Mind your Own Business
June, 2015 - Issue #128
Swim Safe this Summer
Swimming pool accidents claim more than one thousand children's lives each year, and accidents in swimming pools account for more than one-third of all child fatalities. Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths in children ages 14 and under, but even adults can suffer catastrophic injury or death as a result of swimming pool mishaps each year.

There are several reasons for why there are so many swimming pool accidents among children. A temporary lapse in supervision is a common factor in most drowning and near-drowning cases. A child can drown in a matter of seconds - in the time it takes to answer the phone, and there is often no splashing to warn of trouble. Children are also more at risk because they can drown in small quantities of water and are at risk in their own homes from wading pools, bathtubs, buckets, diaper pails and toilets as well as swimming pools, spas and hot tubs.

The owners of private pools are responsible for maintaining a safe environment for children and adults. If you or a loved one has been injured in a private or public pool, you may be able to file a claim for damages against the owner/operator of the pool. The three main components of a valid claim against the owner or operator of a pool are negligence, causation and damages.

If the owner failed to provide a safe environment, with respect to the use and operation of the swimming pool, which would include proper supervision, warnings, gating and safety and rescue equipment, the owner or operator of the swimming pool may be negligent. If the injured party suffered damages as a result of a swimming pool owner, or operator's negligence, they are entitled to be compensated for their damages.

One of the important things to keep in mind after a swimming pool accident or drowning is that you must document the events and your injuries. If possible, write down the names, phone numbers and addresses of all potential witnesses. You should also take photographs of the accident scene from different angles, including pictures of any equipment that contributed to the accident or drowning. You should also obtain police reports from the incident and reports from the hospital room. The more information that you can get ahold of, the better. Above all, you should contact a personal injury lawyer who you can trust to protect your rights.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992

Realty ONE Now Recruiting Agents
Growing Company Unique Among Real Estate Brands
by Patrick Raach

Realty ONE Group believes "EveryONE matters" and adds something positive to our dynamic team. We celebrate each other's successes by giving back, taking action, working hard and having fun. Realty ONE Group built our business around real estate pros, designing it specifically to help them exceed expectations and ensure their success. This innovative residential real estate brokerage platform gives entrepreneurial real estate professionals the freedom, resources, strategies and collaborative environment they need to realize their full potential.

Realty ONE Group believes that the agent is the brand. This methodology runs contrary to the norm in the real estate industry but a major part of our success stems from it. We continue to enhance our tools and systems to ensure that we are providing the highest-quality support for our incredible "Team of Professionals." By helping our agents grow, we grow.

At Realty ONE Group, we believe in a unique work culture. We are a company that looks at business differently. Success comes from believing in one another and placing professionals in positions where they feel best suited, valued and where their creativity will be challenged. When that is achieved, everyone wins. Realty ONE Group embraces and evolves with changing times and is constantly seeking out innovative, creative like-minded individuals to join our diverse family.

Be part of our rapid growth! Just take a look at our numbers; we don't plan on slowing down anytime soon! We're number five in the nation with over 50 offices, 7,080 agents and are 100 percent debt free.
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