Mind your Own Business
August, 2021 - Issue #202
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A Drive To Exhilarate and Defy Expectations
Fueled by its legendary heritage, Acura's Type S returns in its most powerful incarnation ready to conquer new roads. The TLX Type S is the pinnacle of Precision Crafted Performance. A driver-focused and adrenaline-inducing sedan, it is designed at its core to defy limits while pushing performance to a new level of exhilaration. The Type S is as refined as ever with an athletic appeal. This dynamic sport sedan is described as "blistering power meets radical refinement." In fact, engineers who helped develop the twin-turbo V6 in the Acura NSX supercar were also brought on board to incorporate technology from the NSX into Acura's new turbocharged 3.0-liter V6 engine for the Type S. Be one of the first to own the TLX Type S. Initial deliveries have begun.
Get on the list to receive updates as more become available or build your own with customized features.
Valencia Acura 255-3000

Safe Driving Tips by a Personal Injury Lawyer who's Seen it All
"By far, the hardest part of my job is working with the families left behind after an accident - and it's a million times worse when that accident could have been prevented," says celebrated lawyer Gerald Marcus, owner of the Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus, Inc. Now, with so many people heading out on summer road trips, it's more important than ever to be extra prepared and cautious.
Don't Drink & Drive
"Buzzed driving is drunk driving. Wait it out, have a cup of coffee or call Uber. Even if you don't get into an accident and die or severely injure yourself and/or others, you'll run a real risk of ruining your life. Our no-tolerance laws can put a breathalyzer in your car, your license on suspension and your rear in jail, not to mention force you to pay fines and penalties," explains Marcus.
Don't Drive Distracted
"We've seen it all," shares the expert. "Terrible accidents because people are doing what seem to be the most innocuous of tasks. The primary culprits: driving while eating, applying makeup and managing children. Multitasking while in command of a thousand-pound machine will eventually end badly."
Don't Drive Medicated
"I hear it from friends and family all the time: 'Oh, that drugstore allergy medication makes me so sleepy!' Just because it's not a prescription med with a big warning sticker doesn't mean that over-the-counter medicines are safe to consume prior to driving. Take your meds after you safely arrive at your destination," explains the personal-injury lawyer.
Don't Drive Tired
"The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that drowsy driving was responsible for 72,000 crashes, 44,000 injuries and 800 deaths. However, these numbers are underestimated and up to 6,000 fatal crashes each year may be caused by drowsy drivers. It's estimated that one in 25 adult drivers will report having fallen asleep while driving in the last 30 days. This might be the best justification yet for hitting the snooze button and getting more sleep," says Marcus.
Wait to Answer Texts & Calls
"Five seconds is the minimal amount of time your attention won't be on the road when you're texting and driving. If your speed is 55 miles an hour, you'd drive the length of a football field without looking at the road. Even if you think that it's ok 'just to check real quick' while you're stopped at a light, please reconsider. We've seen the number of rear-end accidents rise because people get distracted by their phone at a light," shares Marcus.
Make sure your Child's Car Seats are Properly Installed
"The fact is, 90 percent of children's car seats are installed incorrectly. The California Highway Patrol regularly offers car-seat checks. And keep your little ones back-facing for as long as possible. The evidence is irrefutable; this is the safest way to transport your young child," says Marcus.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992
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How does Social Security Fit into Retirement?
You could spend two or three decades in retirement. To meet your income needs for all those years, you'll generally need a sizable amount of retirement assets. How will Social Security fit into the picture?
First, you'll need to decide when to begin taking your benefits. You can start at age 62, but you'll receive a lot less than you would if you waited until your full retirement age, which will probably be between 66 and 67. So, if you have enough other sources of income, you might want to delay filing for benefits.
And if you're married, you may need to consider the potential for spousal and survivor benefits.
Also, be aware that your benefits may be reduced if you're still working and you haven't reached your full retirement age.
Finally, keep this in mind: The more you invest in your IRA and 401(k), the more flexibility you'll gain in managing your Social Security benefits. So, try to contribute as much as you can afford to these plans. It's never a bad idea to boost your retirement savings.
This content was provided by Edward Jones for use by Dwight Wolfe, your Edward Jones financial advisor.

