January, 2008 Community Calendar
Tuesday, January 1 to Thursday, January 31

•  Keep Your New Year's Resolutions for 2008 Now! - Dr. Rosen moved to her new building in October 2007, 27420 Tourney Road, Suite 270, Valencia, CA 91354. To make sure you keep your New Year's Resolutions by seeing your dentist regularly and giving to local charities benefiting local children! For the month of January, every patient seen will have a choice of donating a percentage of their payment to either The Betty Ferguson Foundation or ACTION Parent & Teen Support Program.
          Phone #: 661-255-2545

Saturday, January 5 to Saturday, January 12

•  Repertory East Playhouse Presents "Pillowman- A Staged Reading" - January 5th and January 12th. This free event starts at 8 p.m. Tickets and more information can be found online;
          Phone #: 288-0000

Tuesday, January 8 to Friday, January 11

•  SCV Film Festival - Held at the Repertory East Playhouse, festival highlights include short films made to be enjoyed by all audiences. Participants will come from the organization's Script2Screen Program, which is a youth filmmaking program currently running in area after-school programs, as well as students and professionals from the U.S. and around the globe;

Wednesday, January 9 to Wednesday, February 27

•  Church to Help Individuals Develop a Personal Belief System - Beginning January 9, the Rev. Ricky Hoyt from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Santa Clarita, will lead an eight-week program exploring the foundational questions of spiritual beliefs and helping participants develop their own answers. This free class will meet at a church member's home on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM, with the concluding session on February 27. The program is open to any adult searching for answers. To enroll, call 661-254-7866 or e-mail Rev. Hoyt at The development of a personal theology is essential to Unitarian Universalists (UUs). Open to all beliefs that support their values, individual UUs decide for themselves what they believe about such topics as God, human nature, ethics and the purpose of life. "What I Believe" helps participants tackle these tough questions through sharing, resources and group discussion. At the conclusion of the program, participants develop written statements describing their personal beliefs.
          Time: 7:00 PM

Thursday, January 10

•  InsideSCV Singles Night at All Corked Up - Here's your chance to meet someone special before Valentine's Day! Over 1,000 SCV singles have tried our free events. This casual, fun evening begins at 7 p.m

All Corked Up
26340 Diamond Place
Santa Clarita
Phone: 799-7979
          Time: 7:00 PM
          Phone #: 799-7979

•  Movies to Talk About: A Convenient Truth - Not to be confused with the Al Gore movie, the Unitarian Universalists of SCV will screen this heartening documentary on urban environmental solutions from a bustling city in Brazil. Proactive planning for transportation, recycling, affordable housing and more have made Curitiba one of the most livable cities in the world. The city of Curitiba has demonstrated for the past 40 years how to transform problems into cost-effective solutions that can be applied in most cities around the world. The event is free and open to the public. Participants may purchase dinner or snacks at Vincenzo's Pizza Esperienza, 24504-1/2 Lyons Ave, in Newhall. Free soft drinks are provided.
          Phone #: 661-254-7866

•  Quilt Guild Meeting - The Santa Clarita Valley Quilt Guild meets on the second Thursday of each month. The meeting includes Show and Share of members' quilt works, refreshments and a program. Annual dues are $25 ($22 for participants ages 55 and older); $5 for guests. Walk-ins are welcome. Held at Santa Clarita Methodist Church, 26640 Bouquet Canyon Road, Saugus (The guild is not affiliated with the church). Information: Adva Price, membership chair, e-mail: This month will feature Don Beld on Civil War Quilts.
          Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-298-1385

Saturday, January 12

•  SCVHS Presents Operations of Saugus Train Station - Trn back the clock and bring the Saugus Train Station back to life when Mike Jarel describes how the station was operated in its prime
          Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-254-1275

Sunday, January 13

•  Free Rose Care & Pruning Seminar - The Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society is hosting a free rose care seminar. Held at the SCV Senior Center, 22900 Market Street, Newhall. The seminar will feature Rose Consultants Bob Belendez, Kitty Belendez, Karen T.S. Gubert, and Steve Jones who will demonstrate how to properly prune various types of roses. The Rose Consultants will also explain how to plant bareroot roses, how to rejuvenate roses grown in containers, and how to fertilize and mulch. You will be rewarded with beautiful blooms when you practice these techniques on your own roses. The club will also have a door prize, rose raffle, and refreshments after the seminar. There is no cost to attend, and the public is invited. New members who join the rose society (annual dues are $15 per family) will receive a year's subscription to the club's award-winning newsletter "Rose Ecstasy." Please RSVP so that we can provide sufficient seating, handout materials, and refreshments.
          Time: 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 296-5033

