April, 2010 Community Calendar
Friday, March 12 to Saturday, April 10

•  On Golden Pond - The Repertory East Playhouse will continue its 2010 Season"On Golden Pond" with an Opening Night Gala wine and cheese reception March 12 at 7:00pm and curtain at 8:00pm.

Show times are Friday and Saturdays at 8:00pm and Sundays at 2:00pm. (NO SHOW Sunday April 4th) Tickets are $18 for Adults and $16 for students and seniors. Group rates are available. Advanced reservations are highly recommended.

The Repertory East Playhouse is located at 24266 Main Street in Newhall, CA. 91321
          Phone #: 661-288-0000

•  Rep East Playhouse Presents "On Golden Pond" - This is the love story of Ethel and Norman Thayer, who are returning to their summer home on Golden Pond for the 48th year;
          Phone #: 288-0000

Wednesday, March 31 to Thursday, April 1

•  Forest Lawn Concert - The Master's College music department will present its annual Forest Lawn Concert on March 31st and April 1st. Led by Dr. Paul T. Plew, the concert will feature selections from the resurrection part of Handel's "Messiah Oratorio," performed by the college orchestra and the combined choirs of Collegiate Singers, Chorale, and the Women's Chamber Choir. The concerts will take place at Forest Lawn in Glendale. To aquire tickets, call the box office or visit the website.
          Time: 7:30 PM
          Phone #: 661.259.3540, ext. 3193

Thursday, April 1 to Friday, April 30

•  Saugus Swap Meet Canned Food Drive - Saugus Swap Meet is holding a Canned Food Drive during the month of April. Donations of unexpired canned foods will be accepted on Tuesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays during Swap Meet Market hours from 7:00am - 2:00pm at both shopper entrance gates and in the office, Mondays and Fridays during from 8:00am - 4:00pm. All donations will benefit both the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry and the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission.
          Phone #: (661) 713- 0727
          Website: mail

Saturday, April 3

•  Spring Fest 2010 - Enjoy an Easter egg hunt, pony rides, live music by Acoustic Express and a balloon-animal-making Easter Bunny. Visit The Kiddie Express, too. The company boasts train rides around the old oak tree. Bridgeport Marketplace is located at the corner of Newhall Ranch Road and McBean Parkway in Valencia. Presented by Bridgeport Marketplace & Intertex Properties
          Time: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

•  Splash & Dash Egg Hunt - Bring your little ones out for an aquatic egg hunt to collect floating and submerged eggs to redeem for fun prizes. Parent participation is encouraged for the younger age groups. Participants will be invited to enjoy a private swim time with their families immediately after the egg hunt.
          Phone #: (661) 250-3700

•  Eggstravaganza - Grab your basket and join your local community in the search for goodies left by the E. Bunny at Central Park on Bouquet Canyon Road. The "Egg Scramble" begins promptly at 10:00 am. The event is free, and there is no registration required.
          Time: 10:00 AM

•  Journey Along the San Andreas Fault - The Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society will be presenting Dr. David Lynch, author of "Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault", who will present photographs and detailed maps that highlight the fault based on a series of driving trips from Cape Mendocino to the Mexican border, with emphasis on southern California. Copies of the "Field Guide" will be available for purchase and can be autographed by the author. Held at the Saugus Train Station in Heritage Junction at William S. Hart Park, 24101 Newhall Avenue (formerly San Fernando Road), in Newhall, California.
          Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-254-1275

•  Pedal for a Cause - Santa Clarita Velo and The City of Santa Clarita present the second annual Santa Clarita Century ride. Cyclists of every level will pedal for a cause with all proceeds benefitting non-profit organizations, the Santa Clarita Child & Family Center and C.O.R.E., the Center of Rehabilitative Exercise.

Courses include: Century, starting at 7:00 a.m. - 100 miles; Half-Century, starting at 8:00 a.m. - 52 miles;25 Miles, starting at 8:30 a.m. and Family Ride, starting at 10:30 a.m. - 6 miles.

