never feel pressured doing business with them.
Acura owners would be hard pressed to find anyone more knowledgeable and accommodating than the Service and Parts Departments. Throughout the store, the team puts customers first - always have and always will. This year celebrates the dealership's 25th anniversary. Whether shopping or servicing a car today, tomorrow, or years from now, customers can always expect to receive Valencia Acura's signature, no pressure, Friendship service on every visit.
Valencia Acura 255-3000