Mind your Own Business
November, 2021 - Issue #205

Service your Car, Serve your Community
When you bring your vehicle to Mercedes-Benz of Valencia for award-winning service, you can also serve nonprofit organizations in your community. For every car serviced, the dealership donates $1 to the local charity organization of the month. October's charity is the Boys & Girls Club and November will benefit Carousel Ranch. Donations have been averaging about $2,200 monthly since the program began in March.
Mercedes-Benz of Valencia 753-5555

Injured on the Job?
Workers' Comp isn't the Only Answer

Many people are injured on the job and although some of these injuries will warrant workers' compensation, others will call for a personal injury or wrongful death claim. In cases where a worker is injured on the job because of an accident or a condition that developed over time through the performance of their job, workers compensation may be provided to help cover costs associated with the injury.
Other times, workers can be injured in accidents that resulted from a safety issue, equipment defect or equipment malfunction. If it can be determined that another party's negligence caused the injury on the job, the injured worker can file a personal injury claim against the responsible party to obtain compensation for medical expenses, doctor bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. Unfortunately, for most cases of injuries sustained at work, the law provides that employees do not have the option to pursue a personal injury claim against their employer and, for those cases, workers' compensation is the only legal remedy for injuries. There are several exceptions to this rule. In some instances where the employee was injured because of an employer's intentional egregious conduct, that employee may have grounds for a personal-injury suit. Other exceptions include defective or dangerous products that caused injury. And if the employee sustained injuries because of a toxic substance at work, they may be able to bring a suit of toxic tort against the manufacturer of that substance. If an employee was injured at work by a third party who is not covered under the employer's insurance, the employee has the right to pursue legal action against that individual. If you are unsure whether your injuries fall into any of the above mentioned exceptions, contact a personal injury attorney.
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus 296-2992
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courtesy of Shutterstock

Yes, your Ex may be "Crazy"
but Family Court is still in the Biz of "Unifying Families"

by Denise Lite

"I don't think my kids should see the other parent anymore. They're not safe, a good influence or a healthy person. They're abusive, on drugs or negligent."
I hear a version of that phrase quite often in my line of work and my response is the same each time: The court does not care what you think about your ex. The court's intention is to protect the parent/child relationship after divorce or separation - even if the other parent has serious issues that prevent them from fully showing up in an appropriate way emotionally, physically and/or financially.
Yes, usually even if your ex is shown to be mentally unwell. Yes, often even if your ex has shown to be abusive. Yes, most of the time - even if your ex "disappeared" but now wants a relationship with their kids.
As a lawyer and certified family law specialist, it's my job to convince the judge to put protections and restrictions in place that simultaneously protect you, your kids - and the relationship they have with your ex in a way that keeps your children emotionally and physically safe. This means working hard to, when it's appropriate, get my clients full physical and legal custody and ensure that visitation with the other parent is professionally monitored - sometimes by a therapist - and/or limited in time and scope. It means, when it's called for, getting a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO) and restricting your ex's ability to contact you and the children except under court-mandated circumstances. It means pressing the court to require anger management classes, parenting classes, drug testing and therapy. It means making sure the court holds the other parent accountable when they overstep or don't fulfill the court's decision. And, when it makes sense and in the most rare of cases, it means arguing for a severance of parental rights.
Rarely in family court does everyone - or anyone - get what they want. But with experienced, aggressive legal advocacy, your children can get what they need - emotional and physical safety when interacting with their unstable/unwell parent.
Denise Lite, Esq. is a certified family law specialist at DaCorsi Placencio, PC 877-317-8080

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courtesy of Shutterstock
Fair doesn't Always Mean Equal
When deciding how to split your assets at death, there are many different factors to consider. Equality is certainly one factor, but not the only one. Fair doesn't always mean equal and vice versa.
Consider these situations:
One child has greater need due to no fault of their own.
One child has much, much more money than the others.
One child has devoted much more time and energy to care of the parents.
One child has been involved in the family business.

An unequal division has the potential to spark bad feelings. If you choose an unequal division of your assets, here are some things you might consider to avoid conflict later:
Make sure your wishes are laid out clearly in your estate planning documents.
If you aren't leaving anything for a child, be clear that the omission is intentional.
Don't give reasons in your estate planning documents. Those reasons could be used to undermine your plan.
Consider leaving a smaller, but significant, inheritance along with utilizing a "no contest" clause which removes that inheritance if they challenge your plan.
Let your beneficiaries know your plans ahead of time. They may not agree but the odds of conflict and bad feelings drop sharply.
Law Attorney Michael Yeager 471-2177
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courtesy of Shutterstock

Turning Over a Newleaf
by Paul Butler

I checked into a hotel once and was welcomed by a middle-aged receptionist named Pride. I commented on his unique moniker. He told me his parents wanted him to have pride - and what better way than to name him so.
Apparently, they instilled in him a belief that regardless of one's circumstance, we should exhibit daily gratitude.
With that, Pride pulled out of his pocket a tattered journal and flicked through about five years of daily blessings. It was with great gusto that Pride went on to tell me he had about eight similar five-year journals each headed, "Gratitude before Goals."
Pride asked me what I was grateful for, and I've been thinking about that ever since.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to express gratitude before we think about next year's goals. I'm grateful for: my faith, my health, my wife, our children, living in the States, our friends and our business.
How would you respond to Pride?
The above principle is drawn from Newleaf's Personal and Interpersonal Effectiveness program.
Paul Butler is a Santa Clarita resident and a client partner with Newleaf Training and Development of Valencia. For questions or comments, email

3CMA Presents 2021 Communicator of the Year Award to City of Santa Clarita's Carrie Lujan
Communications managers are protectors of their agency's reputation, storyteller, cheerleader, creative force, motivator, innovator - and they always have their ear to the ground to hear the community's desires and concerns.
This year's Communicator of the Year has fulfilled all of these roles and more over the last two years. She has informed and engaged the residents of the community she serves through arguably the toughest times in its history - and she did it all while creating a strong sense of community and pride. Congratulations to Carrie Lujan of the City of Santa Clarita!

Bri Waterman is Now Bri King
New Name, Still Always at your Service

After 23 years of five-star service, Bri Waterman is now Bri King - and ready to make your real estate dreams and goals come true.
The SCV real estate market remains strong. We're still seeing record sale prices, historically-low interest rates and multiple-offer situations. If you're even considering selling your property in the next six months, call her directly. She'll help you craft a plan that makes everyone happy.
Bri King & Associates 433-4485
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