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Wallers' GymJam Academy student Kailey Hansen of Ventura has signed an NCAA National Letter of Intent to attend University of Washington on a full athlete scholarship for gymnastics. Hansen is a Level 10 State Floor Champion and placed second on floor at the 2008 Regional Championships.
Focus on Retirement
Retirement takes priority. Though college is certainly an important goal and funding your child's college fund is desirable, you should probably focus on your retirement if you have limited funds. With generous corporate pensions mostly a thing of the past, the burden is primarily on you to fund your retirement.
This might be the first golf tournament I have ever wanted to attend.

When describing my skills on the links, the word would be "miniature," which is good - because the only golf game I've ever won involved a course that featured big windmills and lots of Astroturf.
Keyes Lexus of Valencia Notes that it's a Great Time to Buy a New Car
Bill McClendon, GM of Keyes Lexus of Valencia says, "The fact is, there's never been a better time to buy a new car!" Lexus will begin their most aggressive financing and leasing program in history (as low as 0.9 percent on certain models) when they launch their 10th Annual "December to Remember" sales event in the second half of November.
Mandatory IRA Withdrawals
If you are 70 A½ or older, you must withdraw an IRS-specified amount, called a Required Minimum Distribution, out of all qualified retirement accounts by December 31. Qualified retirements accounts include Traditional IRA, SEP, SIMPLE, 401(k), 403(b) and other tax qualified plans.
Lola Piraino, owner of Studio Luxe and licensed cosmetologist for over 20 years, recently celebrated the anniversary of her private studio salon location. Lola is a certified specialist in Hairlocs hair extensions and in the 3-D Lashes Eyelash extensions. She also specializes in multicolor highlights and creative color techniques.
Most of us are worried about our financial futures. In part, it's because we didn't major in economics. But it goes beyond understanding spread sheets. In truth, there are real lifestyle and personality issues that play a role in how much - or how little - we have in our bank account. Here's what local experts have to say about the traits of the financially independent.
Booth sales are well under way for the 24th-annual Home & Business Expo, hosted by the SCV Chamber of Commerce. Expo is set to begin Friday, October 10 and continue through to Sunday, October 12. Expo is held at College of the Canyons, at the corner of Rockwell Canyon and Valencia Boulevard.
All Corked Up Named Official Beer and Wine Purveyor for Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center
The Center now offers guests an opportunity to "wine and dine" an hour before many show times;
Local business and finance experts share their take on why, when it comes to a down-turned economy, there's a silver lining
Street Shock is celebrating their three-year anniversary in Valencia. Shaughn Reid, (pictured left) is the owner of the premier car and truck modification and accessory company, which has been in business for over 17 years in Redondo Beach, the first location. Street Shock offers sales and installation of suspension lifts, air bags, lowering, performance suspension, custom wheels and tires for hot rods, muscle cars, monster trucks, and everything in between. They currently have specials on gas-saving Hypertech programmers; 702-0585
There is no one "story" of Carousel Ranch. Like a quilt with many pieces, this horse-based therapy organization is a sum of its inspirational parts.
Threads Boutique recently opened in the new Bridgeport Marketplace at the corner of Newhall Ranch Road and McBean Parkway. Threads specializes in affordable casual and dressy clothing as well as accessories for women and tweens. Owners Christina Baxley and Jennifer Castro are pictured above; 254-5544
The world of finance - whether you're running a small business or trying to manage the business of running your home - can be a minefield. The good news is that help is available - you just need the right partner. Here are a few to consider.
Monday, July 14
Child & Family Center Hosts Annual Golf Tournament

Help raise money for the local nonprofit, which assists families throughout Santa Clarita. The tournament will be held at Tournament Players Club, Valencia; 255-6847, ext 3018
Save on Insurance
Having higher deductibles for auto, home and health insurance can save money now; ask your agent for more details. You can save in the range of $1,000 to $8,000 a year by raising your deductible. In the event of accident or illness, a supplemental policy will help fill in those gaps and save money. These benefits quickly fill the gaps and only cost $360 a year.
Madalian's "Makeover"
Includes New Name

Madalian, a specialty retail mainstay in Santa Clarita for the past five years, is celebrating their five-year anniversary with a makeover. Owners Katie LaKamp and Ede Eichmann, will close the store on June 22 and open on Tuesday, June 24, with a new look and a new name: Ma Maison.
The shaky economy has most of us unfolding our wallets with more anxiety than "teenager number four" opening a closet in the latest Halloween installment. And with gas prices rising, a flashing low-fuel light generates more panicky hyperventilation than hearing your doctor slapping on a size-XL rubber glove.
The management and staff of Keyes Lexus of Valencia is pleased to announce that the dealership has once again been recognized as an "Elite of Lexus" dealership. This esteemed honor is bestowed upon a small group of Lexus dealerships that excel at sales, service and overall ownership support. Even fewer Lexus dealerships can make the claim six years of the past seven years - but Keyes Lexus of Valencia can.
In today's economy, having a dedicated financial partner can literally translate into success or failure for many business owners. The importance of having a banker who understands your business and industry is crucial.
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