September, 2008 Community Calendar
Thursday, August 21 to Saturday, September 13

•  COC presents "Visual Arts Faculty Exhibition" - The art displayed at the College of the Canyons Art Gallery on Aug. 21, will be from professional artists who all have one thing in common: they have continued to practice their discipline while teaching it to others.

The COC Visual Arts Faculty Exhibition, which will open the gallery's fall season, will feature the work of visual arts faculty members in the disciplines of photography, multimedia, interior design, sculpture, drawing, painting, ceramics, digital film presentations, radio television and animation.

The Art Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during an exhibition. The gallery is open to the public, and admission is free.
          Phone #: (661) 362-2612

Friday, August 22 to Saturday, September 6

•  Suburbia - Summer "Stay-cation" at the REP. The Repertory East Playhouse will continue the highly anticipated "81 Series" on Friday, August 22, at 8:00pm with the critically acclaimed drama, Suburbia by Eric Bogosian. Be A Part of The 81 at the Opening Night Wine Reception at 7:00pm with curtain at 8:00pm. Opening Night Wine Reception is sponsored by Loose Goose Wine Festival. Show times are Friday and Saturdays at 8:00pm and Sundays at 2:00pm. THIS IS A LIMITED ENGAGEMENT PERFORMANCE. This show contains adult language and adult situations and is intended for mature audiences only. For tickets, purchase online at or call 661-288-0000. The REP is located at 24266 Main Street Newhall, CA. 91321.
          Phone #: 661-288-0000

Monday, September 1

•  12th Annual SCV Community Walk for the Hungry (CROP Walk) - CROP (Communities Reaching Out to People) is a world-wide organization that networks with partner agencies in more than 80 countries to help the hungry throughout the world. In addition a percentage of funds benefit local agencies to help meet the needs of the hungry here in the SCV. Local agencies benefiting from this year's walk include: The Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry, The Santa Clarita Valley Homeless Shelter and The Church of Hope Food Pantry.

Registration and pre-walk festivities begin at 8:30 am. The 4 A½ mile walk will begin and end at St. Stephens Episcopal Church located on Orchard Village Road in Valencia. Opportunities to walk shorter distances are available.

The Boy Scouts of America will be conducting a food drive associated with this walk. They will distribute 4,000 bags to homes throughout the SCV and will return to pick up the donations. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is matching up to $2500.00 of the money raised for the walk.
          Time: 8:30 AM
          Phone #: (661) 298-3890

Tuesday, September 2 to Wednesday, September 3

•  SCV Senior Center Hosts Rummage Sale - Find "buried" treasure or donate your used goods to support local senior initiatives;
          Phone #: 259-9444

•  SCV Senior Center Rummage Sale - Items may be donated on the preceding Friday and Monday each month at 8:00 a.m. No books, large appliances, TVs, automotive parts or accessories, or any form of "green" waste will be accepted.

All funds raised benefit the SCV Senior Center. So reduce, reuse, recycle, and support your local senior center!
          Phone #: 661.259.9444

Thursday, September 4

•  Providence presents Women's Health Lecture "Feeling Good" - Family physician Amy Goff, on staff at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center, will speak on topics related to women's health. The FREE lecture will be held at Church on the Way, 23415 Cinema Drive, Santa Clarita.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
          Phone #: 818-847-4535

Friday, September 5

•  First Fridays Valencia presents "Casino Night" - CASINO NIGHT
Admission is Free
Valencia Tournament Players Club
26550 Heritage View Lane
Valencia, CA 91381

GET CONNECTED to other African American people and families in the Santa Clarita Valley.