All rides begin at the Westfield Valencia Town Center and feature food and water stops along the way.
          Phone #: 661.309.3135

•  River Oaks Shopping Center Presents Easter Egg Hunt - From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., kids will visit the Easter Bunny (bring your camera!), plus go on an Easter egg hunt, enjoy the "Duck Pluck" with prizes, crafts, face painting, a DJ and more. River Oaks Shopping Center is located on the corner of McBean Parkway and Magic Mountain Parkway.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Saturday, April 3 to Saturday, May 1

•  Canyon Theatre Guild Presents "Be My Baby" - A tale of two couples: a set of newlyweds and two older, single people who are polar opposites. Unexpected events throw the older couple together as the younger couple's relationship begins to unravel. It's a warm and funny story with some madcap mayhem thrown in for good measure. "Be My Baby" is an evening of comedy and romance for the young and young-at-heart. Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 pm on April 3, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30 and May 1. Sunday matinees at 2:00 pm on April 11 & 25. Tickets are $12-$15 for Adults and $10-$12 for Juniors and Seniors. The Canyon Theatre Guild is located at 24242 Main Street, Old Town Newhall.
          Phone #: 799-2702

•  Canyon Theatre Guild presents :Tom Sawyer - CTG brings all of the characters from Mark Twain's enduring tale to life on stage. With Tom and Huck, Becky, Joe Harper, Aunt Polly, Injun Joe, Muff Potter and the rest, this musical adaptation is fun for the whole family as it brings literature to life. Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2:00 pm on April 3, 10, 16, 17, 24 and May 1; Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm on April 11 & 25. For reservations, call (661) 799-2702. Theatre is at 24242 Main Street, Old Town Newhall.
          Phone #: (661) 799-2702

Sunday, April 4

•  Student Symphonic Orchestras Spring Spectacular - Starting at 7 p.m., Symphony of the Canyons presents a concert of fresh spring music and the winners of its annual concerto competition;
          Time: 7:00 PM
          Phone #: 362-5304

Wednesday, April 7

•  Everything before "The Shoot" - William Innes and Joey Carman will cover everything you need to know and do before the shoot - no matter what the event - wedding, corporate event or portrait session. Joey and William will share how they prepare to handle any situation and what equipment they use to achieve stunning and marketable imagery. Subjects include: Location scouting, Paperwork - what to have, Equipment, Checklists, Client communication $69 (Sign up for all 4 "The Shoot" sessions for $250 and save $26) SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

Thursday, April 8

•  SCV Jaycees: General Membership Meeting - Join us to socialize/network and meet JCI SCV members, also enjoy a drink and a special menu. Free and fun to attend! Held at The Paseo Club, 27650 Dickason Dr. in Valencia, in the lounge just to the right of the lobby. There will be a bar for drinks and a special menu to order food if you desire. RSVP/Register online ( at the Calendar of Events or e-mail Claudia Sheridan at
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

•  The Master's College Wind Ensemble Concert - On April 8th, The Master's College Wind Ensemble will perform their spring concert at 7:30 p.m. Led by Dr. Steve Opfer, the ensemble will play selections such as Concertango by Luis Alarcon, Beyond by Wataru Hokoyama, Stars and Stripes Forever by John Philip Sousa, and Symphony no. 2 by Kimberly K.Archer. The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. in The Master's College Music Recital Hall (24736 Quigley Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91321).
          Time: 7:30 PM
          Phone #: 661.259.3540, ext. 3193

Friday, April 9

•  Six Flags Private VIP Night - Six Flags Friends is offering limited tickets to "Spring Break - A Night to Remember" on Fri., April 9. For $40, guests can enjoy Six Flags Magic Mountain's regular operating day from 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. with the general public. Then from 8-11 p.m., displaying their special VIP wristband, guests will experience the extraordinary VIP private party with no waiting lines for their favorite rides. For tickets to this exclusive event, go to and enter THECLUB as the promo code at the top right of the webpage. The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley will receive $25 for each ticket sold.
          Time: 10:30 AM to 11:00 PM

