November, 2008 Community Calendar
Saturday, October 11 to Saturday, November 1

•  Heritage Haunt - Curse of the Ghoul Mines - This year's Heritage Haunt theme will be "Curse of the Goul Mines" based on the history of Santa Clarita Valley's Mining History told with fictional spin. Experience a chance encounter with "The lady in Blue" or "Martha" that is known and often seen from reports over the years in the Newhall Ranch House. Take a tour through this Haunted house and witness it's paranormal activity first hand. Enter the "Goul Mines" if you dare, and if you're not careful, they may have you join them in the mines! Now step into the "Haunted Forrest", and if you proceed with caution, you may find a way out!

Live Bands
Theatrical Dance Production of Sleepy Hallow
Photo Opportunities with Haunted Scenes
Heritage Haunt Souvenirs
Hamburgers •Hot Dogs •Popcorn • Snacks • Drinks
Scare Zones

          Time: 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 254-1275

Saturday, November 1

•  Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center presents "Diavolo" - Dancers, gymnasts and actors interact with outrageous and surrealistic props and sets to create an almost cinematic experience;
          Time: 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 362-5304

•  Hart Park Presents "Wonder Horses that Built Hollywood" - Beginning at 4:00 pm, Join us for author Deanne Stillman's talk about Hollywood horses, including Fritz, the beloved and celebrated partner of William S. Hart. Held in the William S. Hart Park's Hart Hall, Admission is Free, Reservations preferred.
          Time: 4:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-254-4584

•  SCV Youth Project presents "Hold 'Em Not Hassle 'Em Poker Tournament" - Join the SCV Youth Project at TPC Valencia for their 2nd annual Celebrity studded Poker Tournament, Silent Auction, Cigar Rollers, and more!

Tony Potts of Access Hollywood will host, other celebrity guests will include Mark & Brian (KLOS), April Scott *Deal or No Deal) Sean Valentine (KBIG) and many more!

Tickets are $125 Individual buy-in for tournament and event and $40 Spectator viewing & silent auction.
Sponsorships are still available.
          Time: 5:30 PM
          Phone #: 257-9688

•  Valencia United Methodist presents "Karaoke Killer" - "Karaoke Killer," a mystery dinner theatre, presented by the youth of Valencia United Methodist Church, Saturday, November 1, at 6 p.m. Tickets available for $15 per person or $40 per family, includes dinner and entertainment. Proceeds benefit the youth program.
          Time: 6:00 PM
          Phone #: 255-1301

•  Wine Class at TPC Day 2 - Join host and Certified Sommelier instructor, DiMaggio Washington, as he discusses Northern and Southern California wines. This course will cover all the major wine country regions and associated wines.

The lunch provided will include salads, sliced italian meets, a selection of cheeses, freshly baked deli breads and dessert. This is a 2-day course held October 11 and November 1 at TPC Valencia; 26550 Heritage View Lane in Valencia. Students must be 21 years of age or older to enroll. Cost is $84/per day.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
          Phone #: 310-720-5401

Sunday, November 2

•  Saugus Swap Meet Hosts Antique Roadshow - Appraisers will be on site to estimate the value of your "aged" item;
          Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
          Phone #: 259-3886

•  City of Santa Clarita Hosts Santa Clarita Marathon - The day will include a full marathon, a half marathon, a 5k run/walk and a kid-k run. All races begin at 7 a.m. with the exception of the children's race, which will begin at 8:30 a.m.
          Time: 8:30 AM
          Phone #: 286-4018

Tuesday, November 4

•  "Audacity of Hope: Crossing the Finish Line" - Come Celebrate the incoming 2009 new president Barack Obama) All Obama supporters are welcomed regardless of political party affiliation. Bring your own noise maker.

Fantastic food, great friendly crowd, and a lot of strategizing for 2009. Bring your neighbor, friend and family member.

Held at PRESIDENTE Mexican Restaurant,
26625 Bouquet Canyon Road,
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
If lost (661) 297-7244

Hosted by Minerva & Todd Hoover
          Time: 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-295-9318

Wednesday, November 5 to Friday, November 7

•  "UCLA vs. USC Bone Marrow Challenge" - November is National Marrow Awareness Month

Santa Clarita's resident Bob Corrales is the inspiration behind the USC vs. UCLA Bone Marrow Challenge.
Bob Corrales is diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. The National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) has been searching for months for a donor, no one in the registry matches his DNA.