Friday, January 18

•  Repertory East Playhouse Presents "Steel Magnolias" - Tickets are $15 and $17.
          Phone #: 288-0000

Friday, January 18 to Saturday, January 19

•  Canyon Theatre Guild Presents "The Man with Bogart's Face" - Experience the golden days of radio with live sound effects adding to the mood of the piece.
Tickets are $10 each;
          Time: 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 799-2702

Friday, January 18 to Saturday, February 16

•  Steel Magnolias - The Repertory East Playhouse is proud to open its 2008 Season with Steel Magnolias, written by Robert Harling and sponsored by Mission View Public Schools. "This is a perfect fit for our stage and a wonderful piece of theatre to open our season with. It truly is, 'a skillfully crafted, lovingly evoked picture of eccentricity in the small-town South'. We are all very excited for this production." says Artistic Director Ovington Michael Owston. Steel Magnolias opens on Friday, January 18, with an Opening Night Gala at 7:00pm and curtain at 8:00pm. Opening Night Gala is sponsored by Travel Center Santa Clarita with wine and food sponsored by Loose Goose Wine Festival and RSVP Catering. Steel Magnolias will run through February 16. Show times are Friday and Saturdays at 8:00pm and Sundays at 2:00pm. There is NO SHOW SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3rd! Tickets are $17, $15 for students and seniors. Group rates are available. Advanced reservations are highly recommended. For tickets, purchase online at or call 661-288-0000.
          Phone #: 661-288-0000

Saturday, January 19

•  Canyon Theatre Guild Presents "Winnie-the-Pooh" - Follow the adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh, Christopher Robin's fat little bear of Very Little Brain who would like to drift peacefully through life, hum tunes and stopping frequently to eat "a little something."
          Phone #: 799-2702

Sunday, January 20

•  Blue Star Mothers of the Canyons Receive Donations from Unitarian Universalists of SCV - Blue Star Mothers of the Canyons have been chosen by Unitarian Universalists as the recipient of the Third Sunday Special Collection for the month of January 2008. The Blue Star Mothers will use the gift to assist with postage for their "Hearts And Hugs From Home" boxes to be mailed to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan in time for Valentines Day.
          Time: 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
          Phone #: 661-254-7866

Tuesday, January 22

•  AAUW Dinner Meeting - Speaker: AAUW Member, Dr. Cynthia Morales, Clinical and Forensic Psychologist. Held at Mulligans' 25848 Tournament Road, Valencia 91355. Social starts at 6:15 p.m., Dinner and General Meeting at 6:45 p.m. and the Speaker is at 7:15 p.m.

•  Kool & The Gang at COC Performing Arts Center - Kool & The Gang will play at the C.O.C. Performing Arts Center on January 22, 2008. Join the Gang as they play some of their smash hits such as "Fresh," Jungle Boogie," "Celebration," and "Ladies Night" plus many more!

As a special invitation, for every ticket you purchase, one ticket will be given to a Michael Hoefflin Foundation family. Enjoy "an intimate evening of R & B, jazz, funk, and disco" while you are helping a great cause!

At a special price, tickets for this opportunity are $35.00 each. For more information, or to purchase tickets for this opportunity, please contact the Michael Hoefflin Foundation office at 661-250-4100.

          Phone #: 661-250-4100

Friday, January 25 to Saturday, January 26

•  Soul Satisfaction - Spiritual Growth Seminar at Christ Lutheran Church

Christ Lutheran's Annual Spiritual Growth Seminar, "Soul Satisfaction," will this year feature Fil Anderson, a nationally known speaker in demand throughout the country. It will be held on Friday evening, January 25th, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and on Saturday, January 26th, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Our speaker offers spiritual direction for anyone who finds his/her life filled with busyness to the point of fatigue and even burnout. His own gripping story is told in his recent book, "Running on Empty." Friday evening will begin with hors d' oeuvres at 6:30 p.m. in the church courtyard. On Saturday, January 26th, Fil Anderson will again be the keynote speaker. Lunch will be served at noon and related workshops will occupy the afternoon schedule. The cost for both days is $25 per person. All in the Santa Clarita community are invited to come and bring a friend.

25816 North Tournament Road
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
          Phone #: 661-259-0200

Saturday, January 26

•  Save the Condors Stewardship Event - Condors have been known to eat glass chards and also feed them to their young, resulting in their death. This clean up will be a major contribution to the environment, and especially to the well being of the Condors. Please help!!!

