February, 2008 Community Calendar
Wednesday, January 9 to Wednesday, February 27

•  Church to Help Individuals Develop a Personal Belief System - Beginning January 9, the Rev. Ricky Hoyt from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Santa Clarita, will lead an eight-week program exploring the foundational questions of spiritual beliefs and helping participants develop their own answers. This free class will meet at a church member's home on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM, with the concluding session on February 27. The program is open to any adult searching for answers. To enroll, call 661-254-7866 or e-mail Rev. Hoyt at The development of a personal theology is essential to Unitarian Universalists (UUs). Open to all beliefs that support their values, individual UUs decide for themselves what they believe about such topics as God, human nature, ethics and the purpose of life. "What I Believe" helps participants tackle these tough questions through sharing, resources and group discussion. At the conclusion of the program, participants develop written statements describing their personal beliefs.
          Time: 7:00 PM

Friday, January 18 to Saturday, February 16

•  Steel Magnolias - The Repertory East Playhouse is proud to open its 2008 Season with Steel Magnolias, written by Robert Harling and sponsored by Mission View Public Schools. "This is a perfect fit for our stage and a wonderful piece of theatre to open our season with. It truly is, 'a skillfully crafted, lovingly evoked picture of eccentricity in the small-town South'. We are all very excited for this production." says Artistic Director Ovington Michael Owston. Steel Magnolias opens on Friday, January 18, with an Opening Night Gala at 7:00pm and curtain at 8:00pm. Opening Night Gala is sponsored by Travel Center Santa Clarita with wine and food sponsored by Loose Goose Wine Festival and RSVP Catering. Steel Magnolias will run through February 16. Show times are Friday and Saturdays at 8:00pm and Sundays at 2:00pm. There is NO SHOW SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3rd! Tickets are $17, $15 for students and seniors. Group rates are available. Advanced reservations are highly recommended. For tickets, purchase online at or call 661-288-0000.
          Phone #: 661-288-0000

Friday, February 1

•  Ticket to Ride: A benefit concert featuring classic rock tribute bands - (Beatles) and 5150 (Van Halen the Sammy Hagar era) will be held at 7:30
p.m., Friday February 1, at the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center to
raise funds for student scholarships and internships. Tickets are $15, $20,
$25 and $30 with a $5 discount for students with identification, children 12
and under and seniors 60 and older.

Tickets may be purchased online, by mail or in person at the PAC box office located on the College of the Canyons campus in Room S-127 of the Student Center.
          Time: 7:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 362-5304

Friday, February 1 to Saturday, February 2

•  Santa Clarita Playhouse "PRIVATE LIVES" - Santa Clarita Playhouse to Perform Orson Wells' Production of PRIVATE LIVES as Radio-On-Stage

On Feb. 1st & 2nd at 8:00PM the Santa Clarita Playhouse presents a radio-on-stage production of Orson Wells' 1939 broadcast of Noel Coward's Private Lives, at Canyon Theatre Guild For more information and tickets call 661.799.2700.

Proceeds from the Feb. 1st & 2nd performances of SCP's adaptation of Private Lives benefits their student outreach program entitled Shake Hands with Shakespeare, which has been touring through out the elementary schools of SCV, Ventura and LAUSD. Shake Hands with Shakespeare, aligned with state educational standards, encourages children's literacy development in a fun and engaging environment hosted by the Bard himself.
          Time: 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 661.799.2700

Friday, February 1 to Sunday, February 3

•  OLIVER - ESCAPE Theatre presents OLIVER. Bring the family to Hart H.S. Auditorium and experience over 200 talented kids and teens in OLIVER. There will be a live orchestra, and you will enjoy many of your favorite tunes such as "Consider Yourself", "Where is Love", and "Oom Pah Pah". Friday, Feb. 1st at 4:00 and 7:30 pm. Sat. Feb. 2nd at 2:00 and 7:00 pm, and Sun. Feb. 3rd at 2:00 and 7:00 pm.
          Phone #: 661-299-5264

Saturday, February 2

•  Get Organized for 2008! - Nationally acclaimed organizing expert Monica Ricci, who is a frequent guest on HGTV's Mission: Organization, will lead a FREE home organization workshop at Beazer Homes' Somerset Creek community in Palmdale. Ricci will help guests identify storage and organization options that reduce clutter and use space more efficiently. Somerset Creek is the first Los Angeles-area community to showcase Beazer's new SmartDesign home features, which were developed in conjunction with Ricci.
          Time: 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-273-4073

Sunday, February 3

•  Frontline Community Church's 1 year anniversary - Please join us for our first year anniversary!
Legacy Christian Academy
27680 Dickason Dr.
Valencia, CA 91255
          Time: 10:00 AM
          Phone #: 661-513-0240

Tuesday, February 5

•  Sunday of Sundaes: When was the last time you screams for icecream - Yes the returns will be coming in on this Super Duper Tuesday February 5th, 2008. The long awaiting winner of the Democratic and Republican with the Democratic Club of Santa Clarita Valley from 6pm to 9pm. Pizza, Salad, Kool Aid, Wine & Beer. Adults $5.00 Seniors/Students with current identification $3.00; Children under 12 are $1.00. All political party affiliations are welcomed. WE encourage "declined to state" and "undecideds" as well as "independents". RSVP strongly encouraged, due to limited space. Casa Bailey, private residence, 25608 Bellerive Drive, Valencia 91355 .
          Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-253-4250 or 661-295-9318

Wednesday, February 6

•  Dentists Educate School Children - Annually in time for National Children's Dental Health month, local dentists Kathleen Mulcahey and Rose Kim prepare for preschool. Besides opening their operatory doors to 200 students itching for dental education both Doctors see to it that the students are in tip-top health for the year. This unique service is offered free of charge for the second year in a row. The children have been a pleasure to treat and a much-looked forward to event by staff. Valencia Children's Dental Group is located at 27885 Smyth Drive, Valencia Ca 91354.
          Phone #: 661-294-1800

