Mind your Own Business
April, 2013 - Issue #102
Turn your Great idea into Reality
with a Business Plan

Every great business starts with a spark of an idea, sometimes a passing thought or a dream. But turning that idea into reality takes hard work and planning. As Benjamin Franklin so aptly stated, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!" Regardless of the size or maturity of the company, developing a strong and realistic business plan is vital to the success of every entrepreneur. After all, how can you get there if you don't know where you are going? A well-thought-out business plan provides the framework needed to support strategic adjustments to your products and services as the business climate changes. It gives you the ability to adapt quickly to reach new clients as markets shift. Your business plan should be well organized; include goals and growth strategies; and projections on future financial performance along with the assumptions used to identify these performance projections. It should describe your business in detail - its marketing strategies, customers and competitors - and incorporate a comprehensive description of your product and/or services. Lastly, it should provide detail on the ownership of the business and key management team, as well as your succession plan.
Mission Valley Bank Valencia Branch 775-4112; Centre Pointe Branch 253-9500

Why You may Need an Injury Attorney
If you get in an accident, probably the most important decision you will make is whether to have a lawyer's help in making your claim. Your decision will affect several things, including how much money you recover and whether your recovery includes compensation for all your problems - past and future - caused by the accident.

There are many reasons why you should have a lawyer's help after an accident, the first being that you'll get an honest evaluation of your claim. Your lawyer has experience with personal injury claims and can tell you if your claim is strong. In contrast, an insurance adjuster will likely say your claim is weak, even if it isn't.

Your lawyer can also give you a true estimate of how much compensation you can recover. Accident victims can recover compensation for many things: medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. Only your lawyer will tell you everything you can receive compensation for, and therefore, the true value of your claim. Remember: There are no legal fees if you don't recover. Most personal injury cases are handled on a contingent fee, which means if you don't win your case, you pay no legal fees. The fee is paid from the recovery. This gives your lawyer strong incentive to get you as large a recovery as possible.

When working with a lawyer, you will likely get more compensation. Studies - even those done by insurance companies - show that accident victims who use a lawyer receive more compensation than those who do not, even after deducting all costs.
Insurance companies want an accident victim to make a claim alone because they know they will likely be able to settle the claim for less compensation (or even none). Lawyers have experience dealing with insurance companies and know how they work. As a result, they will not be misled by tricks insurance companies use to lower accident payouts.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus

New Book Helps You Deal with Debt Problems
What You Need to Know Before Filing for Bankruptcy

SCV debt relief attorney Ray Bulaon has launched a new book designed to help people who are facing serious debt problems. Ray's compact and clearly organized book covers the emotional, financial and legal aspects of bankruptcy and guides readers through decisions such as whether to consult a lawyer, where to begin when they feel that they are drowning in debt and how to approach issues of re-establishing credit.

You'll learn:
• The four big lies about bankruptcy
• What to do when you're facing foreclosure
• How to rebuild your credit
• The essential questions to ask your bankruptcy attorney and more

Obtain a free copy with your consultation.
Ray Bulaon Law Offices, Inc. 866-477-7772
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