To Save Money, Spend Now
Waiting could Cost You
March, 2009 - Issue #53

Most folks equate paint to a cosmetic accessory, but it also serves as a protective barrier between your home and the elements. Chipping or flaking exterior paint - especially on wood trim - exposes you to water damage and rot farther down the line.

$olution: Contract with a professional painter who has access to top-quality sealants. While it's tempting to do a job like this yourself, ending up in the emergency room isn't good for the bottom line. Leave the dangerous stuff to the pros and paint your own bathroom instead. Try Mint Condition Painting & Moulding 251-5521.

How much is your time worth? During an economic crunch, it might seem counterintuitive to hire a house cleaner. However, if you are able to accomplish more freelance work, dedicate more time to evaluating business/personal finances, or get more hours on the job because someone else has taken over the task of scrubbing the toilet, it's good economic sense.

$olution: Ask for a free estimate for both regular (say, twice a month) and occasional cleaning. That way, you know what to budget should your opportunities to make extra income become irregular. Try Clean & Bright Maintenance Co. 433-4035.

Oral Care

Having a cavity filled may not be your idea of fun, but compared to the pain and expense associated with fixing advanced tooth decay, you're better off scheduling a check up now. And don't underestimate the economic power of a white, healthy smile. Studies have shown that the confidence and enhanced credibility that comes with nice choppers equates to more success in the office.

$olution: Many dentists offer low- or no-interest financing, plus economy-driven deals on cosmetic work. Try Valencia Dental Arts 799-9989.

You know that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Few things can help you get and stay healthy more than a regular fitness regimen. Some of us do well enough by strapping on our sneakers for a daily brisk walk. Most, however, need more motivation. You'll spend less time and money at the doctor, and your healthy body will deal with stress more efficiently.

$olution: Take advantage of "try it free" offers to be sure your money will be well spent. cardiogirl offers a free one-day guest pass on page 41 of this magazine. Log onto for a comprehensive collection of local health and fitness companies and organizations.
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