Friday, February 8

•  Brave New World Announces SINGLES NIGHT! - If your last date hated comic books, or if he thought Yaoi was "wow-y", if he thinks it's 'Josh' Whedon, or she called them 'dolls', maybe you're just not meeting the right kind of people. So, where is the average geek to go, to perhaps, find true love? Well, a comic book shop, of course! Brave New World Comics, Santa Clarita's premier pop culture super store, is proud to announce SINGLES NIGHT! A mere six days prior to the love-fest known as Valentine's Day that the socially adept are so keen on, Brave New World invites the nerds, gamers, hackers, coders, theater geeks, band geeks, or just your run of the mill, socially stunted, regular old geeks of the world (and those who love them) to meet, mingle, and who knows, maybe even make the connection that you've been looking for your whole life: someone that understands you. Brave New World is located at 22722 Lyons Avenue, at the corner of Lyons and Chestnut St. For additional information about this event, or any of BNW's community involvement, please contact Atom! Freeman, or his lovely wife, Portlyn, at 661.259.4745, or
          Time: 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-259-4745

•  "Care for Your Heart" Health Fair - ARE YOU AT RISK FOR A HEART ATTACK OR STROKE?

Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital Offers Free "Care for Your Heart" Community Health Fair

VALENCIA, CA (January 22, 2008)—Although there are several major risk factors that cannot be changed to improve our heart health, such as age, gender and heredity, there are lifestyle habits we can adopt to help us reduce our risk for a heart attack. During Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital's "Care for Your Heart" community health fair on Friday, February 8, you can learn just how healthy your heart is and what you can do to reduce your risks of developing coronary heart disease.

Dedicated to keeping our community healthy, Henry Mayo Hospital will offer fair attendees free heart health education materials, smoking cessation information, and a series of health screenings, including:

A· Cholesterol Testing (12-hour fasting recommended)

A· Glucose Testing

A· Blood Pressure Monitoring

A· Height/Weight/BMI Measurement

A· Body Fat Analysis

A· Pulse Oximetry and Carbon Monoxide Measurement

Henry Mayo staff will be on hand to answer questions and hospital dieticians will provide heart-healthy dietary tips and recipes. Community partners have also been invited to provide additional educational materials. Each participant will receive a Heart Health Passport to record his or her test results and a Heart Health Summary.

The "Care for Your Heart" Health Fair will take place Friday, February 8 from 7:30 am to 10:30 am at the Santa Clarita Activities Center, 20880 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita, CA 91350. For more information, call 661-253-8408.

          Time: 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM
          Phone #: (661) 253-8089

Wednesday, February 13

•  Sunday of Sundaes: When was the last time you screams for icecream - You are invited to attend a fundraiser for Diane Trautman, Candidate for the Santa Clarita City Council at the home of Karen and Robert Kaplan. Kindly respond to Karen Kaplan by February 1st, 2008 for address and directions at 661-254-2186. Minimum donation requested $20.00 Maximum contribution per person is $360. For more information or to contribute visit See you there!!
          Time: 7:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-254-2186 or 661-295-9318

Thursday, February 14

•  Singing Valentine - Say I Love You with a Singing Valentine and leave your Sweetheart Speechless. Your gift will include a Serenade of two Love Songs, a flower gift and a Valentines Day card with your personalized greeting. 'Regular Delivery' $45 within 2 hours of time requested. 'Straight from the Heart' $55 is delivered within 15 minutes. Better call Sally Bond soon for advance reservations.
          Time: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-478-6865

•  Canyons PAC presents An Enchanted Evening - The Music of Broadway featuring Lee Lessack and Joanne O'Brien; Take your seat on the main stage and sip and nosh to your heart's content while getting your fill of Broadway's favorite songs. The intimate experience will include everything from popular standards made famous by Rodgers and Hammerstein to new pieces from Andrew Lloyd Webber. Because of the cabaret-style seating, only 150 tickets are available.
          Phone #: 362-5304

•  Quilt Guild Meeting - The Santa Clarita Valley Quilt Guild meets on the second Thursday of each month. The meeting includes Show and Share of members' quilt works, refreshments and a program. Annual dues are $25 ($22 for participants ages 55 and older); $5 for guests. Walk-ins are welcome. Held at Santa Clarita Methodist Church, 26640 Bouquet Canyon Road, Saugus (The guild is not affiliated with the church). This month will feature Carol Doak on Paper-Piecing (
          Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-298-1385

•  Valentines Day at the REP - Due to the overwhelming response and success of our 2008 Season Opener, Steel Magnolias, we have decided to ad a special performance on Valentines Day. Tickets will be $25 per couple or $13 for single tickets and will be available on line at or by calling the REP at 288.0000.
          Phone #: 288.0000

Sunday, February 17

•  Emergency Fund donated to the SCV Senior Center donated by UU's of SCV - The Unitarian Universalists of SCV are pleased to announce that their Special Collection for February 17th will be donated to the SCV Senior Center. This donation will be earmarked for the Emergency Fund, which is administered by the Support Services Division of the Center. The Emergency Fund provides for food and/or filling an expensive prescription when the needs unexpectedly exceed the client's ability to meet them, which happens more frequently than most of us imagine.
          Time: 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
          Phone #: 661-254-7866

Tuesday, February 26

•  AAUW Dinner Meeting - Speaker: Denise Hamilton, Award Winning Author. Held at Mulligans' 25848 Tournament Road, Valencia 91355. Social starts at 6:15 p.m., Dinner and General Meeting at 6:45 p.m. and the Speaker is at 7:15 p.m.

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community events