•  CUSD presents 6th Annual Golf Tournament - Castaic School District presents the sixth Annual Golf Tournament at Robinson Ranch Golf Course. The tournament features a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Participants will receive a continental breakfast, a round of golf with a cart, a barbeque chicken lunch, raffles, prizes and a tournament T-shirt.
Register by March 19th, Individuals $200 4-player teams $700. All levels of players are welcome but must be at least 18-years old.
          Time: 7:30 AM
          Phone #: (661) 373-4574

Saturday, April 10

•  Mastering Black & White Printing - David Saffir will take your fine art printing skills to a new level! Join us for a workshop focused solely on creating and printing Black & White images: Topics include digital capture, Photoshop tutorials on color adjustments, filters and presets, evaluation and finishing and coating methods. $109 SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

•  LA County Household Hazardous Waste Round-up - Drive-through to drop-off your household hazardous waste at College of the Canyons between 9am to 3pm. The County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works and the Los Angeles County Sanitation District operates this one-day free event.

Sunday, April 11

•  SCV Blues Monthly Pro Blues Jam - Enjoy great music and fun at the SCV Blues Society's Monthly Jam, featuring famous and amatuer players! Please feel free to bring your instruments!
Hosted By 805 South
Held at Vincenzo's Pizza, 24504 1/2 Lyons Ave., Newhall, CA. (In shopping center behind Shell Station on the SE corner of Interstate 5 and Lyons. Free/All Ages welcome.
          Time: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

•  Vine 2 Wine - Taste premier wines while supporting the empowerment of women and girls. Presale tickets are $50 or $55 at the door; presented by Betty Ferguson Foundation
          Phone #: 702-8712

•  MOMS Club of Saugus Fundraiser - Hosted by the MOMS Club of Saugus, this fundraiser will feature more than a dozen businesses offering specials and merchandise, including 2 Boys Loved, Avon, Discovery Toys, Dove Chocolatier, Lia Sophia Jewelry, Phoenix Trading Greeting Cards & Stationery, The Pampered Chef, Piggies & Paws personalized pictures and frames, Scentsy Candles, Tastefully Simple and Tupperware. There will be arts and crafts for the kids, home-baked goods for sale as well as a family resource information table. Held in the Albertsons parking lot at the corner of Haskell Canyon and Bouquet Canyon Rd.
          Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-263-0300

Monday, April 12

•  Basic DSLR Camera (Part 1 of a 3 part workshop) - Mel Carll instructs this 3 session workshop focusing only on the camera. We will start session 1 at the beginning with camera modes, aperture, shutter, and ISO. What these mean, and where they are on your camera. We will also discuss how they work together to create the photos you are looking for and then talk about what to work on during the days between sessions. This is a hands-on class, please bring your DSLR camera to class. This class is not geared toward point and shoot cameras. (Part 2 will be held on 4/19 and Part 3 on 4/26/2010) $129 for all 3 sessions SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

•  Basic DSLR Camera (Part 1 of a 3 part workshop) - Mel Carll instructs this 3 session workshop focusing only on the camera. We will start session 1 at the beginning with camera modes, aperture, shutter, and ISO. What these mean, and where they are on your camera. We will also discuss how they work together to create the photos you are looking for and then talk about what to work on during the days between sessions. This is a hands-on class, please bring your DSLR camera to class. This class is not geared toward point and shoot cameras. (Part 2 will be held on 4/19 and Part 3 on 4/26/2010) $129 for all 3 sessions SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