First Fridays Valencia is an exciting networking and socializing affair for that occurs on the first Friday of every month. The atmosphere at the event is laid back and fun, attracting a variety of entrepreneurs, professional and organizations. Each month presentations from a member of business, professional, organizations are given to provide valuable information on a variety of products, services and events.
          Time: 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
          Phone #: (818) 917-9135

•  Lexus of Valencia Jazz & Blues Concert Series - Get ready for the sounds of live Jazz and Blues bands to once again fill Town Center Drive in Valencia. This event features regional, national and international entertainers in a quaint street party setting while offering a variety of interactive programming for the entire family as well as a variety of food and beverages, including wine and beer for the adults. No pets or outside food or beverages are allowed. Admission is free.
          Time: 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
          Phone #: 661-290-2911

•  Or Emet Open House - Or Emet hosts an Open House followed by a Shabbat Service
          Time: 6:30 PM
          Phone #: 661-253-0596

Saturday, September 6

•  Cinema Park shops host "Sidewalk Spectacular" Sale - The fine retail establishments located at the intersection of Cinema Drive and Bouquet Canyon Road will offer discounts of up to 70 percent. Shop, dine and relax while getting a head start on holiday giving.
          Time: 10:00 AM

•  Saugus Speedway Presents "Oldies & Goodies" car, truck and motorcycle show - Starting at 5pm, supporting the SCV Senior Center. Come out and enjoy over 500 vehicles cometing in over 47 classes ranging from classic muscle cars to fully-custom motorcycles. Featured entertainment "The Corvettes". San Diego's popular Doo-Wop band. Adults $10, Children 12 and under $3.
          Phone #: 259-3886

•  History of the Ridge Route - Harrison Scott first stumbled upon the Ridge Route in 1955. He returned again in 1991 with his son, and was surprised to find the old road still drivable and in its original state. He became determined then to get this historic highway preserved. The road may be reopened as early as the end of this year. The Historical Society is honored to host Harrison Scott at the Saugus Train Station. He will also be signing copies of his new book. The general public is welcome. Admission will be free. For more information on this and other upcoming programs from the SCVHS, please call Pat Saletore or Alan Pollack.
          Time: 2:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-254-1275

•  15th Annual Michael Hoefflin "An Evening Under the Stars" Gala Dinner - Gather your friends and join us for the 15th Annual "An Evening Under the Stars" Gala Dinner and Charity Auction. This year, we are excited to be dancing to the music of Earth Wind and Fire! End the evening to the summer sounds such as "September" "Singasong" and more! Featuring an elegant dinner under the stars and incredible auction items, this event is the Michael Hoefflin Foundation's main fundraising event of the year. Funds raised at this garden formal dinner and auction help the Foundation to continue its mission of Hope Help and Healing. Don't forget to purchase your Reverse Raffle drawing ticket for your chance to win a one week Hawaiian Vacation! Relax on the white sandy beaches of Maui. Enjoy your stay at a five bedroom three bath house! There are only 100 tickets available at $100 per ticket!
          Time: 6:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-250-4100

•  History of the Ridge Route - Starting at 2pm, Harrison Scott first stumbled upon the Ridge Route in 1955. He returned again in 1991 with his son, and was surprised to find the old road still drivable and in its original state. He became determined then to get this historic highway preserved. The road may be reopened as early as the end of this year. The Historical Society is honored to host Harrison Scott at the Saugus Train Station. He will also be signing copies of his new book. The general public is welcome. Admission will be free.
          Phone #: 254-1275

Sunday, September 7

•  Or Emet Hebrew School Open House - Or Emet hosts an Open House on the first day of Hebrew School
          Time: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-253-0596

Tuesday, September 9

•  Vehicle Maintenance Safety Tips for Women - Learn Safety Tips and Maintenance for your car! Learn how to use a flare and how to stay safe. This class is free and there is no charge for supplies. Classes will be held at College of the Canyons - Y 106 - 26455 Rockwell Canyon Road,
Santa Clarita, Ca. 91355

For more information, contact Lin Betancourt at or at the phone number below.
          Time: 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
          Phone #: 661-362-3686

Thursday, September 11

•  Providence presents Women's Lecture "Menopause and Hormones" - Family physician Amy Goff, on staff at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center, will speak on topics related to women's health. The FREE lecture will be held at Church on the Way, 23415 Cinema Drive, Santa Clarita.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
          Phone #: 818-847-4535