The Bone Marrow Challenge is currently supported by UCLA Medical Center, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, and USC to help add multi-race donors to the NMDP registry. It will be held on the UCLA & USC campus Nov. 5-7. To learn more on how to help or become registered, e-mail Nancy Ullman at
          Time: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Friday, November 7

•  Frontline Community Church Hosts Thirty-One LIVE - Like most women, she wears many hats....wife, mom, pastor, author and cancer survivor.

Holly has a real passion to see women become who God has designed them to be, and to see every generation of woman extend a helping hand to the younger generation.
          Time: 7:00 PM
          Phone #: 513-0240

•  Drive-Thru Flu Shot Clinic at COC - The City of Santa Clarita, the L.A. Department of Public Health and College of the Canyons along with the L.A. County Sheriff and Fire Departments, will be conducting a drive-through, flu shot clinic which will be conducted in the College of the Canyons parking lots adjacent to Valencia Boulevard, with shots being dispensed from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., or as long as the serum lasts.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM

•  Zonta Hosts Celebrity Tribute - Zonta's 2008 honoree is Duane Harte, 2003 SCV Man of the Year. Join us at this lively, fun event dubbed the "Biker Express" in keeping with Duane's love for Harley Davidson motorcyles. Proceeds from this major fundraiser go to our Foundation, which supports Zonta's grants and service projects.
          Time: 6:00 PM
          Phone #: 251-1352

Friday, November 7 to Saturday, November 8

•  3rd Annual Layne's Legacy Angel Holiday Boutique - Join Layne's Legacy for their 3rd Annual Angel Holiday Boutique held at Macc Designs (25030 Avenue Tibbitts, Valencia).

Open House Friday 5-8 pm and Saturday 9 am - 5pm Raffle Items include Fully Decorated Holiday Trees.
A preview will be available at the Loose Goose Wine Festival Oct 4-5.
          Time: 5:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-295-8333

Saturday, November 8

•  Babe's Dessert Bar Hosts Birthday Give-away - Specials and raffle prizes all day long. Mention this birthday announcement for a delicious treat;
          Phone #: 254-4770

•  Green Thumb International Hosts Santa and Annual Christmas Open House - All Christmas merchandise will be on display, including the Department 56 Village collection. Bring the kids for an appearance by Santa Claus. Enjoy refreshments, drawings and special discounts;
          Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
          Phone #: 259-1072

•  Santa Clarita Symphony Presents Opening-night Black-Tie Gala - The symphony kicks off their 2008-2009 season in style with a black-tie event featuring Bryan Pezzone, a talented painist performing cross-over classical and jazz music in an improvisational style. Tickets range from $20-$40.
          Time: 7:30 PM
          Phone #: 362-5304

•  YMCA Pancake Breakfast - Santa Clarita Valley Family YMCA "Y-Guides" participants will host their 21st Annual Pancake Breakfast which serves over 500 people with pancakes, sausages, bagels and drinks. This event benefits the Y-Guides program and provides financial assistance to families who are in need of scholarships and other assistance to the program. Tickets are on sale for $3 at the YMCA, or are $5 the day of the event. For more information, contact the YMCA at (661) 253-3593.
          Time: 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM
          Phone #: 661-253-3593

•  All-American Adopt-A-Bull Extravaganza / A Pit Bull Adoption Event - Meet the shelter "Ambassadogs", shake paws with the new "All-American Tails" winners, test your knowledge with our "Bull or No-Bull" game, get your picture taken at the "Kiss-A-Bull" booth, and meet our professional behavior trainers while adopting a buddy!
          Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
          Phone #: 818-378-8995

Saturday, November 8 to Sunday, November 9

•  Circle of Hope, Inc. Hosts Holiday Boutique - Help uninsured and under insured individuals pay for their breast cancer treatments. Held at His Way Community Church;
          Phone #: 254-5218