Meet at the Intersection of Sand Canyon and Santa Clara Divide Road. We will depart at 9, so be there a few minutes early. Bring water, lunch, rake, a few trash bags or grocery bags, and work gloves.

You are not obligated to stay the entire time

Directions: Exit SR-14 at Sand Canyon Road. Go South.

Pass all the houses and enter Angeles National Forest Land. Continue up the hill until you reach Santa Clara Divide Road. Turn Left. (If you reach Bear Divide Road you've gone just a little too far).

We will meet at this intersection before 9:00, and depart UP Santa Clara Divide Road at 9:00 to pick up trash and micro-trash along the way. If you're late, turn up the road until you see some of us hard at work.

If anyone has a truck, there will be larger trash items to pick up as well as the microtrash.
          Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 AM

•  Inside SCV Magazine Publisher Wayne Crawford gets Toasted and Roasted - Join us at the Elks Lodge to celebrate our The Elks will be "honoring" Wayne with a verbal butt kicking on January 26th; we hope you can join us! For more information and tickets call 251-1520.
          Phone #: 251-1520.

•  Midwinter Madrigal Feast - A fund-raising event to benefit the non-profit Santa Clarita Master Chorale, will be held at the Santa Clarita Activities Center Arena Room, 20800 Centre Point Parkway, Santa Clarita. Enjoy an evening of merriment and revelry which includes a royal dinner sponsored by Macaroni Grill and fine wine sponsored by The Loose Goose, a comical play, strolling minstrels, special music by members of the Santa Clarita Master Chorale and a silent auction. Attire is black tie optional. Admission is $100.00. Table sponsorship opportunities are also available.
          Time: 6:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 254-8886

•  The COC's Performing Arts Center Presents "An Evening with Groucho" - The legendary comedian Groucho Marx comes to life in the body of award-winning actor Frank Ferrante in this fast-paced comedy packed with songs, dances, jokes and ad-libs
          Phone #: 661-362-5304

Sunday, January 27

•  Sunday of Sundaes: When was the last time you screams for icecream - Come join us for a Sundae's of Sundays with the Democratic Club of Santa Clarita Valley. Meet SCV local candidates Maria Gutzeit and Diane Trautman. Design your own sundae with various toppings. Brownies optional. Adults $8.00 Seniors/Students with current identification $5.00; Children under 12 are $1.00. All political party affiliations are welcomed. WE encourage "declined to state" and "undecideds" as well as "independents". Casa Bailey, private residence, 25608 Bellerive Drive, Valencia 91355.
          Time: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-253-4250 or 661-295-9318

Monday, January 28

•  USANA Health Sciences: Make 2008 Great Seminar - USANA Health Sciences is hosting a seminar where our community can reset their body, lose weight, break their carb addictions and make 2008 great.

Monday January 28, 2008 at 6:30PM at the Laquinta Inn in Steveson Ranch; No cost to attend, for more information 661-254-9392 .

          Time: 6:30 PM
          Phone #: 661-254-9392

Thursday, January 31

•  Focus the Nation Conference at College of the Canyons - What: College of the CanyonsAš Sustainable Development Committee is hosting
the Focus the Nation Conference: Global Warming Solutions for America.

When: 9 am to 5:30 pm, Thursday, January 31, 2008

Where: The Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center on the College of the
Canyons Valencia campus. (Additional activities will occur at other campus
locations. See information below.)

Who: Keynote addresses will be given by Dr. Dianne Van Hook,
Superintendent-President, College of the Canyons; Bill Ichord,
Vice-President Government Relations, Sempra Energy; and Marsha McLean, City
of Santa Clarita Councilwoman and former Mayor.

Why: College of the CanyonsAš efforts are part of the larger Focus the Nation
movement started by Lewis and Clark College in Oregon. More than 1,400
colleges and universities across the nation will engage on Thursday in a day
of action through seminars, workshops, and other educational activities and
events to discuss global warming solutions.

          Time: 9:00 AM to 5:30 AM
          Phone #: (661) 362-3260

•  Free Chinese Flower Culture Lecture and Slide Show - China historian and writer, Andy Ferguson, will present a PowerPoint slide show and lecture on Thursday, January 31 at 1:30 p.m. at the SCV Senior Center in Activity Rooms 1 & 2 entitled "Chinese Flower Culture." He'll cover history of Chinese flower cultivation, which historical records indicate stretches back 2500 years, favorite varieties, flower symbolism in Chinese culture and art, and folklore. For more information, call Director of Volunteers & Recreation Robin Clough at the SCV Senior Center, 661-259-9444.

          Time: 1:30 PM
          Phone #: 661-259-9444

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community events