Thursday, September 11 to Saturday, September 13

•  California Kids Consignment Fall Sales Event 2008 - The California Kids Consignment Fall Sales Event 2008 takes place September 11-13th. It only happens 3 times a year. You will find huge bargains on gently used children's clothing, toys, furniture, books, play equipment, infant accessories, maternity items, and more! Register as a seller and make some cash on your kids outgrown items. The Fall Sale 2008 event will be held at The Plaza Banquet Facility, 23710 Lyons Ave. Santa Clarita, CA 91321 (corner of Peachland and Lyons - next to the bowling ally). The Private Sale for consignors, volunteers, and new parents is Thursday, September 11th from 10AM. The sale is open to the public on Thursday, September 11th from 2PM - 7PM, Friday, September 12th from 9AM - 7PM, and Saturday, September 13th from 9AM - 2PM (50% discount on marked items the last day of the sale). Find stuff for your kids and keep money in your pocket. Don't miss it! Located at The Plaza Banquet Facility - 23710 Lyons Ave. Santa Clarita, CA 91321
          Time: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-309-9439

Friday, September 12

•  COC Performing Arts Center Presents The Righteous Brothers' Bill Medley - A member of the Rock and Roll Hall of
Fame, Bill Medley will display his powerful voice and moving lyrics. Tickets start at $94.50;
          Time: 8:00 PM

Saturday, September 13

•  Master Chorale auditions - The Santa Clarita Master Chorale is holding auditions for new members on Saturday, September 13 at the Valencia United Methodist Church, 25718 McBean Parkway in Valencia. The Chorale rehearses weekly from September through June and presents a three-concert series in December, March and June. Most performances are at the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center at College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita. To obtain specific audition requirements and to schedule an audition, please contact the Santa Clarita Master Chorale at (661) 254-8886 or e-mail
          Phone #: (661) 254-8886

•  Frontline Community Church Hosts Beach Trip and Baptism - Starting at 10 a.m.; 513-0240

•  William S. Hart Museum Hosts "A Day at the Ranch" - Families will have fun learning about a day in the life of a cowboy. Guests are welcome to participate in different crafts and activities. Best dressed cowboy/cowgirl will be awarded. All ages welcome. Suggested donation of $2 per child;
          Time: 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
          Phone #: 254-4584

Saturday, September 13 to Sunday, September 14

•  Circle of Hope Hosts Annual Theatrical Tea - Enjoy high tea and a silent auction in a lovely garden, complete with live entertainment;
          Phone #: 254-5218

Sunday, September 14

•  Grand Opening of SCV Democratic Headquarters - Santa Clarita area Democrats Headquarters Grand Opening Celebration. Guests will enjoy the lush ambient sounds of the popular Los Angeles area jazz band Joe Bartone &
Thelonious Dub (

Local candidates including Carole Lutness (State Assembly) and Bruce McFarland (State Senate), plus special guest, Santa Clarita's own Charlie Robinson, fondly remembered as Mac Robinson on Night Court, will be there to meet and greet.

Take a grand tour and learn about volunteer opportunities. Refreshments and prizes including a cabin week-end at beautiful Pine Mountain Club.
23119 Lyons Ave., Newhall
          Time: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 877-2775

Wednesday, September 17

•  COC hosts Non-Profit Fair - More than 30 local non-profit groups and organizations will attend the College of the Canyons Non-Profit Fair on Sept. 17 to reach out to students and community members to explain how they can help further their non-profit causes.

The fair will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the outdoor area between the college's Administration building and the Student Center on the Valencia campus. Admission is free and open to the public.
          Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 362-3422

•  John Boston's History of the Santa Clarita Valley Class - Newhall was once attacked: by our own Air Force. As recently as the 1970s, there were Bigfoot sightings in Sand Canyon. Were we home to the world's biggest grizzly bear? A Chinese general once named Saugus as one of the top military targets on Earth. Placerita Canyon was named a national park. William S. Hart was almost murdered at his mansion. Santa Clarita is one of the most interesting and historically significant spots in America. This fall, through the SCV Historical Society, John Boston is offering his renowned and entertaining history class. The three-hour lecture series begins Sept. 17th, 6:30 p.m. and runs every Wednesday night until Nov. 19th. What makes the class unique is that it is held at a different and scenic location each week, ending with Boston's fabled Campfire Class that covers all the monster, gee-whiz and odd crime stories of our valley.

