Who Are These People?
Ken Pulskamp
November, 2004 - Issue #2
Ken Pulskamp
Ken Pulskamp
In our continuing effort to (re-)introduce you to key city staff, Inside SCV would like to present Mr. Ken Pulskamp - the City of Santa Clarita's city manager and, in his lesser-known position, The Voice of the City (When you call city hall and are put on hold, you'll hear Ken, plugging city programs and events!).

Ken Pulskamp
City Manager since: 2002
Lived in Santa Clarita since: 1988

What are your primary responsibilities as city manager?

I am in charge of the day to day operations of the city. I oversee all of the city departments, including our contract for public safety and fire. My job is to carry out the policy set by our city council. They have a work plan that was developed through a community process. It includes a list of projects including building the Cross Valley Connector road, preparing the $117 million annual budget, building new parks, trails, a community center in Newhall, more open space, defeating the mega transit mixed mining project as proposed, annexation of the Valencia Commerce Center, increasing our sales tax revenue through awareness and education - and that's less than half of the work.

It's an awesome job and I love it. I get to figure out ways to make our community better and more livable - it is great to come to work everyday.

Let's be frank - no kid lies awake at night dreaming of managing a city. What did you want to be when you "grew up?"

I didn't know what I wanted to be, even in college. The day after graduating with a degree in economics, I started worked for the city of Fresno and I loved it. I enjoyed helping people and making a difference in people's everyday lives. I believe that the job I have today can have a huge impact on an entire community. There is no other level of government that is as close to the people as local government. This is my passion and I get paid for it; what could be better?

What's the hardest thing about your job?

Lots of hours; balancing being a single parent and a high level job; balancing competing interests on a variety of levels - these are the difficult aspects of the job.

Who do you answer to, and who do you directly supervise?

I report to the city council which hired me. I supervise all of the department head staff. I am ultimately responsible for our city's 350 employees. The city council hires me and I am in charge of hiring the staff. I'm very proud of the city staff we've assembled. We have attracted the best and the brightest in their fields and they bring all of that experience and expertise to our community to benefit our residents and business community.

You look great gussied-up in cowboy gear. What's your preferred Western denim - Wranglers or Levis?

Real cowboys wear Wranglers.

Do you have children?

I have two girls, one just started at U.C. Santa Barbara, the other is at Valencia High. My girls have grown up in Santa Clarita and I can tell you from firsthand experience, the schools here are terrific! My girls have received an excellent education and have had a wonderful childhood growing up in this beautiful community.

On the average Sunday, where could we find you and what would you be doing?

Reading the paper, going for a swim, working out at the gym, visiting with my family and definitely cooking!
What's your biggest concern for Santa Clarita?
I am concerned about the air quality and how that impacts our health - what the future holds for air quality issues. I am also concerned about the possibility of another city being created at our borders. I believe this would be detrimental to our city. I'm also concerned about traffic, growth and keeping our city safe.

It's 6:15 p.m. on a Wednesday and you've just left work. You are famished, but the only food at home is a stale box of Wheat Thins. Mr. Pulskamp, what do you do?

People who know me know that I love to cook. I do not pick up take out food because frankly, I don't like it and it's not good for you. I generally prepare meals for my girls from scratch. I use the crock pot a lot during the week; it's a real time saver.
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