Tuesday, April 13

•  SCV Speed Networking and Mixer - Hosted by SCV Jaycees - The SCV Jaycees invite you to expand your business network, while seamlessly supporting the desperate needs of cancer patients and research. A major portion of the proceeds will go to The Brenda Mehling Cancer Fund and to The American Cancer Society. In speed networking you can make 10 new contacts in 30 minutes. A general mixer will immediately follow the speed network session. Appetizers will be served and a great drink special as well. Held at the Courtyard Mariott, 28523 Westinghouse Pl , Valencia. Speed Network with Mixer - $20.00
Mixer Only - $5.00
          Time: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
          Phone #: 661 375-7355

Wednesday, April 14

•  "The Shoot" - Time to get out and take some photos! See through the lens to discover what instructors William Innes and Joey Carman have done to earn 30 years of satisfied clients. Also, listen in on what Joey and William do to relax their clients and capture one of a kind images. Subjects include: Natural lighting, Flash and strobe lighting, Posing, Camera techniques and settings, Relaxing your clients, Reception halls $69 (Sign up for all 4 "The Shoot" sessions for $250 and save $26) SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

•  How to Photograph your Child - Autumn Hull instructs a special workshop just for parents. She will show you how to capture those moments as you see them, by taking your camera out of those automatic settings that destroy your images. We will shoot indoors and out, in natural settings and in semi-posed situations. You will learn how to use your camera, including all those mysterious settings that you've probably never touched. We will show you how to use light to get the most flattering images of your child. We will also explore how you find the light and how to anticipate the moment. We will discuss how to shoot outside in any weather or lighting condition, plus much, much more. Learn how to preserve those moments before they slip away! This is a hands on class, so please bring your camera to the workshop. $79 SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

•  Pool Tournament - Chalk Up Your Cue Sticks! The SCV Senior Center is hosting a pool tournament. Trophies awarded to top three winners. Contact Robin Clough to sign up: 259-9444, Ext. 110.
          Time: 9:30 AM
          Phone #: 259-9444, Ext. 110

Wednesday, April 14 to Sunday, April 18

•  COC Theatre Presents "Delightful Disorientation" - A handpicked ion of contemporary playwright David Ives's best one-act plays;

Thursday, April 15

•  HDR Photography - Join instructor Ted Dayton on a journey into HDR Photography. Learn how to plan your composition, camera settings and everything you need to get it right while shooting, then learn how to process those images. You will learn to process the HDR images using Photomatix Pro and also Photoshop. Ted will share his tips and tricks to image processing. Please bring your camera, tripod and cable release. Also bring your laptop loaded with Photomatix. You can get a free 30 day trial at . If you purchase Photomatix use the code SCVPHOTO15 for a 15% discount. $69 SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

Thursday, April 15 to Sunday, May 9

•  Mother's Day Cruise - Celebrate Mother's Day aboard the Scarlett Belle, which will feature a special sailing around the Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard in honor of Mother's Day. Family discounts are available for groups of 8 or more. Call for reservations or visit the website for more information.
          Phone #: 805-204-0977

Saturday, April 17

•  Earth Arbor Day - The City of Santa Clarita Earth Arbor Day, will celebrate the 21st Annual Arbor Day Celebration at Central Park. Themed zones will include eco, green car, tree, water conservation, community, and children's zones.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

•  6th Annual 5K Walk for Hope - The Circle of Hope 5K and Car Show start at 8:00 am at lower Castaic Lake scenic area. After the walk, enjoy a Car Show and BBQ lunch by The Friends of Castaic Lake for $5. Our Princess Court will reward completing walkers with a memento at the finish line for all your support. 100% of the proceeds benefit Circle of Hope whose mission is to provide financial and emotional aid for breast cancer patient that live, work or receive treatment in the Santa Clarita Valley.
          Phone #: 661-254-5218