Fee for the class will be $120 plus $20 materials/location fee.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
          Phone #: 661-254-1275

Thursday, September 18

•  Providence presents Women's Lecture "Women & Coronary Artery Disease" - Family physician Amy Goff, on staff at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center, will speak on topics related to women's health. The FREE lecture will be held at Church on the Way, 23415 Cinema Drive, Santa Clarita.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
          Phone #: 818-847-4535

•  Free Med Spa Symposium - Dr. Mark Berman, MD, FACS will be discussing "The Space Lift" starting at 6:30 p.m. at Beyond Harmony MedSpa. Refreshments will be served and attendees will receive spa goodie bags;
          Time: 6:30 PM
          Phone #: 298-8008

Friday, September 19

•  Majesty Concert - Majesty is The Master's College's 10-member vocal touring ensemble.
Beginning at 7:30pm, they will present a concert of contemporary and traditional Christian music in the Recital Hall of The Master's College.
          Time: 7:30 PM
          Phone #: 661-259-3540, ext 3180

•  Repertory East Playhouse Presents "Of Mice and Men" - Based on Steinbeck's novel; opens on Friday, September 19, with an Opening Night Gala at 7:00pm and curtain at 8:00pm.

Show times are Friday and Saturdays at 8:00pm and Sundays at 2:00pm through October 18.

Tickets are $17/$15. Advanced reservations are highly recommended.
          Phone #: 288-0000

•  Rituals Colour Salon Hosts "Stinkin' Sexy" Bra-donor Reception and Preview Party Event - Rituals also serves as a bra drop-off zone;
          Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 799-9910

Friday, September 19 to Saturday, September 20

•  COC Performing Arts Center Hosts "Annie" - Tickets start at $15;

Saturday, September 20

•  Boys & Girls Club presents "Day for Kids" - The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley and the City of Santa Clarita are partnering to offer the third annual Day for Kids at Newhall Park. This special event focuses on the importance of spending meaningful time with young people. More than 70 community organizations will provide FREE food, entertainment, games, carnival rides, and a raffle.
          Time: 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-254-CLUB

•  TPC West Ranch Art and Wine Gala - The inaugural event supports the arts in the Santa Clarita Valley. The five-course dinner, preceded by a champagne reception, features an art and wine auction by Sotheby's, Inc. Roy E. Disney serves as honorary chair;
          Phone #: 254-9300

•  Betty Ferguson Foundation 2008 Woman of Honor Dinner - Betty Ferguson Foundation will be hosting their eighth Woman of Honor Dinner on September 20, 2008, at the Hyatt Valencia. This year's theme is "The Rose Garden" where Liz Seipel, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Child and Family Center will be honored.

General ticket prices for this event are $150.00. For ticket sales, sponsorship opportunities, or to donate to the auction, please call the Foundation office or visit the website below.
          Phone #: (661) 702-8712

•  Community River Rally - Join your friends and family for a great community service project. Participants will be provided with gloves, collection bags, refreshments, along with giveaways. Visit the Environmental Expo, with over 20 vendors, to learn about recycling, air quality, pollution prevention, water quality, open space preservation, wildlife conservation, and much more. Ride your bicycle to River Rally and let them watch your bike while you participate. River Rally will take place on Wiley Canyon Road-off the Via Princessa Bridge, east of Orchard Village Road;
          Phone #: 286-4098

•  Hunger Defense Fund Walk-A-Thon - Join us for a two mile walk starting in the K-Mart parking lot at Soledad Canyon Rd. and Bouquet Canyon Rd. bringing awareness to the services we provide to alleviate hunger in our community. Registration is from 8:00 am - 9:30 am Saturday, Sept. 20th. To preregister and obtain sponsor forms, please call 661-299-9273.
          Time: 8:00 AM
          Phone #: 661-299-9273