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Turning Over a Newleaf by Paul Butler
In August, my wife and I will have been married for 27 years and my brother-in-law Richard will have worked for his company for 27 years. Richard has also been blessed with a good marriage.
As I reflect on these two milestones, I see so many similarities between a long-lasting marriage and a long-serving career. Sadly, both are no longer the norm.
Both require fidelity. Both require trust. Both allow the other party to grow individually while remaining as one. Financially, my wife and I have become stronger due to our unity. Richard's salary and benefits have increased due to his loyalty. Just as married couples can depend upon each other for help and support, a long-serving employee has confidence the organization will take care of them in their golden years.
Just as we bring ourselves to work, we bring our work home. I'm a great believer that strong relationships and dedicated faithfulness are not only good for marriages but are also good for the workplace. Yes, two can become one.
Paul Butler is a Santa Clarita resident and a client partner with Newleaf Training and Development of Valencia. For questions or comments, e-mail

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Even if your Separation is Amicable, You Need a Custody Order in Place
by Denise Lite
You and your ex are exceptional co-parents. No fighting. No drama. No stress. Under tough circumstances, the kids are doing well.
I'm truly, sincerely happy for you. And - I still want you to have a child custody and visitation order in place.
Why? Because things change. Everything can be fine and good - until they meet your new partner and... hate them. Everything can be chill - until they get a job offer out of state and want to take the kids. Everything can be easy-peasy - until they insist on taking the kids on a month-long European backpacking trip... without you.
There's a presumption that "going to court" always leads to resentment, anger, hurt feelings and the chance of "losing." I'd argue that the opposite is true quite frequently. If you're in a good-enough place with your ex to have already agreed upon a custody arrangement, having it legally binding prevents conflict down the line.
I see it in my practice all the time. The parents do pretty well for a bit, rotating weekends and holidays, and then a big opportunity or life change happens that throws a wrench into the established system. When you have a custody order, your ex can't just take off wherever they want, for however long they decide, with your kids in tow. Without one, you could drop off your kids on Friday, expect to pick them up on Sunday, and find out on Saturday that they're halfway across the country without your consent.
In that situation, without a legally-binding custody order, your ex did nothing legally wrong.
Want your kids back... now? You'll have to file for an emergency order, possibly in more than one state, and wait for the court to decide what should happen to your kids.
If that makes your stomach turn, it gets worse. While you're waiting - perhaps months - for the court to get to and then try your case, there's no legal ground that obligates your ex to put your kids on the phone with you or even give you the address where they're staying.
"I'd call the cops!" you say. Of course, if you believe your children are in imminent physical danger, the police will do a wellness check. But without a custody order in place, the police don't have any legal authority to remove your children from your ex and give them back to you. They'll tell you they're ok - if they can find them - and then they'll tell you to get an order from the court so they can execute it.
"This would never happen to us. We get along great," is another common reaction to reading scenarios just like the one I wrote above. And again - I truly hope that you're correct. Unfortunately, I hear that often in my office - except in the past tense. "I never thought this could happen" is uttered way too frequently for my liking.
So - what can you do? You can create the plan together or with the help of a lawyer and have a judge sign off on it, making it legally enforceable, and hope that you never, ever have to use it in court.
Denise Lite, Esq. is a certified family law specialist with DaCorsi Placencio, PC,
a client-focused, outcome-driven law firm. 877-317-8080
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The Importance of a Coordinated Estate Plan
An estate plan includes various parts. The trust may be the keystone, but it's important to consider how the other parts will work with - or against - the plan. When another document names different agents or gives different directions on what to do with property, the result is confusion and fighting.
Accounts with beneficiary designations can be particularly troubling. If a retirement account names a beneficiary, that beneficiary gets the account regardless of what the estate plan says. It could include former spouses or estranged children. If no beneficiary is named or is deceased, the account will be distributed according to the company's policy, not necessarily those you want to receive the money.
The solution is for the trust to be the only part of the estate plan that distributes assets. Wills and beneficiary designations can name the trust as the beneficiary. All that is necessary is for your trust to be kept up to date and everything flowing into it will follow. Additionally, having the same agent and backup agents will avoid fighting about who is in charge.
Law Attorney Michael Yeager 471-2177
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