•  Beyond the Fringe Salon Hosts FREE Power Dose and Blow Dry Event - Beyond the Fringe invites you to a complimentary Loreal prescription conditioning treatment and blow dry. Space is limited and reservations are required so book your appointment today!
          Phone #: 259-1982

Sunday, November 9

•  Chabad of SCV Celebrates 10th Anniversary - Join Chabad of SCV in celebrating their 10th Anniversary at the Hyatt Valencia with Mentalist/Magician, Marc Salem. Marc will be performing his "Mind Games" for the public in honor of Chabad of SCV's 10th anniversary. There will also be a silent auction and raffle. All procceds raised benefit Chabad's Youth Progams.
          Time: 8:00 PM
          Phone #: Naomi Young @ 296-4566 or Chabad of SCV at 254-3434

•  Santa Clarita Artists Association Presents Classic Art Show - Enjoy a gala event featuring over 120 pieces of original, locally-produced art. Live music, hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be served. Held at Hart Hall at Hart Park
          Time: 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
          Phone #: 618-0939

Monday, November 10

•  Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Center - Provides Seasonal Acupuncture Treatment From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., get a great immune system boost for the winter season. $35 per treatment;
          Phone #: 252-4100

•  YMCA Veterans Day Luncheon - The Santa Clarita Valley Family YMCA will be hosting a Veteran's Day Luncheon in honor of our community's heroes. Lunch, refreshments and a hosted program will be featured.
          Phone #: 661-253-3593

Tuesday, November 11

•  Sierra Hillbillies Beginner Classes for December - The Sierra Hillbillies Square and Round Dance Club is continuing its square dancing classes in the month of December for beginners at Mitchell Elementary School, 16821 Goodvale Road in Canyon Country. Couples and singles are welcome. Rod Shuping is the instructor.
          Time: 7:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 250-8828

Wednesday, November 12

•  Shop Happy Boutique - Shop Happy - Leave Happy

Holiday boutique with free mini spa services, fine jewelry, home decor, imported stationary, personal stylist, culinary advice, fashion apparel, accessories and so much more!

Refreshments will be served. Raffle prizes will be offered. Registries are available.
          Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
          Phone #: 24219 Heritage Lane, Newhall 91321

•  Vino 100 presents "Meet the Winemaker" - Meet the Winemaker features Lapis Luna Wines from Lodi. $10/person;
          Time: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
          Phone #: 294-6886

Thursday, November 13

•  Beyond Harmony Hosts Holiday Makeup Master Class - Former Estee Lauder makeup artist, Joseph Saenz will discuss custom-blended colors, selecting the best colors to enhance features and tips for holiday looks. Reservations recommended. Free;
          Time: 6:00 PM
          Phone #: 298-8008

Friday, November 14

•  Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center presents COC Music Fall Concert - The College of the Canyons Symphonic Band and Jazz Ensemble present a very special Fall Concert;
          Phone #: 362-5304

Friday, November 14 to Sunday, November 16

•  Master's College presents "Opera Scenes" - Join The Master's College music department as they travel to lands in the opera world. In Opera Scenes, students will be recreating scenes from Mozart's Magic Flute and from Gilbert and Sullivan's Mikado. Shows, all of which are free, begin at 7:30 pm on Friday and Saturday evening and at 2:30 pm on Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, November 15

•  Hasley Crossroads Grand Opening & Car Show - Join Hasley Crossroads for their Grand Opening Event, located at 28050-28080 Hasley Canyon Road in Castaic. Some of the exciting activities planned for the whole family include: Classic Car Show, Live Music, Petting Zoo, Jumpers, Face Painting & Balloon Animals, Hula Dancers, Raffle Drawings for Prizes and, MORE! Participating businesses include: Adriana's Hair Salon, Akasaka Sushi, El Rinconcito Authentic Mexican Food, Emma's Nest Home Decor, Gandolfo's New York Delicatessen, Lavender Oasis Nails & Spa, Maui Wowi Hawaiian Coffees & Smoothies, Skewers Mediterranean Grill and WINGS Pizza-n-Things.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

•  Shelley Winsor Shopping Tour at White House Black Market - This is only open to the first 10 people that RSVP. The store is opening early for this special shopping session! Get discounts and fashion advice from a professional from one of your favorite stores! Future Shopping Tours at other local Santa Clarita fashion hot spots, so sign up at to receive information on upcoming events!
          Time: 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
          Phone #: 818-470-0444

•  Valencia Wine Company's 4th Annual Tasting Event Seduces Everyone at TPC - Valencia Wine Company's 4th Annual Holiday Tasting at Tournament Player's Club Valencia (TPC) on Saturday, November 15th from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. is the wine affair of the season. Featuring hundreds of wines to sample, attentive suppliers to answer questions and a fine selection of gourmet appetizers.