Sunday, September 21

•  LARC Ranch Presents "Elvis is in the House!" - LARC Ranch's annual fundraiser will feature Elvis impersonator Raymond Michael, "one of the best Elvis acts in the world," according to Dick Clark. All proceeds benefit the LARC Foundation. LARC Ranch is dedicated to helping developmentally disabled adults thrive through a variety of programs including 13 residential care homes and an adult developmental center;
          Phone #: 296-8636, extension 219

•  First Annual Bobby Thompson 5k Memorial Run - In memory of Bobby Duane Thompson. He was an accomplished ASU basketball player as well as an accomplished screen writer and independent film producer. All proceeds will be placed in a trust fund for his children, Jason & Jessica Thompson. The run will take place on a 3 mile course that ends on the track in the cougar football stadium. (26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91355)

Food and refreshments will be served at the event. To receive your T-shirt please specify size during online registration process.

General Registration Fee: $25
Silver Registration: $50
Gold Registration: $100
Platinum Registration: Any donation over $150

Contact Terry Valona for more information.
          Time: 8:30 AM
          Phone #: 255-7819

•  Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Center Hosts Seasonal Acupuncture Event - From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., get a great immune system boost for the fall season. $35 per treatment;
          Phone #: 252-4100

•  Unitarian Universalist Church to support Cal Arts effort in Rwanda - CalArts Performing Arts Librarian Kathy Carbone will address the local Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregation on Sunday morning, September 21. The purpose of her talk is to explain a special project of CalArts in Kigali, Rwanda - a community research library devoted to the subject of genocide.

Church members will pass the collection plate during services, and all proceeds will be donated to this special Cal Arts "sister library." The Unitarian Universalists of Santa Clarita Valley take up a "Third Sunday" collection for charity once a month. Services are held at the SCV Senior Center, 22900 Market St., in Newhall.
          Time: 10:30 AM
          Phone #: 661-254-7866

Monday, September 22 to Thursday, September 25

•  Scoops for Our Troops at Cold Stone Creamery - Please contact Blue Star Mothers of the Canyons at or visit the Senior Center at 22900 Market Street, Newhall, CA 91321, or The Armed Forces Career Center - Army, 21515 Soledad Canyon Rd., Suite 107, Canyon Country, CA 91350. for a high resolution coupon to ensure that 20% of all purchases will be donated.

Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is an official Veteran's Service Organization (VSO) with tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) status. As military mothers, they take great pride in supporting all men and women who serve - and have served - our great nation. They work hard to raise the awareness of community members as to the good work of those serving our country and to the needs of our troops currently stationed so far from home, in harm's way. They support our active and Veteran military personnel and their families, our wounded and their loved ones, and the families of our fallen heroes.
          Time: 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-253-0811

Wednesday, September 24

•  Bella Notte Trunk Show hosted by Emma's Nest - Come and check out Bella Notte's newest fabrics and colors! Any orders placed that day will receive a 20% discount and a gift. Emma's Nest is located at 28060 Hasley Cyn Rd, Castaic,
          Time: 11:00 AM to 7:00 AM
          Phone #: 295-3994

•  COC Hosts Job & Career Fair - Held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Valencia campus, meet recruiters from over 100 businesses. The fair is open to the public and provides opportunities in career fields such as law enforcement, marketing, medical, sales, finance, recreation, education, computers and engineering. Recruitment booths are still available;
          Time: 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
          Phone #: 362-3286

•  City of SCV presents "Teen Scene Unplugged" - "Parenting/Understanding the Teen Brain" at the Hyatt Valencia
resource fair starts at 6pm, presentation starts at 7pm
Teen Scene Unplugged strives to provide parents with the tools they need to help them understand, and communicate better with, their teens. "Parenting/Understanding the Teen Brain" will feature Tina Bryson, PhD, lecturer, parenting educator, and director of parenting education and development at the Mindsight Institute. In her own genuine, practical and humorous way, Bryson will make brain science accessible, and discuss how the developing teen brain impacts teen behavior and decision making.
"There's a part of our brain that doesn't fully mature until the early 20s. And during the teenage years, it's under heavy construction. Understanding teen brain development, and applying that knowledge, can help us make good parenting decisions that will strengthen our relationship with our teenagers, and help them become the best persons they can be," said Bryson.
"Parenting teenagers is a monumental task and can be very challenging. Understanding the biological and physiological changes in our teenagers will help parents connect better and strengthen our relationship with our teens," said Mayor Pro-Tem Frank Ferry, who heads up the Blue Ribbon Task Force.
Teen Scene Unplugged is free. Parents may bring their teens along. Spanish translation is available during the program;
          Time: 6:00 PM
          Phone #: 255-4965