Sunday, April 18

•  MB2 Raceway in Sylmar Hosts Dancing with our Stars Fundraiser at the Track for Carousel Ranch - MB2 Raceway in Sylmar will donate a generous portion of the day's total sales. Every race will be included, so take to the track and raise funds for Carousel Ranch, a Santa Clarita nonprofit equestrian therapy organization that serves over 100 local families and children with disabilities. If you can't make Race Day on April 17, consider a $25 "vote" for MB2 general owner Chris Brooks, who will be taking to the dance floor on April 24 in hopes of winning the coveted Mirror Ball trophy. Log onto to place your vote today;
          Time: 10:00 AM to 11:59 PM
          Phone #: 866-986-RACE

•  The Secret is Out - The Men of Harmony reveal their emotions in a range of songs new and old. From the Beatles, the Beach Boys, Herman's Hermits and many more all time favorites. It's a whimsical battle of the sexes in humorous and romantic melodies. Held at the SCV Senior Center, 22900 Market St in Newhall. Seniors and children $13, Adults $15. Limited seating still available.
          Time: 2:00 PM
          Phone #: 661 2962292

•  Valley Trails Summer Camp Open House - Parents will find out first hand what makes Valley Trails so special. Tour the 200-acre property - featuring two 500-foot zip lines, two swimming pools, ball fields, go-carts, a climbing tower, basketball courts, hiking trails, arts and crafts and much more. Valley Trails, which is built on 40 years of day camp experience, now offers free extended care, as well as free transportation to and from Stevenson Ranch, Valencia, Saugus and Canyon Country. Kids K through ninth grade will thrive while making friends - and memories. Age-specific activities and incredible counselors make the experience exceptional;

          Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
          Phone #: 257-0266

•  "Share the Secret" Presentation - Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures Dairy Co. is going to be visiting us locally at the Agua Dulce-Acton MOMS Club Spring Sale. Mark is internationally recognized as an expert in raw milk production, and has spoken nationwide and around the world. He has over 16 years experience as an EMS paramedic and medical educator. Mark is a shining star in the "real food movement", in a world where the effects from overly processed food, namely obesity and chronic disease, are becoming more and more alarming.
          Time: 1:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-977-3125

•  20th Annual Footsteps 5K Run/Walk - Assistance League presents a 5K Run/Walk and Kids 1K Fun Run benefitting Operation School Bell®, providing new shoes, clothing, school supplies and health care kits to Santa Clarita elementary school children in need. Check in and registration for the race starts at 6:15 am, rain or shine. Kids 1K starts at 8am and the 5K starts at 8:15am local time.
Register online today! Held in Newhall Park, 24907 Newhall Ave., corner of Dalbey Drive and Newhall Avenue.
          Time: 6:15 AM
          Phone #: (661) 253-3114

•  MOMS Club of Agua Dulce Fundraiser - The MOMS Club of Agua Dulce-Acton will host a bake sale, garage sale, and business expo featuring cosmetics, jewelry, toys, food, and wellness.

In addition, Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures will "Share the Secret" at 1 p.m. , providing basic public service information about the virtues of real milk, organic grass-fed meats and related nutrition topics.

Held at 32941 Crown Valley Road in Acton (near 14 freeway). Tables are still available, please call for information.
          Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
          Phone #: 661-977-3125

Monday, April 19

•  Basic DSLR Camera (Part 2 of a 3 part workshop) - Mel Carll instructs This 3 session workshop will focus only on the camera. We will start session 2 from where we left off in session 1 with a review, then on to depth of field, lens selection and white balance. This is a hands-on class, please bring your DSLR camera to class. This class is not geared toward point and shoot cameras. (Part 1 will be held on 4/12 and Part 3 on 4/26/2010) $129 for all 3 sessions SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

•  Basic DSLR Camera (Part 2 of a 3 part workshop) - Mel Carll instructs This 3 session workshop will focus only on the camera. We will start session 2 from where we left off in session 1 with a review, then on to depth of field, lens selection and white balance. This is a hands-on class, please bring your DSLR camera to class. This class is not geared toward point and shoot cameras. (Part 1 will be held on 4/12 and Part 3 on 4/26/2010) $129 for all 3 sessions SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