Whether you love French Burgundy, Argentine Malbec or New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs, they will be offering wines from around the world that will surely promise to seduce every palate.

Attendees will sip to their heart's content while live music plays, because along with the inclusive tasting, the musical genius of Gerry Rothschild and Lynn Woolever will be providing vocal and instrumental jazz and pop.

And, after finding the wines that romance, guests to this event will have the opportunity to order them at a substantial discount, timed for the holidays -- 15% off 6 bottles or more, 20% off twelve bottles or more.

Entrance to this event also allows the opportunity to order wines at a substantial holiday discount - 15% off 6 bottles and 20% off twelve bottles. Tickets: $70. Call: 661.254.9300 to reserve your space.

          Time: 1:00 AM to 5:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-254-9300

•  Frontline Community Church Hosts VERTICAL Youth Concert - Divine Attraction performs live;
          Time: 7:00 PM
          Phone #: 513-0240

•  Festival of Trees 'Magic of the Lights Gala' - Held in the Hyatt Valencia's Grand Ballroom, enjoy a magical evening with dinner, dancing, live entertainment and live auction bidding on the perfect tree for your home or office. In the spirit of giving, consider purchasing a tree (including food and gifts) for a local family in need. Tabletop trees will be available for silent auction bidding. Visit to the holiday boutique, the Avenue of the Wreaths or the Gingerbread Village. Tickets are $200 per person, and sponsorships and volunteer opportunities are available.
          Time: 6:00 PM
          Phone #: 254-3063

•  Boys & Girls Club presents 6th Annual Festival of Trees - Held at the Hyatt Valencia, make a stop at Santa's Station to have your picture taken with everyone's favorite elf. Bid on 3- to 4-feet-tall tabletop trees, shop the Avenue of the Wreaths, Visit Gingerbread Village and start your holiday shopping at the boutique. All funds raised benefit more than 3,500 local young people at the three Boys & Girls of Santa Clarita Valley Clubhouses. Entrance prices $5 for ages 15 and up; $3 for ages 4 to 13 and seniors; children under 4 are admitted free.
          Time: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
          Phone #: 254-3063

•  Vino 100 presents Meet the Winemaker - Vino 100 presents Lapis Luna Wines from Lodi. $10/person
          Phone #: 294-6886

•  Symphony of the Canyons presents The Enchanted Orchestra - A concert of romantic programmatic music featuring musical depictions of exotic lands, people and tales;
          Time: 7:00 PM
          Phone #: 362-5304

•  The Painted Turtle Golf Tournament - The 4 person scramble tournament will be held at the Rancho Vista Golf Course in Palmdale. Entry fee is $80 and includes prizes, contests, food, and a goody bag;
          Phone #: 310.451.1353 x111

•  Hart Museum Presents Fencing with Fairbanks - Experience the fencing legend of the silent film era, Douglas Fairbanks. Enjoy a buffet dinner and a private screening of "The Mark of Zorro" and meet historian Jeffrey Vance, who will be promoting the release of his latest book and five-disc collection focused on Fairbanks' life. Tickets are $50 and reservations are required
          Time: 5:00 PM
          Phone #: 254-4584

•  Kidz N Power Children's Fair and Business Expo - Hosted by SCV Professional Network All visitors will enjoy and participate in hands on displays, interactive games, moon bounces, tae kwon do demonstrations, and dance exhibitions, as well as learn about child safety and much, much more. A complete showcase that focuses on kids, products, services, and family all under one roof. Held at ATA Martial Arts, 26635 Valley Circle Drive, Canyon Country.

          Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Sunday, November 16

•  Chaminade College Preparatory Hosts Open House - From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for their middle school; an open house for the high school is scheduled for November 23 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
          Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

•  "Sunset in the Vineyard" wine tasting and vineyard tour - Enjoy an afternoon of wine, hors d'oeuvres and more benefiting the philanthropic efforts of the Assistance League. Located at the picturesque home and Compa Vineyard of Jeannie, Chris and Tim Carpenter. Enjoy samplings of a variety of wines from Santa Clarita Vintners. Highlights include auctions for an elegant catered dinner in the vineyard and a cruise on a 52' yacht in Marina Del Rey. Tickets are $50.
          Time: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 254-3288

Tuesday, November 18

•  Vino 100 presents "Black Bag" Wine Club Members Preview Night - You decide. That's the philosophy behind Vino 100's monthly wine club offering and preview event. Each month Vino 100 will pour four select wines that are not yet available in the store. Members can taste all four wines then decide which two they would like to take home that month. No cost for members; all others $15/person
          Phone #: 294-6886

Wednesday, November 19

•  All Corked Up Hosts Cabernet & Meritage Wine Tasting - From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. $40 per person;
          Phone #: 799-7979

•  Master's College presents "Chamber Strings Concert" - The Master's College Chamber Strings will be performing under the capable baton of Ingrid Chun. come explore with them the colorful spectrum that music has to offer with the sounds of Dohnanyi, Rossini, and others. Everyone is invited to this free concert!
          Time: 7:30 PM

Thursday, November 20

•  McKenna & Greene presents Holiday Open House - Discover a winter wonderland of unique holiday decor and gifts for everyone on your list. Drinks, appetizers, raffles and party shopping discount are included in this fun-filled event;
          Time: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 296-0935

•  HMNMH Hosts Holiday Blood Drive - Help save a life by donating; it's easy and fast. All blood types are needed and will be used locally. Held at Henry Mayo/COC Clinical Education Center, 25727 McBean Parkway (hospital campus). Walk-ins welcome;
          Time: 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
          Phone #: 253-8060

•  Penny Lane Adoption Awareness Event - Held at Mountasia Fun Center! Come learn about Foster Care and how to adopt a child! For information please call Laurie Rein, Penny Lane Adoption Program Manager at 818-894-3384. Your children are welcome and those in attendance will receive a FREE play pass. (No drop off's of children allowed.)
          Time: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 818-894-3384

•  Living With the Empty Chair at Holiday Dinners - Holidays are sad reminders of those we have lost. Whether it's your 1st, 10th or 50th year without your loved one, the empty chair at holiday dinners can cause enormous pain. The Valencia Library is offering a free presentation by a Certified Grief Counselor on the tools and skills needed for moving through significant emotional loss including death and divorce.
          Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
          Phone #: 661-733-0692

Thursday, November 20 to Sunday, November 23

•  COC Theatre presents "Some Girls" - At the COC Performing Arts Center, An outrageously funny depiction of a single man's odyssey through 4 hotel rooms across the country in search of the perfect woman;
          Time: 7:00 PM
          Phone #: 362-5304

Friday, November 21

•  Wine Party - Held at Ma Maison, call the store for details.
          Phone #: 799-7983

Friday, November 21 to Sunday, November 23

•  Candleman Hosts Holiday Open House Weekend - Refreshments, Open-House-only specials and more;
          Phone #: 257-9420

•  J. Serraino Hosts Juicy Couture Promotion - Enjoy 30 percent off all Juicy clothing, handbags, jewelry and other accessories;
          Phone #: 255-9944

Saturday, November 22

•  Sayre Fire Fundraiser at MB2 Raceway - MB2 Raceway presents the Day of Racing Fundraiser benefitting the victims of the recent Sylmar fire known as the Sayre Fire. They are offering 25% off all races on November 22nd.

A portion of the revenue raised will be donated to the victims of they Sayre Fire. The Smoke Wagon will also be on duty offering great BBQ specials between 12pm and 9pm and they will be donating a portion of their proceeds as well.