•  Total Request Live Sunday! at Frontline Community Church - We'll be counting down the top 10 favorites of Frontline's praise and worship starting at 10 a.m.
          Phone #: 513-0240

Thursday, September 25

•  Healing From Grief - Death, Divorce, Job Loss - A free community presentation on working through significant grief and loss events will be conducted at Santa Clarita City Hall by Jeff Zhorne, Grief Counselor and bereavement specialist. Attend this free event if you are suffering from the pain of loss. Jeff is the director of The Grief Program, an organization dedicated to guiding grieving people in resolving loss issues step-by-step to a richer quality of life.
          Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
          Phone #: 661-733-0692

•  Providence presents Women's Lecture "Diet & Exercise for Women" - Family physician Amy Goff, on staff at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center, will speak on topics related to women's health. The FREE lecture will be held at Church on the Way, 23415 Cinema Drive, Santa Clarita.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
          Phone #: 818-847-4535

•  Meet the Democratic Candidates - Santa Clarita's Democratic Alliance for Action (DAA) will host a "Meet the Candidates" evening attended by judicial and other local candidates for upcoming November 4 contests.

The event will be held at the regular monthly DAA meeting on Thursday, September 25 at 7:00PM, Vincenzo's Pizza, 24504 1/2 Lyons Ave., Newhall. All Democrats are encouraged to attend.
          Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-877-2775

Friday, September 26

•  FREE Wine Tasting - Wine 661 and Ma Maison will host a free winde tasting to preview some of the newest vino collections from Wine 661. Also, any purchases made at Ma Maison will yield discounts at Wine 661. For more information: Ma Maison 24266 Valencia Blvd., Valencia .
          Phone #: 799-7983

•  Canyon Theatre Guild Hosts "A Night of Intrigue" Gala - Enjoy casino tables, entertainment, martini bar, gourmet dinner, auctions, intrigue and surprises to support local community theatre. Tickets are $100;
          Phone #: 799-2702

•  WorshipFest '08 - Hosted by Trinity Classical Academy. Come enjoy a night of great worship music featuring Lincoln Brewster, world renowned Christian recording artist. The concert will take place at Grace Baptist Church, 22833 Copper Hill Dr., Santa Clarita. Pizza and drinks will be available starting at 5:00 p.m., or you can bring your own picnic. Concert will begin at 6:30, and seating is first-come, first-served.
          Time: 5:00 PM
          Phone #: (661)296-2601

Saturday, September 27

•  Nutrition and Better Health - Retired fighter pilot, Vic Figalan, and SCV retired real estate agent, Alice Figalan will share how they reversed aging and got their health back. Attendees will have the opportunity to win gifts.

Held in the Community Room at Fountain Glen Senior Apartments, 25536 Fountain Glen Court in Stevenson Ranch
          Time: 10:30 AM
          Phone #: 661-302-4094

•  Senior Center Foundation Hosts Annual Benefit Wine Auction - "Flavors of Life" The event features fine wine, cuisine, and this year - a new venue. Sip and savor, enjoy live jazz and a silent and live auction at Mann Biomedical Park in Valencia; proceeds benefit Home Delivered Meals and related programs; Tickets are $60;
          Phone #: 259-9444

•  COC Performing Art Center Presents "The Capitol Steps" - The Capitol Steps is the only group in America that attempts to be funnier than Congress. Made up of a troupe of congressional staffers;
          Time: 8:00 PM