•  Santa Clarita Artists Association-Monthly Membership Meeting - Join the Santa Clarita Artists Association for their monthly membership meetings located in the Valencia Town Center Mall Community Room (between JC Penney and the Food Court). See artist demonstrations and lectures while getting to know local artists in a relaxed setting. Refreshments are provided. The first meeting is free!
          Time: 7:00 AM to 9:30 AM

Tuesday, April 20

•  How to Win at Print Competitions - If photography is an epic poem, Print Competition is a sonnet: It has a structure, rules, and rhyme scheme all its own. In this workshop, award-winning photographer David Green shares his insights on what it takes to do well at print competition, and why sometimes even a great photo may not do well. We will discuss presentation, composition, balance, printing techniques, subject matter, naming, and all the other elements that go toward scoring a much-desired Award of Merit or even more. SCVPA print competition is May 22, 2010. Note that everyone that attended this workshop in October 2009 won either a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place ribbon in the last print competition. $49 SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

Wednesday, April 21

•  Everything after "The Shoot" - So you captured some beautiful and breath taking images - what's next? Instructors William Innes and Joey Carman will show you how to develop a workflow that works for you. Save time and deliver ART to your clients. Discover what to do after you've processed your images. Subjects Include: Post production, Software, How to deliver images, Albums - designing and manufacturing, Canvas prints, Packaging and finishing $69 (Sign up for all 4 "The Shoot" sessions for $250 and save $26) SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

•  Evening of Remembrance - At the Central Park Youth Grove, the community will remember the Santa Clarita Valley youth who have lost their lives in traffic-related collisions and raise awareness about the importance of safe and responsible driving. Families with teen drivers and soon-to be drivers are encouraged to attend.

Thursday, April 22 to Sunday, April 25

•  Cowboy Festival - The best performers in western entertainment will celebrate the City of Santa Clarita's 17th annual Cowboy Festival, with several events throughout the Santa Clarita Valley. On April 24 and 25, walk through an authentic Western movie set at Melody Ranch Motion Picture Studio, enjoy performances by Cowboy musicians and poets, and dine on Cowboy cuisine.

Friday, April 23

•  Rep East Playhouse Presents "12 Angry Men" - The drama depicts a jury forced to reconsider its nearly unanimous decision by a single dissenter who sows a seed of reasonable doubt;
          Phone #: 288-0000

Friday, April 23 to Saturday, April 24

•  Vino 100 Hosts Encore Book Signing Tour: "Their Last Suppers" Hardcover Release - From 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday and 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, meet Andrew Caldwell, The History Chef, as he shares the tales of famous people and their final meals. Wine tasting, book signing and light appetizers to be had for $10;
          Phone #: 294-6886

Saturday, April 24

•  Academy Swim Club Hosts April Pool's Day - Meet special guests, including Captain Jack Sparrow and Sponge Bob, and enjoy games and water-safety stations, where children can learn water safety skills - hands on - with lifeguards;
          Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
          Phone #: 702-8585

•  Dancing with our Stars - 20 Santa Clarita nonprofit agencies and their celebrity dancers compete for votes to raise money at the Century Plaza Hyatt;

•  LSS Pancake Breakfast - Lutheran Social Services Community Care Center invites you to bring your family out for a delicious breakfast, meet new people and help us battle homelessness in the SCV. Tickets $5/ adult; $3/child. Hosted by Bethlehem Lutheran Church (27265 Luther Drive in Santa Clarita)
          Time: 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM
          Phone #: (661) 993-6198

Sunday, April 25

•  Bunco Fundraiser for Relay for Life - The MOMS Club of Valencia North will host a BUNCO fundraiser on Sunday, April 25, at Wolf Creek Brewery at 2pm to benefit the Relay for Life here in Santa Clarita. The entry fee is $25 per person and includes appetizers, non-alcoholic beverages, and one raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the event. All entries must be paid in advance.
          Time: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
          Phone #: 818-470-5954

