Mind your Own Business
July, 2013 - Issue #105
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Trustworthy Advice
from a Trusted Advisor

It all used to be so easy in the days when you could simply pick a bank, any bank, to transact your business. But times have changed. Gone are the days when branch location, brand name and special offers were the primary factors influencing decisions. Today, partnership, trusted advice and loyalty are what customers are looking for in a banking relationship.

But all relationships take work. Building a relationship with your banker is no different - it takes time and patience, as well as honesty on both sides. However, once the groundwork is laid, and your banker has earned your trust (and you have earned theirs), you'll find that having a real relationship with your banker can be invaluable. In fact, having a Trusted Advisor just a phone call away is pretty reassuring.

For business clients, take the relationship to a higher level by bringing in a team of specialists to help guide your business. This team should include, at minimum, a CPA for accounting and bookkeeping aspects, a lawyer to assist in structuring your business, and a banker to look at your business's potential and its lifeline. You'll find having a relationship with your banker to be invaluable, particularly in today's economic climate. A good banker will earn their role as a Trusted Advisor, investing in the growth and success of your business, and will work closely with you to help determine what financial solutions work best for you.
Mission Valley Bank Valencia Office 775-4112
Centre Pointe Business Banking Office 753-5680

The Anatomy of a Personal Injury Claim
Here is a framework of a typical personal injury case:

An accident occurs. This may be a car accident, bicycle accident, pedestrian accident, bus accident, trip and fall, slip and fall, dangerous condition, dog bite, or any one of hundreds of other scenarios where someone gets hurt.

An injury is suffered. This may be anything from a soft-tissue sprain and strain to the muscles in your neck and back to fractures, laceration, surgery, treatment, brain damage, knee injuries, hip injuries, shoulder injuries or even death.

The victim calls a personal injury attorney who offers a free consultation. The injured individual usually wants to know what their rights are and whether or not they have a case.

The injured individual is immediately interviewed. The goal is to find out the details of what happened and what their injuries are. If the person informs the office that they were not hurt and just want advice, it is provided to them with sound wisdom about how to handle their claim and what to expect. If the person was hurt, regardless as to what extent, an analysis of the three main component parts to a personal injury case are reviewed.

Liability | Collectability | Damages

Issues almost always arise or develop in at least one of the three areas. The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus offer skilled legal guidance and analysis based on 30 years of continuous experience as personal injury attorneys. We work exclusively on a contingency fee basis: No recovery, no fee.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 661-296-2992

Bankruptcy is a Beginning, Not the End
Bankruptcy is not something people like to think about - but it is a reality. If you have run out of options, know that you don't need to remain stuck. Don't wait until your financial problems get worse! Know your options and find out how you can protect your home, property and other assets before it's too late.

The "fresh start" concept under our bankruptcy laws has allowed millions of people turn their lives around and start over, securing a better financial future for themselves and their families. It is not for everyone, but when appropriate for your situation, the relief it provides can spare you from needless suffering.

When facing debt problems, a lot of people bury their heads in the sand hoping that, somehow, things will just work themselves out. Unfortunately, nothing will change until you take action to find a solution to your problems.

Ray Bulaon Law Offices, Inc. provides compassionate, caring legal assistance to help you figure out your debt-relief options.
Consultations are free.
Ray Bulaon Law Offices, Inc. with offices in Valencia,
Glendale, Cerritos and West Covina 866-477-7772
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