•  Henry Mayo's 24th Annual "Run for the Health of It!" - Heart rates and vital funds will be raised at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital's 24th annual "Run for the Health of It" 5-K Run and Walk. Participants will walk or run the 5K route, beginning at the hospital campus and ending at the United Methodist Church located across from Henry Mayo, beginning at 8:30 a.m. The event will also include a 1-K "Kiddie K" for children under 10 years of age beginning at 8:15 a.m. Registration opens at 7 a.m. in the hospital parking lot. Funds raised at "Run for the Health of It!" will benefit patient services at Henry Mayo.
          Time: 8:30 AM
          Phone #: 661-253-8086

•  Total Financial Solutions and The Boy Scouts of America Host Leaders of Character Gala - Held at the Hyatt Valencia. Locals who have made a difference in the SCV will be honored. Live and virtual auctions will benefit local scouting;
          Phone #: 284-6330 or 818-933-0120

Saturday, September 27 to Sunday, September 28

•  City of Santa Clarita Hosts Street Art Festival - The event, sponsored by Lockheed Federal Credit Union, will highlight a spectrum of artistic talent in Old Town Newhall. This exciting two-day festival will be located along Main Street between Lyons Avenue and 5th Street. The Street Art Festival is a free outdoor event, open to the public, and features live entertainment: local and international dance performances, live music, fine arts and crafts, hands-on art activities and the fine art of street painting;
          Time: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Sunday, September 28

•  Stinkin' Sexy Fashion Show and Bras for a Cause - Held at the beautiful Mountain Gate Country Club at 12445 Mountain Gate Drive, Los Angeles. Red carpet arrivals begin at 10:00 a.m. sharp! Gorgeously decorated bras will be offered on silent auction and unique boutique items will be available until lunch begins at noon. Sit back and enjoy fashions by Priscilla's Closet, HipzCouture, and smashing evening wear by Margo's Fashions modeled by professionals and members of the Soroptimist club.

Live music will be provided by the Stinkin' Orchestra.

Bra donors can obtain donor forms from the SISCV website and completed bras can be dropped off at Rituals Colour Salon at 26918 The Old Road where the bras will be on display until the day of the event. A special donor preview and reception will be held at Rituals on Friday, September 19, 2008 from 6 to 8 p.m. If you are interested in donating a bra, contact Donna Kreutz at 661-803-9070 for more information.
Individual tickets are $85 and are going fast so be sure to contact a Soroptimist quickly to guarantee yourself a seat.

Proceeds from the event will go to the club's local Community Outreach Programs as well as International projects SISCV supports.
          Time: 12:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-294-7841

•  Ernesto Pena Memorial Golf Tournament - The fourth annual Ernesto Pena Memorial Golf Tournament is slated for Sunday, September 28, 2008 at Elkins Ranch Golf Course in Fillmore. Tee time is 11 am., with a barbecue dinner to follow at 4:30 pm. This year's event will be a 4-person best ball scramble format and includes golf contests, raffle prizes, and tournament awards. Registration is $110 per person, which includes golfer's fees and the barbecue dinner. Barbecue tickets can also be purchased separately for $20 per person. Proceeds from this year's tournament will be donated to Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Health Foundation and the Ernie Pena Radiology Fund.

For more information and to register, contact Albert Barragan.
          Phone #: 661-296-0664

Monday, September 29

•  Or Emet Erev Rosh Hashanah Service - Or Emet Erev Rosh Hashanah Service (please contact Or Emet for tickets)
          Time: 7:45 PM
          Phone #: 661-253-0596

Tuesday, September 30

•  Or Emet Rosh Hashanah Service - Or Emet Rosh Hashanah Service (please contact Or Emet for tickets)
          Time: 10:00 AM
          Phone #: 661-253-0596

•  Spanish Malaleuca Wellness Presentation - There will be a 45 minute presentation on Melaleuca Wellness products in Spanish. Learn about non-toxic, green cleaning supplies for the home, vitamin products for health. No products are sold that day, it is information on the company and how to order only. Event will be held at the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, 24915 Peachland Avenue in Newhall.
          Time: 6:30 PM
          Phone #: 661 305-8099

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