Please call MB2 Raceway for details on this event or how you can make a donation to this cause.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 11:59 PM
          Phone #: 866-986-RACE

•  Vino 100 Gives Thanks! - Join proprietors Lil Lepore and Shari Frazier as they celebrate two years of extraordinary wines, exceptional personal service and customer appreciation with this two-year anniversary sales event.
          Phone #: 294-6886

•  All Corked Up presents "Untraditional Thanksgiving" - Cooking Class & Wine Pairing at All Corked Up. Learn and taste unique Thanksgiving recipes including fig-cranberry stuffing and perimmon gravy from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.; $45 per person;
          Phone #: 799-7979

•  COC Hosts Annual Holiday Craft Fair - Experience an extensive collection of primarily handcrafted items;
          Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
          Phone #: 362-3521

•  Vino100 gives Thanks! - Join proprietors Lil Lepore and Shari Frazier as they celebrate two years of extraordinary wines, wine-savvy service and customer appreciation with this two-year anniversary sales event.
          Phone #: 294-6886

•  5th Annual Jacob Anthony Zamora Sporting Clay Memorial Shoot - Held at Oak Tree Gun Club in Newhall, Lunch and raffle tickets will be available. Registration begins at 8:00am, non-shooters are welcome. All proceeds benefit the CHP Explorer Program.
          Time: 8:00 AM
          Phone #: 661-212-3465

Sunday, November 23

•  VWC Tasting Event Seduces Everyone - Valencia Wine Company's 4th Annual Holiday Tasting at Tournament Player's Club Valencia (TPC) on Sunday, November 23rd from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. is the wine affair of the season. Featuring hundreds of wines to sample, attentive suppliers to answer questions and a fine selection of gourmet appetizers.

Whether you love French Burgundy, Argentine Malbec or New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs, they will be offering wines from around the world that will surely promise to seduce every palate. Attendees will sip to their heart's content while live music plays, because along with the inclusive tasting, the musical genius of Gerry Rothschild and Lynn Woolever will be providing vocal and instrumental jazz and pop.

Entrance to this event also allows the opportunity to order wines at a substantial holiday discount - 15% off 6 bottles and 20% off twelve bottles. Tickets: $70. Call: 661.254.9300 to reserve your space.

(This event was postponed from 11-15-08 due to Fire and freeway closures.)
          Time: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-254-9300

•  Help Sylmar Fire Victims stay warm this winter! - Our goal is to collect 600 gently used or new coats and jackets to help warm those lost their homes in the recent Sylmar wildfires. Sundays through January 4, 2009, please drop off coats and jackets at the SCV Senior Center, 22900 Market St., Newhall, between 9:30 and 11:30 AM. The UU of SCV church will do the rest. By serving as a collection team for the garments, congregation members will be able to track their progress toward the church's goal of warming at least 600 homes.

The church will be making regular deliveries to the Goodwill, and through that organization's partnership with The American Red Cross, fire victims will receive a voucher to spend on a coat or jacket at the Goodwill store in Sylmar. Donors will be furnished with a charitable donation receipt from the church, if desired.
          Time: 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
          Phone #: (661) 254-7866

Tuesday, November 25

•  Vino100 presents French Wines - Join Vino 100 as they explore French wines, $15/person
          Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 294-6886

Friday, November 28

•  Canyon Theatre Guild Presents "It's a Wonderful Life" - A man contemplating suicide on Christmas Eve explores flashbacks of lives that he has touched with the help of his guardian angel.
          Phone #: 362-5304

Saturday, November 29

•  Ma Maison presents the Book Signing of "The Great Mrs. Claus" - Book signing of "The Great Mrs. Claus" by local California author, Chris Shoemaker. This book will be wide released in December (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, etc.), but Chris has graciously agreed to bring the book to Ma Maison, read the story to the kids and autograph the books from 11am to 4pm. Located at 24266 Valencia Blvd, in the Valencia Crossroads center.
          Phone #: 799-7983

•  Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center presents "I Love A Piano" - Irving Berlin's "I Love a Piano" is a musical journey through American history. Go back in time via the ragtime rhythms of the early 20th century, the swinging sophistication of the '20s and '30s and the innocent optimism of the 1950s. "White Christmas," "Puttin' on the Ritz" and "There's no Business like Show Business" are just a few of the popular tunes you'll be humming after the show.
          Time: 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 362-5304

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