Monday, April 26

•  Basic DSLR Camera (Part 3 of a 3 part workshop) - Mel Carll instructs session 3 with a review of the assignment, sort out the mysteries and then dive back into the camera. Other topics will include color space, exposure controls, bracketing and whatever else time permits. So bring in that camera and let's get down to what makes it work. This is a hands-on class, please bring your DSLR camera to class. This class is not geared toward point and shoot cameras. (Part 1 will be held on 4/12 and part 2 on 4/19/2010). (Fee included in session 1) SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

•  Basic DSLR Camera (Part 3 of a 3 part workshop) - Mel Carll instructs session 3 with a review of the assignment, sort out the mysteries and then dive back into the camera. Other topics will include color space, exposure controls, bracketing and whatever else time permits. So bring in that camera and let's get down to what makes it work. This is a hands-on class, please bring your DSLR camera to class. This class is not geared toward point and shoot cameras. (Part 1 will be held on 4/12 and part 2 on 4/19/2010). (Fee included in session 1 SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

Tuesday, April 27

•  How to Photograph your Child - This is a special workshop instructor Autumn Hull offers just for parents. She will show you how to capture those moments as you see them, by taking your camera out of those automatic settings that destroy your images. We will shoot indoors and out, in natural settings and in semi-posed situations. You will learn how to use your camera, including all those mysterious settings that you've probably never touched. We will show you how to use light to get the most flattering images of your child. We will also explore how you find the light and how to anticipate the moment. We will discuss how to shoot outside in any weather or lighting condition, plus much, much more. Learn how to preserve those moments before they slip away! This is a hands on class, so please bring your camera to the workshop. $69
SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

•  One "Biggest Winner" Ends; Another to Begin - The 10th person to win Santa Clarita's "Biggest Winner" will be announced, followed by a Q&A on the program as it prepares to start another round. The "Biggest Winner" is a 12-week lifestyle modification program designed to educate and empower participants to make the right choices to get lean and strong for a lifetime. The competition includes a three-week detox; three meetings about food, mind, and exercise; weekly consultations and biometric assessments; e-mail support; and a journal, workout book and all instructions. A $500 visa gift card will be awarded to the winner of the competition, based on success in several categories, not just the most weight loss.
          Time: 7:30 PM
          Phone #: 661-294-0429

Wednesday, April 28

•  How to Get the "The Shoot" - The three previous workshops will be great, but meaningless unless you have clients to go and photograph. Tonight Instructors William Innes and Joey Carman will share some of the marketing techniques that have helped them grow their business - even in a downward economy! Subjects Include: Social Media, Print Advertising, Bridal Shows, Where to market, Word of mouth... (Clients and vendors), Networking, Face to face marketing $69 (Sign up for all 4 "The Shoot" sessions for $250 and save $26)
SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

Thursday, April 29

•  Close-up and Macro Photography - Ron Brewer will teach you all about close-up and macro photography to bring out the detail of your subject in this hands on class. We start with a demo of macro photos and how the shot happened, showing both before and after the edits. We will then discuss the setup including background considerations, selection of subject, lighting ideas and options, camera setup and getting the close-up image. Next we break out to live shooting and apply what we have learned. We will have a variety of macro subjects on different sets to shoot, practice and ask questions. You will end the evening with some great new macro shots to add to your portfolio. $69
SCV Photography Center is located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340 in Santa Clarita.
          Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
          Phone #: (661) 904-2092

Friday, April 30

•  Lula Washington Dance Theatre - Based in South Central Los Angeles, this company has risen to become one of the largest and most admired African- American dance companies in the West. Known for exploring theatrical, entertaining and energetic works that are accessible to all audiences, the company's choreography is set to a range of music, from experimental to blues;
          Phone #: 362-5304

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