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Expo, Taste of Expo, and a Q&A with Santa Clarita Technology and Career Center
From going green to giving back - this month's Business In Brief is chock full of businesses going the extra mile for our community.
In a day filled with friendship and love, Valencia Acura partnered with the internationally-known Experience Genie to surprise a very deserving local family.
Who says you have to travel outside of Santa Clarita to continue your education? We all know how important it is to upgrade your occupational skills. And in these trying times, It's nice to know there are options close to home...
Awards, Anniversaries, Fundraisers and Upcoming Events...
What's happening in local business...
A look at bankruptcy, debt and coping with stress...
Cobblestone Cottage Celebrates 23 Years of Serving Santa Clarita
From Vera Bradley to Brighton and everything in between, this charming little cottage has something to appeal to the most distinguished customer.
Inside SCV Magazine invites you to meet the local business professionals who can help you get out of debt, pay less in taxes, boost your business, improve your cash flow, balance your budget and so much more.
What's New.................Retail
What's Fabulous........ Service
What's Fresh...............Food

An in-depth look at what Centre Pointe has to offer.
Local financial and insurance experts share financial tips to keep your wallet healthy...
Four New Year's Resolutions that can help your business grow - and tax tips to keep it on track - in 2010.
Retirement Resolutions, Tax Deductions and a Fashion Show to Remember
"I'm so mad," announced my sister Becky at a recent family gathering. "I used to bank at Washington Mutual. Then they went belly up or merged or... something. Anyway, my account was taken over by Chase, and I guess their ATM policies are different. I ended up stuck the other day without cash, even though there's money in my account."
Salon Glo, co-owned by Dan Csicsai (left) and Rick Foster (right), recently celebrated its official grand opening with an Open House event organized by Shelley Hann, hairstylist and special event coordinator at the salon.
Multi-million-dollar salaries. "Golden parachutes." Back-room mergers. Lavish parties. Those are just some of the perks that are often enjoyed by Big Banks, and those who run them.

But not on my dime, buddy. And hopefully, not on yours, either.
On September 24, Candleman owners Kevin and Karen Leahy hosted an informative Fall Scents event featuring the Aquiesse Candle line. Attendees also learned about fall decorating tips using candles and scents.
The experts chime in on year-end planning, money management, insurance choices, and savings.
MB2 Raceway recently announced a ticket sales agreement with the leading retail chain Costco Wholesale. The deal sees Costco Wholesale distributing through seven Los Angeles regional stores. The agreement offers Costco members MB2 Raceway gift cards allocated for sale in clamshell-style packaging and showcased on the large-scale shipping pallets.
MB2 Raceway is quickly becoming the "it" spot for A-listers seeking an adrenaline rush.
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