October 2005 Business Brief
October, 2005 - Issue #12
Local Doctor Featured on Discovery Channel

Dr. Mani of Esthetica Med Spa will be featured on the Discovery Health Channel on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings in September and October. The show, "Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills," will highlight Dr. Mani's use of the ThreadLift non-invasive office procedure. The treatment, done with local anesthetic, elevates, repositions and lifts lax skin on the brow, face and neck without surgery.

Mission Valley Bank Reorganizes

Mission Valley Bank has reorganized into a one-bank holding company, Mission Valley Bancorp. Mission Valley Bank is the sole subsidiary of Mission Valley Bancorp (the holding company), a newly formed California corporation.

All shareholders of record as of August 30, 2005 will receive one share of holding company stock for every share of bank stock owned.

The shareholders of Mission Valley Bank on May 24, 2005 approved the reorganization at the bank's Annual Shareholder's Meeting. Effective September 1, 2005, the stock symbol for Mission Valley Bancorp changed to MVLY (formerly MVBS).

Mission Valley Bank is a full-service, independent community bank with assets of more than $135 million with two branch offices serving the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys.

LARC Ranch Invites You to a Rock & Roll Celebration

LARC Ranch is currently looking for sponsors for its annual fundraiser, scheduled for Sunday, September 25 at LARC.

This year's event, entitled "A Rock & Roll Celebration," will feature a beach party theme with lunch and refreshments beginning at 1 p.m. and a concert by the popular Hodads at 2:30 p.m.

A limited number of sponsorship packages are currently available, beginning at $1,000 with varying levels of media and event exposure.

LARC Ranch, located in the beautiful hills near Bouquet Canyon Road, is dedicated to helping developmentally disabled adults thrive through a variety of programs, including 13 on-site residential care homes, a Newhall HUD Home, an adult developmental center, a day training activity center and travel club.

The cost of the event is $125 per adult. All proceeds benefit the LARC Foundation. For more information, call 296-8636, extension 219.

Candidate Academy

Have you ever thought about running for local office? If your answer is yes, consider attending Candidate Academy, held on October 17 and 19 at the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce. Both evening academies begin at 6:30 p.m.

Candidate Academy is a non-partisan event where people interested in running for office will receive information and can ask questions. This year, Mayor Cameron Smyth will be the keynote speaker on the 17. Santa Clarita City Clerk Sharon Dawson will discuss the logistics of preparing and filing the paperwork to run for office and Scott Wilk will discuss how to form, market and promote your campaign.

On October 19, Hunt Braly of the Law Offices of HackerBraly, LLP will discuss campaign financing. The session will conclude with a panel of elected officials and prior candidates who will discuss their experiences in running for office.

The cost is $20 for both nights. Contact Felicia Scorse at the SCV Chamber of Commerce (702-6977) for more information.

Help the Food Pantry!

The Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry will sponsor the 12th Annual Run Against Hunger 5K on Sunday, October 30, starting at 8 a.m. This is a 5K run/walk that starts in Newhall Park and follows the South Fork Trail that parallels the scenic Santa Clara River. Call the Pantry at 255-9078 for more information.
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